Top 5 Best Point Guard Builds in NBA 2K17 for Ultimate On-Court Dominance

Top 5 Best Point Guard Builds in NBA 2K17 for Ultimate On-Court Dominance


The best point guard build in NBA 2K17 involves creating a player with high speed, agility, and playmaking abilities.

The point guard position is one of the most important positions on any basketball team, and it is no different in NBA 2K17. A great point guard can change the entire dynamic of a game, and this is especially true in the virtual world of NBA 2K. In this article, we will take a look at the best point guard build in NBA 2K17. Whether you are playing online or offline, this build will give you the tools you need to dominate the court.

First and foremost, it is important to understand the attributes that make a great point guard in NBA 2K17. Speed and agility are crucial, as they allow your player to get around defenders and create space for shots or passes. Ball handling is also incredibly important, as it allows your player to keep control of the ball and make precise passes. Additionally, a good point guard needs to be able to shoot from the outside, as this will force defenders to respect your shot and open up driving lanes.

With these attributes in mind, we can now look at the best point guard build in NBA 2K17. The ideal build for a point guard is one that maximizes speed, agility, and ball handling, while also providing enough shooting ability to keep defenders honest. One possible build that does all of these things is the Playmaker/Sharpshooter.

The Playmaker/Sharpshooter build is a great choice for anyone who wants to dominate as a point guard in NBA 2K17. This build allows you to have excellent ball handling skills, which will help you get around defenders and create space for shots or passes. It also provides you with a high level of speed and agility, which makes it easier to get to the basket and finish at the rim.

Another great thing about the Playmaker/Sharpshooter build is that it gives you solid shooting ability. You won't be a pure sharpshooter, but you will have enough shooting ability to keep defenders honest and prevent them from sagging off of you. This will open up driving lanes and make it easier for you to get to the basket.

One of the key advantages of the Playmaker/Sharpshooter build is its versatility. With this build, you can play either the point guard or shooting guard position, depending on your team's needs. This means that you can be a valuable asset to any team, whether you are playing with friends or competing online.

Of course, no build is perfect, and the Playmaker/Sharpshooter does have some weaknesses. For one thing, it is not the best build for players who prefer to play defense. While you can certainly be a competent defender with this build, it is not your main focus, and you may struggle against elite offensive players.

In addition, the Playmaker/Sharpshooter build requires a certain level of skill and experience to use effectively. If you are new to NBA 2K17 or to the point guard position in general, you may find this build to be challenging at first. However, with practice and dedication, you can master this build and become a dominant force on the court.

Overall, the Playmaker/Sharpshooter build is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to dominate as a point guard in NBA 2K17. With its combination of speed, agility, ball handling, and shooting ability, this build provides everything you need to succeed on the court. Whether you are playing with friends or competing online, this build will give you the tools you need to be a valuable asset to your team.

If you want to take your game to the next level, consider trying out the Playmaker/Sharpshooter build in NBA 2K17. With its versatile play style and potent offensive abilities, this build is sure to make you a force to be reckoned with on the virtual hardwood.


When it comes to creating the best point guard build in NBA 2K17, there are a few key attributes that players should focus on. These include things like speed, agility, ball handling, and shooting ability. By focusing on these attributes, players can create a point guard who is versatile, quick, and able to dominate on the court.

Choosing Your Archetype

Before you start building your point guard, you'll need to choose your archetype. This will determine which skills and attributes you'll prioritize as you level up. There are three main point guard archetypes to choose from: Playmaker, Sharpshooter, and Slasher.

The Playmaker

The Playmaker archetype is all about ball handling and passing. If you want to be the player who sets up your teammates for easy baskets, this is the archetype for you. You'll have high ratings in attributes like Passing, Ball Handling, and Speed with Ball.

The Sharpshooter

The Sharpshooter archetype is all about shooting. If you want to be the player who can hit shots from anywhere on the court, this is the archetype for you. You'll have high ratings in attributes like Outside Shooting, Contested Shots, and Off the Dribble.

The Slasher

The Slasher archetype is all about getting to the rim and finishing. If you want to be the player who can take it to the hoop and dunk over defenders, this is the archetype for you. You'll have high ratings in attributes like Driving Layups, Dunking, and Vertical.

Primary and Secondary Skills

Once you've chosen your archetype, you'll need to decide on your primary and secondary skills. These will determine which attributes you'll focus on as you level up. For example, if you've chosen the Playmaker archetype, you might want to focus on your Passing as your primary skill and your Ball Handling as your secondary skill.

Height and Weight

The height and weight of your point guard will also play a role in how effective they are on the court. Generally speaking, taller players have an advantage when it comes to things like rebounding and blocking shots, while shorter players are quicker and more agile. As for weight, heavier players are generally stronger and better at pushing through defenders, while lighter players are faster and more nimble.


Your point guard's wingspan is another important factor to consider. A longer wingspan can help with things like stealing the ball and blocking shots, while a shorter wingspan can make it easier to shoot and dribble.


Finally, you'll want to consider which badges you want to focus on. Badges are special abilities that can give your player an edge on the court. Some good badges for point guards include Dimer (which boosts passing accuracy for teammates), Acrobat (which improves layups and dunks), and Ankle Breaker (which makes it easier to break defenders' ankles with dribble moves).


By focusing on the right attributes, skills, and badges, players can create a point guard who is a force to be reckoned with on the court. Whether you prefer to be a passer, shooter, or dunker, there's a build out there that will suit your playstyle perfectly. So get out there and start building the best point guard you can!

Understanding the Point Guard Position in NBA 2K17

The point guard position is one of the most important positions in basketball, and it is no different in NBA 2K17. The point guard is responsible for setting up the offense, distributing the ball, and controlling the pace of the game. In addition to these responsibilities, a point guard must also be able to play solid defense and knock down shots when given the opportunity.In NBA 2K17, the point guard position can be played in a variety of ways, depending on the player's style and preferences. There are four main archetypes for the point guard: Playmaker, Sharpshooter, Slasher, and Lockdown Defender. Each archetype has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use will depend on the player's playstyle and what they want to accomplish on the court.

Choosing the Right Archetype for Your Point Guard Build

When choosing the right archetype for your point guard build, it is important to consider your playing style and what you want to accomplish on the court. The Playmaker archetype is great for players who want to focus on passing and setting up their teammates for easy baskets. The Sharpshooter archetype is ideal for players who want to focus on shooting from the perimeter and knocking down three-pointers. The Slasher archetype is perfect for players who want to focus on driving to the basket and finishing at the rim. Finally, the Lockdown Defender archetype is great for players who want to focus on playing solid defense and shutting down their opponent's best players.

The Playmaker Archetype

If you choose the Playmaker archetype, you will have access to a wide range of passing and ball-handling skills. This archetype is perfect for players who want to set up their teammates for easy baskets and control the pace of the game. The Playmaker archetype also has a high speed rating, which means you will be able to get up and down the court quickly and create easy scoring opportunities for your team.

The Sharpshooter Archetype

If you choose the Sharpshooter archetype, you will have access to a variety of shooting skills, including a high three-point rating. This archetype is perfect for players who want to knock down shots from the perimeter and stretch the defense. The Sharpshooter archetype also has a high speed rating, which means you will be able to get open quickly and create space for your shot.

The Slasher Archetype

If you choose the Slasher archetype, you will have access to a variety of driving and finishing skills. This archetype is perfect for players who want to attack the basket and finish at the rim. The Slasher archetype also has a high speed rating, which means you will be able to get to the basket quickly and create scoring opportunities for yourself and your teammates.

The Lockdown Defender Archetype

If you choose the Lockdown Defender archetype, you will have access to a variety of defensive skills, including a high steal rating. This archetype is perfect for players who want to shut down their opponent's best players and disrupt their offense. The Lockdown Defender archetype also has a high speed rating, which means you will be able to stay in front of your man and keep him from getting past you.

The Best Attributes for a Successful Point Guard Build

Regardless of which archetype you choose, there are certain attributes that are essential for a successful point guard build in NBA 2K17. These attributes include:


Speed is one of the most important attributes for a point guard in NBA 2K17. A high speed rating will allow you to get up and down the court quickly and create easy scoring opportunities for yourself and your teammates.


Dribbling is another essential attribute for a point guard in NBA 2K17. A high dribbling rating will allow you to create space for yourself and get past defenders with ease. It will also help you avoid turnovers and keep control of the ball.


Passing is perhaps the most important attribute for a point guard in NBA 2K17. A high passing rating will allow you to set up your teammates for easy baskets and create scoring opportunities that would not have been there otherwise.


Shooting is also an important attribute for a point guard in NBA 2K17. A high shooting rating will allow you to knock down shots from the perimeter and keep the defense honest. It will also force the defense to respect your shot, which will create more space for your teammates to operate in.


Defense is another key attribute for a point guard in NBA 2K17. A high defensive rating will allow you to stay in front of your man and shut down his offensive game. It will also allow you to disrupt the opponent's offense and create turnovers that can lead to easy baskets for your team.

Mastering the Art of Dribbling and Ball Handling

As a point guard, one of your primary responsibilities is to handle the ball and create opportunities for your teammates. To do this effectively, you must master the art of dribbling and ball handling.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The first step to mastering dribbling and ball handling is to practice as much as possible. Spend time in the gym or on the court working on your dribbling skills and developing your ball handling techniques. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the ball and the more effective you will be on the court.

Use Crossovers and Between-the-Legs Dribbles

Another key to effective dribbling and ball handling is to use crossovers and between-the-legs dribbles. These moves can help you create space for yourself and get past defenders with ease. Practice these moves until they become second nature to you, and you will be able to use them in game situations to create scoring opportunities for yourself and your teammates.

Protect the Ball

One of the most important aspects of ball handling is protecting the ball. A turnover can be devastating for your team, so it is essential that you keep the ball safe at all times. Use your body to shield the ball from defenders and make sure you are always aware of where your opponents are on the court.

Perfecting Your Passing Skills as a Point Guard

As a point guard, passing is one of your primary responsibilities. To be successful, you must have excellent passing skills and be able to set up your teammates for easy baskets.

Look for Open Players

The first key to successful passing is to look for open players on the court. Pay attention to your teammates' movements and be aware of where they are at all times. When you see an open player, make the pass quickly and accurately to set them up for an easy basket.

Use Different Types of Passes

Another important aspect of passing is to use different types of passes. Depending on the situation, you may need to use a bounce pass, chest pass, or overhead pass to get the ball to your teammate. Practice using different types of passes so that you are comfortable with each one and can use them effectively in game situations.

Don't Force the Pass

Finally, it is important to remember not to force the pass. If a passing lane is not open, don't try to force the ball through it. This will only lead to turnovers and missed opportunities. Instead, look for another option or hold onto the ball until a better opportunity presents itself.

Developing Your Shooting Abilities as a Point Guard

In addition to passing and ball handling, shooting is an important aspect of being a successful point guard in NBA 2K17. Here are some tips for developing your shooting abilities as a point guard:

Practice Your Shooting

The first step to developing your shooting abilities is to practice as much as possible. Spend time in the gym or on the court working on your shooting form and developing your shot. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with your shot and the more effective you will be on the court.

Work on Your Footwork

Footwork is also an important aspect of shooting. Make sure you are comfortable with your footwork and are able to get into the proper shooting position quickly and easily. Practice shooting from different angles and distances so that you are comfortable shooting from anywhere on the court.

Use Good Shot Selection

Finally, it is important to use good shot selection when shooting the ball. Don't force shots that are not there, and make sure you are taking high-percentage shots that have a good chance of going in. This will help you be more effective on the court and help your team win games.

Enhancing Your Defensive Capabilities as a Point Guard

As a point guard, playing solid defense is essential to your team's success. Here are some tips for enhancing your defensive capabilities:

Stay in Front of Your Man

The first key to playing solid defense is to stay in front of your man. Use your speed and agility to keep him from getting past you, and be aware of his movements at all times. If he tries to make a move, be ready to react quickly and shut him down.

Use Active Hands

Another important aspect of playing solid defense is to use active hands. Keep your hands up and reach for the ball when your opponent is dribbling or passing. This will help you disrupt their offensive game and create turnovers that can lead to easy baskets for your team.

Communicate with Your Teammates

Finally, it is important to communicate with your teammates on defense. Let them know where your man is and what he is doing, and be ready to switch defenders if necessary. This will help your team play solid team defense and shut down the opponent's offense.

Understanding How to Control the Pace of the Game

As a point guard, one of your primary responsibilities is to control the pace of the game. Here are some tips for doing so effectively:

Know Your Team's Strengths and Weaknesses

The first key to controlling the pace of the game is to know your team's strengths and weaknesses. If your team is strong on the fast break, try to push the ball up the court quickly and create scoring opportunities in transition. If your team is better in the half court, slow the game down and look for high-percentage shots.

Be Patient

Another important aspect of controlling the pace of the game is to be patient. Don't rush your offense or force shots that are not there. Instead, take your time and look for the best possible shot. This will help you be more effective on the court and help your team win games.

Be Decisive

Finally, it is important to be decisive when controlling the pace of the game. Make quick decisions and don't hesitate when making passes or taking shots. This will keep the defense off balance and create scoring opportunities for you and your teammates.

Building Chemistry with Your Teammates as a Point Guard

Building chemistry with your teammates is essential to your team's success. Here are some tips for building chemistry as a point guard:

Communicate with Your Teammates

The first key to building chemistry with your teammates is to communicate with them. Let them know where you are on the court and what you are doing, and be ready to receive passes and make plays when they need you to.

Get to Know Your Teammates' Strengths and Weaknesses

Another important aspect of building chemistry with your teammates is to get to know their strengths and weaknesses. If you know what your teammates are good at, you can set them up for easy baskets and create scoring opportunities that wouldn't have been there otherwise.

Be a Leader on the Court

Finally, it is important to be a leader on the court and set an example for your teammates. Show them how to play hard and play smart, and be willing to make sacrifices for the good of the team. If you can do this effectively, your teammates will respect you and follow your lead.

Tips and Tricks for Becoming a Top Point Guard in NBA 2K17

Here are some additional tips and tricks for becoming a top point guard in NBA 2K17:

Watch Game Footage

One of the best ways to improve your game is to watch game footage of yourself and other top players. Study their techniques and strategies, and try to incorporate them into your own game.

Play in MyCareer Mode

Another great way to improve your game is to play in MyCareer mode. This will allow you to develop your player's skills and abilities, and give you the opportunity to play against some of the best players in the league.

Join a Pro-Am Team

Finally, consider joining a Pro-Am team to further develop your skills and abilities. This will give you the opportunity to play with other top players and compete against the best teams in the league.In conclusion, becoming a successful point guard in NBA 2K17 requires a combination of skills, attributes, and strategies. By choosing the right archetype, developing your passing and shooting abilities, mastering dribbling and ball handling, enhancing your defensive capabilities, and building chemistry with your teammates, you can become a top point guard in the game. Additionally, by watching game footage, playing in MyCareer mode, and joining a Pro-Am team, you can further develop your skills and abilities and become one of the best players in the game.

The Best Point Guard Build in NBA 2K17: A Point Guard's Perspective


As a point guard in NBA 2K17, choosing the right build is essential to your success on the court. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of the best point guard builds in NBA 2K17 and provide a table comparison of their key attributes.

The Best Point Guard Builds in NBA 2K17

There are three primary point guard builds in NBA 2K17: Playmaker, Sharpshooter, and Slasher. Each build has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose one that fits your playstyle and team needs.


The Playmaker build is the most well-rounded point guard build in NBA 2K17. It excels in passing, ball handling, and speed. This build is perfect for players who enjoy controlling the tempo of the game and setting up their teammates for easy baskets.Pros:
  • Highly skilled in passing and ball handling
  • Fast and agile, making it difficult for defenders to keep up
  • Can make plays from anywhere on the court
  • Limited scoring ability
  • Weaker defense than other builds
  • May struggle against more physical defenders


The Sharpshooter build is designed for players who love to shoot the ball from deep. It excels in shooting and has solid ball handling and passing abilities. This build is perfect for players who want to stretch the floor and create open shots for themselves and their teammates.Pros:
  • Excellent shooting ability from anywhere on the court
  • Can create space for themselves with dribble moves
  • Decent ball handling and passing skills
  • Weaker defense than other builds
  • Not as fast or agile as other builds
  • May struggle against physical defenders


The Slasher build is designed for players who love to attack the basket and finish at the rim. It excels in driving and finishing, but has weaker shooting and passing abilities. This build is perfect for players who want to create their own shots and draw fouls.Pros:
  • Excellent driving and finishing ability
  • Can draw fouls and get to the free throw line
  • Stronger defense than other builds
  • Weaker shooting and passing abilities
  • May struggle against teams with dominant big men
  • Not as fast or agile as other builds

Table Comparison

PlaymakerPassing, ball handling, speedScoring ability, defense
SharpshooterShooting, space creationDefense, speed, agility
SlasherDriving, finishing, defenseShooting, passing, speed, agility


In conclusion, the best point guard build in NBA 2K17 depends on your playstyle and team needs. The Playmaker build is the most well-rounded, while the Sharpshooter excels in shooting and the Slasher in attacking the basket. Whatever build you choose, make sure to master its strengths and weaknesses to dominate on the court.

The Best Point Guard Build in NBA 2K17

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best point guard build in NBA 2K17. We hope that you have found it informative and helpful in creating your own player. As we come to a close, we would like to summarize the key points of this article and provide some final thoughts.

Firstly, it is important to understand the role of a point guard in basketball. They are responsible for bringing the ball up the court, setting up plays, and distributing the ball to their teammates. Therefore, a good point guard needs to have a high level of ball handling, passing, and vision.

When creating your player, there are several attributes that you should focus on in order to make the most effective point guard build. These include speed, agility, ball handling, passing accuracy, and vision. It is also important to consider your player's height and weight, as these can affect their performance on the court.

One popular build for a point guard is the playmaker. This build focuses on passing and playmaking abilities, with high levels of agility and ball handling. Another option is the sharpshooter, which prioritizes shooting and scoring abilities.

However, our recommendation for the best point guard build in NBA 2K17 is the balanced point guard. This build combines strong passing and playmaking abilities with solid shooting and scoring skills. With good speed and agility, this build is versatile and can be effective in a variety of situations.

When choosing your player's badges, there are several that can be particularly useful for a point guard. These include Dimer, which boosts passing accuracy for teammates; Acrobat, which improves layup and dunk abilities; and Pick & Roll Maestro, which enhances pick and roll plays.

As you progress through the game, it is important to continue to work on your player's skills and abilities. This can be done through training drills, playing games, and completing challenges. By continually improving your player, you can become a dominant force on the court.

In conclusion, creating the best point guard build in NBA 2K17 requires careful consideration of your player's attributes, badges, and skills. While there are several options available, we recommend the balanced point guard build for its versatility and effectiveness. With hard work and dedication, you can become a top player in the game.

Thank you once again for reading this article. We hope that it has provided you with valuable information and insights. Good luck on the court!

People Also Ask About Best Point Guard Build NBA 2K17

What is the best point guard build in NBA 2K17?

The best point guard build in NBA 2K17 depends on your personal playing style. However, a popular build is a 6'3 Playmaker with maxed out agility, playmaking, and passing stats.

What are the important attributes for a point guard in NBA 2K17?

Important attributes for a point guard in NBA 2K17 include agility, playmaking, passing, ball handling, and speed. These attributes help a point guard effectively control the game and create opportunities for their team.

Should I prioritize shooting or playmaking for my point guard build?

It ultimately depends on your personal playing style and the needs of your team. However, having a balance between shooting and playmaking is ideal for a point guard build. This allows you to both score points and create opportunities for your teammates.

What are some recommended badges for a point guard in NBA 2K17?

Recommended badges for a point guard in NBA 2K17 include Dimer, Ankle Breaker, Acrobat, Finisher, and Pick & Roll Maestro. These badges can help increase your effectiveness on the court and give you an advantage over your opponents.

What is the best height for a point guard in NBA 2K17?

The best height for a point guard in NBA 2K17 is typically between 6'1 and 6'4. This allows for a good balance between speed and size, which can be important for both offensive and defensive play.

What should I focus on when upgrading my point guard in NBA 2K17?

When upgrading your point guard in NBA 2K17, it's important to focus on agility, playmaking, passing, ball handling, and speed. These attributes will allow you to effectively control the game and create opportunities for your team. Additionally, upgrading your shooting and defense can also be beneficial.

  • The best point guard build in NBA 2K17 depends on personal playing style.

  • Important attributes for a point guard include agility, playmaking, passing, ball handling, and speed.

  • A balance between shooting and playmaking is ideal for a point guard build.

  • Recommended badges for a point guard include Dimer, Ankle Breaker, Acrobat, Finisher, and Pick & Roll Maestro.

  • The best height for a point guard is typically between 6'1 and 6'4.

  • Focusing on agility, playmaking, passing, ball handling, and speed is important when upgrading a point guard. Upgrading shooting and defense can also be beneficial.