Unleash the Power of Magic with Tree of Savior's Best Wizard Build - A Comprehensive Guide

Unleash the Power of Magic with Tree of Savior's Best Wizard Build - A Comprehensive Guide


Discover the ultimate wizard build for Tree of Savior! Maximize your magical potential with our expert guide and dominate the battlefield.

Are you looking for the best wizard build in Tree of Savior? Look no further! As a wizard, your primary role is to deal damage and control the battlefield with your spells. With so many different classes and skills to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to prioritize. In this guide, we will walk you through the top wizard builds that will help you dominate your enemies and conquer the world of Tree of Savior.

The first build we recommend is the Elementalist-Pyro-Chronomancer. This build focuses on dealing massive AOE damage with fire and lightning spells while also having the ability to manipulate time to your advantage. The Pyromancer class provides excellent AOE damage with skills like Flame Ground and Fire Pillar, while the Elementalist class adds lightning spells like Electrocute and Meteor. The Chronomancer class gives you the ability to manipulate time with skills like Quicken and Pass, allowing you to cast spells faster and reduce cooldowns.

If you prefer a more supportive role, the Sorcerer-Chronomancer-Necromancer build might be right for you. This build focuses on summoning minions to fight alongside you while also providing support to your party with buffs and debuffs. The Sorcerer class allows you to summon powerful demons to fight for you, while the Necromancer class lets you summon undead minions. The Chronomancer class provides supportive skills like Quicken and Haste to increase your party's attack speed.

For those who enjoy a more versatile playstyle, the Featherfoot-Elementalist-Warlock build is an excellent choice. This build focuses on dealing damage with both dark and elemental spells while also having the ability to heal yourself and your party. The Featherfoot class provides self-healing spells like Blood Sucking, while the Elementalist class adds lightning spells like Electrocute and Frost Cloud. The Warlock class provides dark spells like Invocation and Dark Theurge, allowing you to deal damage to enemies while also healing yourself.

If you prefer a more straightforward playstyle, the Pyromancer-Elementalist-Warlock build might be right for you. This build focuses on dealing massive AOE damage with fire and lightning spells while also having the ability to deal damage over time with dark spells. The Pyromancer class provides excellent AOE damage with skills like Flame Ground and Fire Pillar, while the Elementalist class adds lightning spells like Electrocute and Meteor. The Warlock class provides dark spells like Pole of Agony and Mastema, allowing you to deal damage over time to enemies.

If you enjoy a more defensive playstyle, the Cryomancer-Chronomancer-Enchanter build is an excellent choice. This build focuses on controlling the battlefield with ice spells while also providing support to your party with buffs and debuffs. The Cryomancer class provides ice spells like Ice Wall and Frost Pillar, which can freeze enemies and create barriers. The Chronomancer class provides supportive skills like Quicken and Pass, allowing you to cast spells faster and reduce cooldowns. The Enchanter class provides buffs like Enchant Armor and Enchant Lightning, increasing your party's defense and adding lightning damage to attacks.

For those who enjoy a more unique playstyle, the Psychokino-Elementalist-Sage build might be right for you. This build focuses on manipulating the battlefield with telekinetic spells while also dealing damage with elemental spells. The Psychokino class provides telekinetic spells like Psychic Pressure and Teleportation, which can move enemies around the battlefield. The Elementalist class provides lightning spells like Electrocute and Frost Cloud. The Sage class provides unique spells like Portal and Micro Dimension, allowing you to teleport around the battlefield and deal damage to enemies.

If you prefer a more offensive playstyle, the Rune Caster-Elementalist-Warlock build might be right for you. This build focuses on dealing massive damage with rune spells while also having the ability to deal damage with elemental and dark spells. The Rune Caster class provides powerful rune spells like Rune of Destruction and Rune of Protection, which can deal massive damage to enemies or protect yourself from harm. The Elementalist class adds lightning spells like Electrocute and Meteor. The Warlock class provides dark spells like Pole of Agony and Mastema, allowing you to deal damage over time to enemies.

As you can see, there are many different wizard builds to choose from in Tree of Savior. Each build has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to choose one that fits your playstyle. Whether you prefer dealing damage, supporting your party, controlling the battlefield, or a combination of all three, there is a wizard build for you. So get out there and start casting those spells!


Tree of Savior is a popular MMORPG game that has been captivating gamers for years. The game offers a wide range of character classes, and the wizard is one of the most powerful classes in the game. However, choosing the right wizard build can make all the difference in your gaming experience. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the best wizard build in Tree of Savior.

Wizard Class Overview

The wizard class in Tree of Savior is known for its powerful magic spells that can deal incredible damage to enemies. Wizards are also known for their crowd control abilities, which can be crucial in boss fights and dungeons. However, wizard characters are not very strong defensively, so they require careful positioning and strategy in combat.

Choosing Your Wizard Class

In Tree of Savior, there are several different wizard classes to choose from. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose a class that fits your playstyle. Some popular wizard classes include Pyromancer, Elementalist, Sorcerer, and Necromancer.

Pyromancer Build

The Pyromancer build is a popular choice for players who enjoy dealing massive amounts of damage to enemies. This class is known for its fire-based spells, which can quickly dispatch large groups of enemies. The Pyromancer also has access to powerful crowd control spells, making it a great choice for boss fights and dungeons.


Some of the most important skills for a Pyromancer include Fireball, Flame Ground, and Hell Breath. These spells deal significant damage to enemies and can easily clear out groups of monsters. Other useful skills include Enchant Fire, which adds fire damage to your attacks, and Fire Pillar, which can stun enemies and deal massive damage.


When choosing attributes for your Pyromancer, it’s important to focus on increasing your damage output. Some useful attributes include Fireball: Explosion, which increases the damage of your Fireball spell, and Flame Ground: Enhance, which increases the duration and damage of your Flame Ground spell.

Elementalist Build

The Elementalist build is another popular choice for wizard players. This class is known for its elemental spells, which can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies. The Elementalist also has access to powerful area-of-effect spells, making it a great choice for clearing out groups of monsters.


Some important skills for an Elementalist include Electrocute, Frost Cloud, and Meteor. These spells deal significant damage to enemies and can easily clear out groups of monsters. Other useful skills include Hail, which deals continuous ice damage to enemies, and Prominence, which creates a fiery explosion that damages enemies.


When choosing attributes for your Elementalist, it’s important to focus on increasing your damage output. Some useful attributes include Electrocute: Enhance, which increases the damage of your Electrocute spell, and Frost Cloud: Enhance, which increases the duration and damage of your Frost Cloud spell.

Sorcerer Build

The Sorcerer build is a bit different than other wizard builds. Instead of relying on spells, the Sorcerer summons powerful demons to fight for them. This class is known for its versatility, as each demon has its own unique abilities and strengths.


As a Sorcerer, your most important skill is Summoning. This skill allows you to summon demons to fight for you. Some popular demons include the Templeshooter, which deals massive amounts of damage, and the Necroventer, which can heal your character. Other useful skills include Salamion, which can deal fire damage to enemies, and Summon Familiar, which summons a bird that can attack enemies.


When choosing attributes for your Sorcerer, it’s important to focus on increasing your demon’s abilities. Some useful attributes include Summoning: Enhance, which increases the stats of your summoned demon, and Salamion: Enhance, which increases the damage of your Salamion spell.

Necromancer Build

The Necromancer build is another unique wizard build that focuses on summoning undead creatures to fight for you. This class is known for its versatility, as each undead creature has its own unique abilities and strengths.


As a Necromancer, your most important skill is Raise Dead. This skill allows you to raise undead creatures to fight for you. Some popular undead creatures include Skeletons, which can deal melee damage to enemies, and Shoggoths, which can deal poison damage to enemies. Other useful skills include Flesh Cannon, which deals significant damage to enemies, and Corpse Tower, which can stun enemies.


When choosing attributes for your Necromancer, it’s important to focus on increasing your undead creature’s abilities. Some useful attributes include Raise Dead: Enhance, which increases the stats of your raised undead creature, and Flesh Cannon: Enhance, which increases the damage of your Flesh Cannon spell.


In conclusion, choosing the right wizard build in Tree of Savior can make all the difference in your gaming experience. Whether you prefer dealing massive amounts of damage with fire spells, summoning powerful demons to fight for you, or raising undead creatures to fight for you, there’s a wizard build that’s right for you. By carefully choosing your skills and attributes, you can create a powerful wizard character that will dominate the game.

Introduction to Wizard Class in Tree of Savior

Wizard is one of the four base classes in Tree of Savior. It is a magical class that specializes in dealing high damage to enemies using spells and magic. Wizards have access to a wide range of skills, making them versatile and powerful in both solo play and party play. They can also provide support to their allies by casting buffs and debuffs.

Understanding the Role of a Wizard in a Party

In a party, a wizard's primary role is to deal damage to enemies using their spells and magic. They are also capable of crowd control, which is essential in managing large groups of enemies. Wizards can also provide support to their allies by casting buffs and debuffs, increasing their party's overall damage output and survivability.

Top Stats to Focus on for a Wizard Build

Intelligence (INT) is the most important stat for a wizard build. It increases the damage dealt by their spells and magic, making them more effective in combat. Concentration (CON) is also important as it increases the wizard's maximum SP and HP, making them more durable in battle.

Best Starting Class for a Wizard in Tree of Savior

The best starting class for a wizard in Tree of Savior is Pyromancer. Pyromancers specialize in dealing fire damage and have a good balance of offense and defense. They also have access to skills that can deal damage over time, making them effective against enemies with high health pools.

Best Wizard Builds for Solo Play

1. Pyromancer - Elementalist - Taoist: This build focuses on dealing fire, ice, and lightning damage. Pyromancer provides the initial burst of damage, while Elementalist and Taoist provide sustained damage through their spells. 2. Pyromancer - Chronomancer - Enchanter: This build focuses on dealing fire damage and providing support to the wizard. Chronomancer allows the wizard to manipulate time, giving them an advantage in combat. Enchanter provides buffs to the wizard's allies, increasing their overall damage output.

Best Wizard Builds for Party Play

1. Pyromancer - Cryomancer - Elementalist: This build focuses on crowd control and dealing elemental damage. Pyromancer provides fire damage, while Cryomancer provides ice damage and crowd control. Elementalist provides lightning damage and can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. 2. Pyromancer - Linker - Thaumaturge: This build focuses on dealing fire damage and increasing the party's overall damage output. Linker allows the wizard to link multiple enemies together, making them vulnerable to AoE attacks. Thaumaturge provides buffs to the party, increasing their attack power and critical rate.

Top 3 Skills to Prioritize for a Wizard Build

1. Fireball (Pyromancer): Fireball is a powerful spell that can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. It also has a chance to inflict burn, which deals additional damage over time. 2. Meteor (Elementalist): Meteor is a powerful AoE spell that deals high damage to enemies in a designated area. It also has a chance to stun enemies, making it effective in crowd control. 3. Joint Penalty (Linker): Joint Penalty links multiple enemies together, making them vulnerable to AoE attacks. It also increases the wizard's overall damage output, making it an essential skill in party play.

Best Equipment and Gems for a Wizard Build

Equipment and gems can greatly enhance a wizard's performance in combat. The best equipment for a wizard build should focus on increasing INT and CON. Gems should also be used to increase INT and CON.


- Maga Rod: Increases INT and SP - Sage Wall: Increases CON and MDEF - Wizard Bracelet: Increases INT and SPR


- Red Gem: Increases INT - Blue Gem: Increases CON

Tips for Leveling Up a Wizard in Tree of Savior

1. Focus on completing main quests: Main quests provide the most experience points, making them the fastest way to level up. 2. Join parties: Joining parties can greatly increase the wizard's overall damage output and survivability. 3. Use buffs and debuffs: Buffs and debuffs can greatly enhance the wizard's performance in combat. 4. Upgrade equipment: Upgrading equipment can greatly increase the wizard's overall stats, making them more effective in combat.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Wizard Builds in Tree of Savior

Wizard builds in Tree of Savior are versatile and powerful. They can deal high damage to enemies using spells and magic, while also providing support to their allies. The best starting class for a wizard is Pyromancer, and the top stats to focus on are INT and CON. The best wizard builds for solo play are Pyromancer - Elementalist - Taoist and Pyromancer - Chronomancer - Enchanter. The best wizard builds for party play are Pyromancer - Cryomancer - Elementalist and Pyromancer - Linker - Thaumaturge. The top 3 skills to prioritize for a wizard build are Fireball, Meteor, and Joint Penalty. Finally, upgrading equipment and gems can greatly enhance a wizard's performance in combat, and completing main quests, joining parties, using buffs and debuffs, and upgrading equipment are all useful tips for leveling up a wizard in Tree of Savior.

Tree of Savior Best Wizard Build

Point of View

In my opinion, the best wizard build in Tree of Savior is the Pyromancer - Elementalist - Taoist build. This build provides an excellent balance between damage output and survivability.


1. High Damage Output: The Pyromancer - Elementalist - Taoist build has some of the highest damage output in the game. This build provides a good mix of single target and AOE damage.2. Good Survivability: This build also has good survivability thanks to the Pyromancer's Fire Wall and Fire Pillar skills, which provide excellent crowd control and defense against melee attacks.3. Versatility: The Taoist class provides a lot of versatility to this build. It has both offensive and defensive skills, making it an excellent choice for any situation.4. Easy to Level Up: This build is relatively easy to level up due to its high damage output and survivability.


1. Limited Crowd Control: While the Pyromancer has some excellent crowd control skills, they are limited to certain areas and are not very effective against ranged enemies.2. Lack of Healing: This build does not have any healing skills, so players will need to rely on potions or party members for healing.3. Limited Movement: This build is not very mobile, so players will need to position themselves carefully to avoid enemy attacks.

Table Comparison

| Class | Pros | Cons || --- | --- | --- || Pyromancer | High damage output, good crowd control | Limited crowd control, lack of healing || Elementalist | AOE damage, good mobility | Squishy, limited survivability || Taoist | Versatile, offensive and defensive skills | Limited damage output, limited survivability |


Pyromancer, Elementalist, Taoist, wizard build, damage output, survivability, crowd control, healing, mobility, AOE damage, offensive skills, defensive skills.

The Best Wizard Build in Tree of Savior: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear visitors, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights on the best wizard build in Tree of Savior. We understand how daunting it can be to choose the right build that suits your playstyle and preferences. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision on the best wizard build.

First and foremost, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the wizard class's strengths and weaknesses. Wizards are known for their powerful magical abilities that can deal massive damage to enemies. They excel in crowd control, debuffs, and party support, making them a versatile class that's highly sought after in group content.

However, wizards have relatively low health and defense compared to other classes, making them vulnerable to attacks. They also have a limited pool of skills, which means you'll need to carefully choose which ones to prioritize in your build.

Moving on to the build itself, there are several options available to you, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the most popular builds is the Pyromancer/Elementalist/Taoist build, which focuses on dealing fire and lightning damage to enemies.

This build is well-rounded and can handle various situations, making it an excellent choice for both solo and group content. The Pyromancer class provides strong single-target damage, while the Elementalist class offers potent area-of-effect spells. The Taoist class is an excellent support class that can heal allies and provide additional damage.

Another viable build is the Cryomancer/Chronomancer/Sage build, which focuses on crowd control and party support. The Cryomancer class provides a plethora of freezing and slowing abilities, making it an invaluable addition to any group. The Chronomancer class can manipulate time, which allows for increased mobility and cooldown reduction, while the Sage class provides powerful area-of-effect spells.

If you prefer a more niche build, the Sorcerer/Necromancer/Warlock build is an excellent choice. The Sorcerer class allows you to summon demons to fight alongside you, while the Necromancer class lets you raise the dead to fight for you. The Warlock class provides potent dark magic spells that can deal massive damage to enemies.

Now that you have an idea of the different builds available to you, it's essential to consider your playstyle and preferences. Do you prefer dealing damage from afar or up-close? Are you more interested in party support or solo content? These are all factors to consider when choosing the best wizard build for you.

It's also worth noting that each build has several variations, depending on which classes you choose to focus on. Experimenting with different combinations can help you find the perfect build that suits your needs.

In conclusion, choosing the best wizard build in Tree of Savior requires careful consideration and experimentation. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and helped you make an informed decision on your build. Remember to have fun, and don't be afraid to try out different builds until you find the one that works best for you.

Thank you for reading, and we wish you the best of luck in your adventures in Tree of Savior!

People Also Ask About Tree of Savior Best Wizard Build

What Is the Best Wizard Build in Tree of Savior?

The best wizard build in Tree of Savior depends on your playstyle and preferences. However, some popular wizard builds include:

  • Elementalist-Pyro-Chronomancer: A powerful AoE damage build that can also control time.
  • Featherfoot-Warlock-Shadowmancer: A hybrid build that deals both physical and magical damage.
  • Sorcerer-Necromancer-Bokor: A summoner build that focuses on controlling demons and undead.

What Skills Should I Focus on for a Wizard Build?

It's important to focus on skills that complement your build and playstyle. Some general wizard skills to consider include:

  • Fireball: A basic fire spell that deals damage to multiple targets.
  • Ice Bolt: A basic ice spell that slows down enemies and deals damage.
  • Energy Bolt: A basic energy spell that deals damage and knocks back enemies.
  • Quick Cast: A buff that increases your magic damage and reduces casting time.

What Stats Should I Prioritize for a Wizard Build?

As a wizard, you should prioritize stats that enhance your magical abilities. Some important stats to consider include:

  • Intelligence: Increases your magic attack power and magic defense.
  • Spirit: Increases your maximum SP and SP recovery rate.
  • Constitution: Increases your maximum HP and HP recovery rate.

What Equipment Should I Use for a Wizard Build?

Equipment that enhances your magical abilities and survivability is crucial for a wizard build. Some recommended equipment includes:

  • Staff: Increases your magic attack power and allows you to use magic attacks.
  • Robe: Increases your magic defense and reduces casting time.
  • Plate Armor: Increases your physical defense and HP.
  • Gemstones: Enhance your stats and provide additional effects, such as increased magic attack power or HP regeneration.


The best wizard build in Tree of Savior depends on your playstyle and preferences. However, focusing on skills that complement your build, prioritizing stats that enhance your magical abilities, and using equipment that enhances your survivability are important for any wizard build.