Uncovering the Top Spots to Mine Coal in OSRS: Discover the Best Places for Efficient Coal Mining

Uncovering the Top Spots to Mine Coal in OSRS: Discover the Best Places for Efficient Coal Mining


Discover the best place to mine coal in Old School RuneScape and boost your profits. Get valuable tips and tricks for efficient mining!

If you're looking for the best place to mine coal in Old School RuneScape (OSRS), then look no further. Coal is a valuable resource that's used in various skills, including Smithing and Crafting. It's also an essential fuel source for many players who use it to power their furnaces and fireplaces. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best places to mine coal in OSRS.

Firstly, one of the best places to mine coal is the Mining Guild. This area is located in Falador and requires level 60 Mining to access. The Mining Guild has several coal rocks that are all located in close proximity to each other, making it easy to mine a large amount of coal in a short amount of time. Additionally, there's a bank located nearby, so you can quickly deposit your mined coal and continue mining without having to travel far.

Another great location to mine coal is the Barbarian Village mine. This mine is located west of the Barbarian Village and requires level 30 Mining to access. The Barbarian Village mine has several coal rocks that are spread out across the area, so you might have to do a bit of running around to find them all. However, there are also a few iron rocks in the area, which makes it a great spot for players who want to mine both coal and iron.

If you're looking for a location that's a bit more secluded, then the Mining Guild expansion mine is a great option. This mine is located beneath the Mining Guild and requires level 65 Mining to access. The Mining Guild expansion mine has several coal rocks that are all located in a small area, making it easy to mine a large amount of coal quickly. Additionally, there's a bank deposit box located nearby, so you can quickly deposit your mined coal and continue mining without having to travel far.

For those who have completed the Falador hard diary, the Motherlode Mine is another great location to mine coal. This mine is located in the Dwarven Mines and requires level 30 Mining to access. The Motherlode Mine is a unique mining experience that allows players to mine ores while also earning experience and rewards. While mining at the Motherlode Mine, players have a chance to receive golden nuggets, which can be traded for a variety of rewards, including coal bags that increase your carrying capacity for coal.

The Coal Trucks mine is another great location to mine coal, although it requires a bit of preparation beforehand. To access the Coal Trucks mine, players must first complete the quest The Giant Dwarf and have at least 35 Mining. Once you've met these requirements, you can use the carts at the mine to transport up to 120 pieces of coal to the nearby Seers' Village bank. This makes the Coal Trucks mine a great option for players who want to mine coal and make some money at the same time.

If you're looking for a location that's a bit more challenging, then the Wilderness Resource Area is worth considering. This area is located in the Wilderness and requires level 50 Mining to access. While mining in the Wilderness Resource Area, players can receive a variety of ores, including coal, mithril, adamantite, and even runite. However, this area is also dangerous, as players may be attacked by other players while mining. It's recommended to bring some combat gear and be aware of your surroundings while mining in this area.

In conclusion, there are several great locations to mine coal in OSRS. Whether you're looking for a quick and easy spot to mine coal or a more challenging location that offers greater rewards, there's something for everyone. By using the information in this article, you can find the best location to mine coal and make the most out of this valuable resource.


Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that has been around since 2013. The game is set in a fantasy world filled with quests, challenges, and adventures. One of the key features of the game is mining, which involves extracting ores and other resources from the game's environment. In this article, we will be discussing the best place to mine coal in OSRS.

What is Coal?

Coal is a resource that can be mined in OSRS. It is a fossil fuel that is used to power various activities in the game. Coal can be mined at level 30 Mining, and it is one of the most commonly mined resources in the game. Coal can be used to smelt bars of metal, which can be used to create weapons and armor.

Why Mine Coal?

Mining coal is a profitable activity in OSRS. Coal can be sold on the Grand Exchange for a decent price, and it is also used by players to train their Smithing skill. Mining coal is also a relatively easy activity, as it does not require a high Mining level to start.

Best Place to Mine Coal

The best place to mine coal in OSRS is the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild is located in the dwarven city of Falador, and it requires a Mining level of 60 to enter. Once inside, players have access to a concentrated coal deposit, which yields more coal per rock than the standard coal rocks found throughout the game.

Mining Guild Advantages

There are several advantages to mining coal in the Mining Guild. Firstly, the concentrated coal deposit yields more coal per rock than standard coal rocks. This means that players can mine more coal in less time, making it a more efficient activity. Secondly, the Mining Guild is a safe area with no aggressive monsters, which means players do not have to worry about being attacked while mining.

Competition in the Mining Guild

One potential downside to mining coal in the Mining Guild is the competition for resources. The Mining Guild is a popular spot for players to mine coal, which means there may be other players competing for the same resources. This can make it difficult to find an available coal rock to mine.

Other Coal Mining Locations

If the Mining Guild is too crowded, there are other locations where players can mine coal in OSRS. One such location is the Coal Trucks, located just west of Seers' Village. The Coal Trucks can be accessed by completing the Coal Trucking miniquest, and they contain 18 coal rocks that can be mined. Players can then use the trucks to transport the coal to a nearby bank.

Pros and Cons of Coal Trucks

The Coal Trucks have several advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that there are a large number of coal rocks available to mine, which means players are less likely to have to compete for resources. The main disadvantage is that players must manually transport the coal to a nearby bank, which can be time-consuming and tedious.


In conclusion, the best place to mine coal in OSRS is the Mining Guild. The concentrated coal deposit yields more coal per rock than standard coal rocks, making it a more efficient activity. Additionally, the Mining Guild is a safe area with no aggressive monsters, which makes it a good location for lower-level players. If the Mining Guild is too crowded, players can also consider mining coal at the Coal Trucks, although this location has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Introduction to Coal Mining in Old School Runescape

Coal mining is an essential activity in Old School Runescape (OSRS) that allows players to acquire coal, a valuable resource that can be used for smithing and other crafting activities. In OSRS, coal can be mined from various locations throughout the game world, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. This article will explore the best places to mine coal in OSRS and provide tips for efficient and effective coal mining.

The Benefits of Mining Coal in OSRS

Mining coal in OSRS has several benefits, including the ability to earn valuable experience points, generate income by selling coal on the Grand Exchange, and obtain coal for crafting activities such as smelting ore and creating steel bars. Coal mining is also a relatively easy and low-level activity, making it accessible to new players who are just starting out in the game.

Choosing the Best Location for Coal Mining in OSRS

When choosing a location for coal mining in OSRS, there are several factors to consider, including the distance from a bank, the number of coal rocks in the area, and the presence of other players or monsters that could interfere with mining activities. Additionally, some locations may have additional requirements, such as membership or completion of certain quests.

The Top 3 Places to Mine Coal in OSRS

After considering these factors, we have identified the top three places to mine coal in OSRS:

Mining Coal in the Motherlode Mine

The Motherlode Mine is a members-only location located in the Dwarven Mines that offers an excellent opportunity for coal mining. The area contains numerous coal rocks, as well as other valuable resources such as gold and mithril. Additionally, the mine features a deposit box and access to the Upper Level of the mine, which allows for easy bank trips.

Prospecting Coal in the Quarry

The Quarry is a location located south of the Kharidian Desert that contains several coal rocks and other valuable resources such as granite and sandstone. While the area is not as convenient for banking as the Motherlode Mine, it offers a quieter and more secluded location that may be preferable for players who want to avoid competing with other miners.

Uncovering Coal in the Mining Guild

The Mining Guild is a members-only location located beneath Falador that offers access to numerous coal rocks and other valuable resources such as mithril and adamantite. The area also features a deposit box and access to the Dwarven Mine, making it a convenient location for mining trips.

Finding Coal in the Wilderness

While not as convenient or safe as the other locations on this list, the Wilderness contains several coal rocks that can be mined for valuable resources. However, players should be aware that they may encounter other players or monsters while mining in the Wilderness, and should take appropriate precautions to ensure their safety.

Tips for Efficiently Mining Coal in OSRS

To make the most out of your coal mining activities in OSRS, it's important to use efficient mining techniques and strategies. Some tips to keep in mind include:- Bring the necessary equipment: To mine coal effectively, you'll need a pickaxe (preferably a rune or dragon pickaxe) and any necessary armor or weapons to protect yourself from monsters.- Use the best location for your needs: As discussed earlier, choosing the right location is key to efficient coal mining. Consider factors such as distance from a bank, number of coal rocks, and player/activity levels when choosing a location.- Bank regularly: To avoid losing valuable resources or taking unnecessary risks, make sure to bank your coal regularly. Deposit boxes or nearby banks can make this process easier.- Use the best mining technique: When mining coal, it's important to use the most efficient technique possible. One popular method is to mine a coal rock, then immediately switch to another nearby rock to keep your mining activity uninterrupted.

Wrapping Up: The Importance of Coal Mining in OSRS

In conclusion, coal mining is an essential activity in Old School Runescape that offers numerous benefits to players of all levels. By choosing the right location, using efficient mining techniques, and taking appropriate precautions, players can make the most out of their coal mining activities in OSRS. Whether you're looking to earn experience points, generate income, or obtain valuable resources for crafting, coal mining is a valuable and rewarding activity that should not be overlooked.

The Best Place to Mine Coal in OSRS

Point of View

As an OSRS player, the best place to mine coal is subjective and depends on personal preferences. However, many players consider the Mining Guild to be the best spot due to its proximity to a bank and the abundance of coal rocks available for mining.

Pros of Mining Coal at the Mining Guild

1. Close proximity to a bank allows for easy banking and efficient transportation of coal.

2. The Mining Guild has a higher concentration of coal rocks compared to other locations, giving players an opportunity to mine more coal per hour.

3. There is a lower risk of being attacked by aggressive monsters as the guild requires a Mining level of 60 to access, making it a safer location for lower-level players.

Cons of Mining Coal at the Mining Guild

1. As a popular spot for miners, the Mining Guild can often become crowded, leading to competition for resources and slower mining rates.

2. The requirement of a Mining level of 60 to access the guild may be a hindrance for inexperienced or lower-level players.

Comparison of Coal Mining Locations

Location Pros Cons
Mining Guild - High concentration of coal rocks
- Proximity to bank
- Lower risk of monster attacks
- Crowded
- Requires Mining level of 60
Falador Mining Site - Close to bank
- Multiple ore types available (coal, iron, mithril)
- Low concentration of coal rocks
- Moderate risk of monster attacks
Barbarian Village Mine - Close to bank
- Low competition for resources
- Low concentration of coal rocks
- High risk of monster attacks
In conclusion, while the Mining Guild is widely considered the best location to mine coal in OSRS due to its proximity to a bank and high concentration of coal rocks, players should consider their own level and experience before selecting a mining location. Other locations such as the Falador Mining Site and Barbarian Village Mine may offer unique advantages depending on a player's needs.

The Best Place to Mine Coal in OSRS

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best place to mine coal in Old School RuneScape (OSRS). We hope you found it informative and helpful, and that it will aid you in your mining adventures. In this article, we have explored the different locations where coal can be mined, and evaluated each of them based on various factors such as accessibility, rock density, and safety.

As we have seen, there are several places in OSRS where coal can be mined, including the Mining Guild, the Coal Trucks, and the Motherlode Mine. Each of these locations has its pros and cons, and the choice of which one to use depends on your mining level, your goals, and your personal preferences.

If you are a low-level miner who is just starting out, the Mining Guild is a good place to begin. It offers easy access, abundant coal rocks, and a bank nearby to store your ores. However, it can be crowded at times, which may slow down your progress.

On the other hand, if you are a high-level miner who seeks efficiency and profitability, the Motherlode Mine may be your best bet. It requires a higher mining level to access, but it offers a chance to obtain valuable ores such as gold, mithril, and adamantite, as well as experience and rewards from the Prospector kit. However, it can be tedious and repetitive, and may not be suitable for everyone's taste.

Another option for coal mining is the Coal Trucks, located south-east of Seers' Village. This location is unique in that it allows you to mine coal without carrying it back to the bank, as the trucks will transport your ores for you. This can save you time and effort, but it also means you cannot mine other ores or gain experience while waiting for the trucks to fill up.

Regardless of which location you choose, there are some general tips and tricks that can help you maximize your coal mining experience. These include wearing appropriate gear such as the Varrock armor or the Prospector kit, using a pickaxe that matches your mining level, and bringing food and potions to sustain yourself. It is also recommended to mine in a world with low population, and to stay alert for aggressive creatures such as scorpions and giant bats.

In conclusion, the best place to mine coal in OSRS depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. Whether you prefer accessibility, profitability, or convenience, there is a location that suits your needs. We hope that this article has provided you with enough information to make an informed decision, and we wish you good luck and happy mining!

People also ask about the best place to mine coal in OSRS

What is the best location to mine coal in OSRS?

The best location to mine coal in OSRS is at the Mining Guild. It requires level 60 Mining and is located south of Falador, just west of the Dwarven Mine. Players can access the guild by paying a one-time fee of 7,500 coins to the Mining Guild doorsman.

Are there any other good locations to mine coal in OSRS?

Yes, there are several other good locations to mine coal in OSRS:

  1. Barbarian Village mine - requires level 30 Mining and is located south of Edgeville.
  2. West Falador mine - requires level 5 Mining and is located west of Falador.
  3. East Lumbridge Swamp mine - requires level 1 Mining and is located east of Lumbridge Swamp.

What equipment do I need to mine coal in OSRS?

To mine coal in OSRS, players will need:

  • A pickaxe (preferably steel or higher)
  • Coal bag (optional)
  • Weight-reducing gear (optional)

Can I make money mining coal in OSRS?

Mining coal in OSRS can be profitable, especially if players have a high Mining level and sell the coal on the Grand Exchange. However, it can be slow and there may be other more efficient ways to make money in the game.