Unleash The Ultimate Partner: Discovering The Best Palico Weapon in Monster Hunter World

Unleash The Ultimate Partner: Discovering The Best Palico Weapon in Monster Hunter World


Discover the best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World for your feline companion and take on monsters together like never before!

Monster Hunter World is a game that has captured the hearts of many players worldwide. With its immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and challenging monsters, it's no surprise that fans keep coming back for more. A crucial aspect of the game is having a trusty companion by your side, and what better sidekick than a Palico? These feline companions bring a unique set of skills and abilities to the table, and players can even customize their equipment. In this article, we will be exploring the best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World. So sit tight and get ready to learn all about how to gear up your furry friend.

Before we delve into Palico weapons, let's discuss what Palicos are and why they're so important in Monster Hunter World. Palicos are small, bipedal felines that assist hunters on their quests. They can be customized with different armor and weapons, and players can even train them to perform specific actions such as healing, attacking, or providing support. Palicos can also be sent on expeditions to gather resources and materials while the player is out hunting.

Now, let's move on to Palico weapons. The best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World is undoubtedly the Neko Dual Blades. These blades are an excellent choice for Palicos because they offer a balance between offense and defense. The Neko Dual Blades have a high attack power and can deal significant damage to monsters. They also have a relatively fast attack speed, making them ideal for quick strikes and combos.

Another great thing about the Neko Dual Blades is that they have the ability to block incoming attacks. This is particularly useful when hunting monsters that have powerful attacks or when your Palico is surrounded by multiple enemies. With the Neko Dual Blades, your Palico will be able to hold its ground and counterattack effectively.

One thing to keep in mind when using the Neko Dual Blades is that they have limited sharpness. This means that they will need to be sharpened frequently to maintain their effectiveness. However, this minor inconvenience is a small price to pay for the benefits that these blades provide.

If you're looking to maximize your Palico's damage output, consider pairing the Neko Dual Blades with the Felyne Comet. The Felyne Comet is a ranged weapon that fires explosive rounds at monsters. It has a high attack power and can deal massive damage when used correctly. Combining the Felyne Comet with the Neko Dual Blades allows your Palico to switch between melee and ranged attacks, keeping monsters on their toes and dealing devastating blows.

Another great Palico weapon to consider is the Felyne Iron Assault Lance. This lance is an excellent choice for Palicos that prefer a more defensive playstyle. The Felyne Iron Assault Lance has a high defense rating and can block incoming attacks effectively. It also has a long reach, allowing your Palico to strike from a safe distance.

The Felyne Iron Assault Lance also has a special attack called the Shield Bash. The Shield Bash can stun monsters and leave them open to further attacks. This makes it an invaluable tool for Palicos that want to support their hunters by keeping monsters under control.

When it comes to customizing your Palico's equipment, there are many different options to choose from. Players can mix and match armor pieces, weapons, and accessories to create a unique setup that suits their playstyle. It's important to experiment and see what works best for you and your Palico.

Some other Palico weapons worth mentioning include the Felyne Styx Bow, the Felyne Iron Axe, and the Felyne Blacksteel Hammer. Each of these weapons has its own unique set of abilities and strengths, so be sure to try them out and see which one you prefer.

In conclusion, the Neko Dual Blades are the best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World. They offer a balance between offense and defense and have the ability to block incoming attacks. Pairing them with the Felyne Comet allows your Palico to switch between melee and ranged attacks, dealing devastating blows to monsters. However, it's essential to experiment and find a setup that works best for you and your Palico. With the right equipment, your furry friend will become an invaluable asset on your hunts.


In Monster Hunter World, Palicoes are your trusty feline companions that can accompany you on hunts. While they can’t deal as much damage as you can, they can still be very useful in battle. One way to make them even more helpful is by equipping them with the best weapons available. In this article, we’ll discuss the best Palico weapons in Monster Hunter World.

Meowlotov Cocktail


The Meowlotov Cocktail is a unique weapon that allows your Palico to throw explosive bombs at monsters. It’s a great weapon for dealing damage and stunning monsters, especially when used alongside other types of bombs. The Meowlotov Cocktail is also very easy to use, as your Palico will automatically throw bombs whenever it has the opportunity.

How to Obtain

You can obtain the Meowlotov Cocktail by completing the A Flash in the Pan quest in the Ancient Forest. This quest is available after completing the Purrfect Pal quest.



The Plunderblade is a weapon that allows your Palico to steal items from monsters. This is a great way to get rare items that you might not be able to obtain otherwise. The Plunderblade is also very useful for farming materials, as your Palico can collect items while you focus on fighting the monster.

How to Obtain

You can obtain the Plunderblade by completing the Jagras of the Ancient Forest quest in the Ancient Forest. This quest is available after completing the Purrfect Pal quest.



The Shieldspire is a weapon that allows your Palico to use a shield to defend against monster attacks. This is a great way to keep your Palico safe while you focus on dealing damage. The Shieldspire can also be very useful when fighting monsters that have hard-to-dodge attacks.

How to Obtain

You can obtain the Shieldspire by completing the A Radobaan Roadblock quest in the Rotten Vale. This quest is available after completing the Purrfect Pal quest.

Coral Orchestra


The Coral Orchestra is a weapon that allows your Palico to play music that provides various buffs to you and your teammates. This is a great way to increase your damage, defense, and other stats during battle. The Coral Orchestra can also be very useful when fighting monsters that have elemental weaknesses.

How to Obtain

You can obtain the Coral Orchestra by completing the Gone in a Flash quest in the Coral Highlands. This quest is available after completing the Purrfect Pal quest.

Vigorwasp Spray


The Vigorwasp Spray is a weapon that allows your Palico to heal you and your teammates with a spray of healing mist. This is a great way to keep your health up during battle and can be especially helpful when fighting tough monsters. The Vigorwasp Spray can also be very useful when playing multiplayer, as it allows your Palico to heal your teammates as well.

How to Obtain

You can obtain the Vigorwasp Spray by completing the Into the Bowels of the Vale quest in the Rotten Vale. This quest is available after completing the Purrfect Pal quest.


Overall, there are many great Palico weapons in Monster Hunter World that can help you during your hunts. Whether you want to deal damage, steal items, defend against attacks, buff your party, or heal your teammates, there’s a Palico weapon that’s perfect for you. So be sure to try out all of these weapons and see which one works best for your playstyle!

The Benefits of Equipping Your Palico with a Strong Weapon

As a hunter in Monster Hunter World, you are not alone in your quest to take down massive beasts that roam the land. Your trusty Palico is always by your side, ready to assist you in battle. Palicos are feline creatures that can be customized to your liking, including their equipment and weapons. In this article, we will be focusing on the best Palico weapons and how they can benefit you in your hunting adventures.Equipping your Palico with a strong weapon has many benefits. Firstly, it increases their damage output, allowing them to deal more damage to monsters. This can be especially helpful in solo hunts, where you have to rely on your Palico's assistance. Secondly, a strong weapon can help your Palico survive longer in battles, as it allows them to deal more damage while avoiding taking too much damage themselves.

Understanding the Different Types of Palico Weapons

Before we dive into the best Palico weapons, it's important to understand the different types of weapons available. There are six main types of Palico weapons: sword, shield, blunt, piercing, cutting, and ranged.The sword and shield type is a balanced weapon that offers both offense and defense. The blunt type deals high impact damage and can stun monsters. The piercing type is effective against hard-shelled monsters, while the cutting type deals slashing damage and is effective against soft-skinned monsters. Finally, the ranged type allows your Palico to attack from a distance, which can be useful in certain scenarios.

The Top Three Palico Weapons for Solo Hunting

Solo hunting can be challenging, but with the right Palico weapon, it can become much easier. Here are the top three Palico weapons for solo hunting:1. Meowlotov Cocktail - This weapon is unique in that it allows your Palico to throw explosive barrels at monsters, dealing massive damage. It's especially effective against monsters weak to fire damage.2. Neko Chanbara - This weapon is a sword and shield type that offers both offense and defense. It has a high attack power and can stun monsters with its shield attacks.3. Felyne Comet - This weapon is a blunt type that deals high impact damage, making it effective against monsters weak to impact damage. It also has a chance to stun monsters with its attacks.

The Best Palico Weapons for Multiplayer Quests

In multiplayer quests, your Palico's role changes slightly. They become more of a support role, providing buffs and healing to your party. Here are the best Palico weapons for multiplayer quests:1. Vigorwasp Spray - This weapon allows your Palico to provide healing to your party members. It's especially useful when fighting tough monsters that can deal massive damage.2. Coral Orchestra - This weapon allows your Palico to provide buffs to your party members, such as increased attack power or defense. It's a versatile weapon that can be tailored to your party's needs.3. Plunderblade - This weapon allows your Palico to steal materials from monsters, making it easier to craft new weapons and armor. It's especially useful when farming for rare materials.

Upgrading Your Palico's Weapon: Tips and Tricks

Upgrading your Palico's weapon is important if you want them to be effective in battle. Here are some tips and tricks for upgrading your Palico's weapon:1. Always check for new weapon upgrades after completing a hunt. You never know when a new upgrade will become available.2. Pay attention to the materials required for each upgrade. Some upgrades may require rare materials that can only be obtained by hunting certain monsters.3. Consider the elemental properties of your Palico's weapon. Matching the elemental weakness of a monster can greatly increase your Palico's damage output.

Assessing the Elemental Properties of Palico Weapons

Elemental properties can greatly affect your Palico's damage output. Each monster has a different elemental weakness, and matching that weakness with your Palico's weapon can greatly increase their damage output. Here are the elemental properties of Palico weapons:1. Fire - Effective against monsters weak to fire damage.2. Water - Effective against monsters weak to water damage.3. Thunder - Effective against monsters weak to thunder damage.4. Ice - Effective against monsters weak to ice damage.5. Dragon - Effective against monsters weak to dragon damage.

The Role of Palico Weapons in Elemental Status Ailments

In addition to dealing elemental damage, Palico weapons can also inflict elemental status ailments on monsters. These ailments can greatly affect a monster's behavior and make them easier to defeat. Here are the elemental status ailments of Palico weapons:1. Poison - Causes a monster to take damage over time.2. Paralysis - Temporarily paralyzes a monster, making them vulnerable to attacks.3. Sleep - Causes a monster to fall asleep, making them vulnerable to attacks.4. Blast - Causes an explosion that deals massive damage to a monster.

Palico Weapon Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Building a Palico weapon is similar to building your own weapon. It requires careful consideration of materials and elemental properties. Here is a comprehensive guide to building a Palico weapon:1. Choose the type of weapon you want to build.2. Obtain the necessary materials by hunting monsters.3. Upgrade the weapon as much as possible.4. Consider the elemental weakness of monsters you plan to hunt and choose a weapon that matches that weakness.5. Consider the elemental status ailment of the weapon and choose one that complements your playstyle.

The Importance of Customizing Palico Weapons

Customizing your Palico's weapon is important if you want them to be effective in battle. Here are some tips for customizing your Palico's weapon:1. Choose a weapon type that complements your playstyle.2. Consider the elemental weakness of monsters and choose a weapon that matches that weakness.3. Consider the elemental status ailment of the weapon and choose one that complements your playstyle.4. Experiment with different weapons to find one that works best for you.

The Future of Palico Weapons in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

With the release of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, there are sure to be new Palico weapons and upgrades available. It's important to keep an eye out for new upgrades and materials, as they can greatly enhance your Palico's performance in battle. As always, experimentation and customization are key to finding the perfect Palico weapon for your playstyle.

Monster Hunter World Best Palico Weapon

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide information and analyze the pros and cons of the Monster Hunter World best Palico weapon based on user feedback and game mechanics.

Pros and Cons

The best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World is subjective and depends on the player's preferences and playstyle. However, the most popular Palico weapon is the Vigorwasp Spray, which provides healing to the player and their allies. Pros:- Provides healing to the player and their allies- Convenient and easy to use- Can save players from cartingCons:- Limited offensive capabilities - Takes up the Palico's gadget slot, preventing the use of other gadgets- Healing may not be necessary if the player already has a healing item or skill

Table Comparison

Palico Weapon Pros Cons
Vigorwasp Spray
  • Provides healing to the player and their allies
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Can save players from carting
  • Limited offensive capabilities
  • Takes up the Palico's gadget slot, preventing the use of other gadgets
  • Healing may not be necessary if the player already has a healing item or skill
Coral Orchestra
  • Provides buffs to the player and their allies
  • Can improve the player's damage output, defense, and stamina
  • Can be customized with different melodies
  • Does not provide healing
  • Takes up the Palico's gadget slot, preventing the use of other gadgets
  • Buffs may not be necessary if the player already has similar skills or equipment
  • Draws monster aggro away from the player
  • Can distract and immobilize monsters
  • Can be upgraded to provide additional benefits
  • Does not provide healing
  • Takes up the Palico's gadget slot, preventing the use of other gadgets
  • May not be effective against all monsters or situations
In conclusion, the best Palico weapon in Monster Hunter World is subjective and depends on the player's preferences and playstyle. The Vigorwasp Spray is the most popular Palico weapon due to its healing capabilities, but it has limited offensive capabilities and takes up the Palico's gadget slot. Other Palico weapons such as the Coral Orchestra and Shieldspire have their own pros and cons and may be more suitable for certain situations.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Palico Weapon in Monster Hunter World

It is no secret that Monster Hunter World (MHW) is one of the most popular video games in the world. The game is known for its intricate combat system and the ability to customize your character and weapons. However, one aspect of the game that is often overlooked is the Palico, your feline companion that assists you on your journey. The Palico is your loyal friend that will fight by your side and help you in battle. In this article, we have explored the best Palico weapons in MHW and how you can choose the right one for your furry friend.

The first thing you need to consider when choosing the best Palico weapon is the type of damage it deals. There are three types of damage in MHW: blunt, sever, and ranged. Blunt damage is effective against monsters with hard shells and armor, while sever damage is good for cutting through flesh. Ranged damage is ideal for attacking from a distance, but it is not as powerful as the other two types of damage.

When it comes to Palico weapons, there are four main types: melee, ranged, healing, and status. Melee weapons are good for dealing damage up close, while ranged weapons are better for attacking from a distance. Healing weapons allow your Palico to heal you and your allies during battles. Status weapons are effective for inflicting status effects on monsters, such as poison or paralysis.

If you want your Palico to deal damage, then the best options are the melee and ranged weapons. The melee weapons include the Felyne Comet and the Felyne Iron Hammer. These weapons deal blunt damage, which is good for breaking monster parts. The ranged weapons include the Felyne Whisker Hissers and the Felyne Bow. These weapons deal ranged damage, which is good for attacking from a distance.

If you want your Palico to provide support during battles, then the healing and status weapons are the best options. The healing weapons include the Felyne Whetstone and the Felyne Horn. These weapons allow your Palico to heal you and your allies during battles. The status weapons include the Felyne Poison Needle and the Felyne Sleepy Shackles. These weapons allow your Palico to inflict status effects on monsters, which can be very useful in battles.

Another factor to consider when choosing the best Palico weapon is the rarity level. The rarity level determines how powerful the weapon is and how difficult it is to obtain. The higher the rarity level, the more powerful the weapon is. However, higher rarity weapons are also more difficult to obtain. If you want your Palico to have the best weapon, then you should aim for weapons with a high rarity level.

In conclusion, there are several factors to consider when choosing the best Palico weapon in MHW. You need to consider the type of damage the weapon deals, the rarity level, and the role you want your Palico to play in battles. Whether you want your Palico to deal damage or provide support, there is a weapon that will suit your needs. With the right weapon, your Palico will be an invaluable ally in your quest to become the ultimate monster hunter.

People Also Ask About Monster Hunter World Best Palico Weapon

What is a Palico?

A Palico is a cat-like companion that accompanies the player on their quests. Palicos can be customized with various weapons, armor, and abilities to aid in combat.

What are the best weapons for Palicos?

The best weapons for Palicos depend on the player's playstyle and the monster they are fighting. However, some of the most popular weapons for Palicos include:

  1. Felyne Comet (Hammer)
  2. Felyne Whisker (Sword and Shield)
  3. Felyne Fur Scraper (Dual Blades)
  4. Felyne Heterocephalus (Lance)
  5. Felyne Tailhammer (Tail Hammer)

How do you get Palico weapons?

Palico weapons can be crafted at the Smithy using materials obtained from hunting monsters. Some Palico weapons can also be obtained through completing quests or as rewards for completing certain objectives.

Can Palico weapons be upgraded?

Yes, Palico weapons can be upgraded using materials obtained from hunting monsters. Upgrading Palico weapons will increase their damage and may unlock new abilities.

Do Palico weapons have elements?

Yes, Palico weapons can have elemental attributes such as fire, water, thunder, ice, and dragon. Choosing a Palico weapon with the right elemental attribute can be helpful when fighting monsters weak to that element.