Top 10 Ammo Mods to Take Your Cold War Zombies Game to the Next Level

Top 10 Ammo Mods to Take Your Cold War Zombies Game to the Next Level


Upgrade your firepower with the best ammo mods for Cold War Zombies. From Cryofreeze to Brain Rot, take down hordes of undead with ease.

Are you ready to take on the undead hordes in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies? If so, then you'll want to make sure that you have the best ammo mods at your disposal. These powerful upgrades can give you an edge against even the toughest enemies, allowing you to survive longer and rack up more kills. But with so many options available, it can be tough to know which ones to choose. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the top ammo mods in Cold War Zombies, and help you decide which ones will best suit your playstyle.

First up, let's talk about the Cryofreeze ammo mod. This upgrade freezes zombies in their tracks, making them easy targets for you and your teammates. Not only does this make it easier to take down large groups of zombies, but it also gives you a chance to catch your breath and regroup before the next wave arrives. Plus, the frozen zombies can shatter into pieces when hit, causing even more damage to nearby enemies.

If you're looking for an ammo mod that packs a serious punch, then the Brain Rot upgrade might be just what you need. This mod causes zombies to explode upon death, releasing a cloud of toxic gas that can damage other nearby enemies. It's especially effective against bosses and other high-level zombies, since it can deal massive damage in a single shot.

Of course, not all ammo mods are designed for pure offensive power. Some, like the Napalm Burst mod, are great for crowd control and area denial. This upgrade causes zombies to burst into flames upon death, creating a pool of fire that can damage and slow down other enemies. It's particularly useful for defending chokepoints or controlling the flow of zombies through a specific area.

Another powerful ammo mod is the Dead Wire upgrade, which electrifies zombies and causes them to chain lightning to nearby enemies upon death. This can be incredibly effective against large groups of zombies, as the lightning can jump from one enemy to another, quickly taking down entire hordes. It's also great for dealing with zombies that are tightly packed together, since the electricity can arc between them and cause massive damage.

If you're looking for an ammo mod that can help keep you alive in a pinch, then the Healing Aura upgrade might be just what you need. This mod creates a field around you that slowly heals both you and your teammates over time, making it easier to survive tough encounters. It's particularly useful for when you're pinned down and need to hold out until reinforcements arrive.

Of course, these are just a few of the many ammo mods available in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies. Depending on your playstyle and the type of zombies you're facing, you may find that other upgrades work even better for you. The key is to experiment and find the ones that best suit your needs, and then use them strategically to gain an edge against the undead hordes.

In conclusion, having the right ammo mods can make all the difference when it comes to surviving in Cold War Zombies. Whether you're looking for offensive power, crowd control, or survivability, there's an upgrade out there that can help you achieve your goals. So take some time to experiment with different mods, and see which ones work best for you. With a little bit of practice and some well-placed shots, you'll be taking down zombies like a pro in no time!


Cold War Zombies is a game mode that requires players to defeat hordes of zombies while surviving as long as possible. One of the ways players can improve their chances of survival is by using ammo mods. These mods give weapons special abilities that can make a huge difference in gameplay. In this article, we'll explore some of the best ammo mods in Cold War Zombies.

The Best Ammo Mods


Cryofreeze is an ammo mod that freezes zombies in place, making them easier to kill. This mod is particularly useful in later rounds when zombies become harder to take down. It also works well when used with shotguns or other close-range weapons.

Napalm Burst

Napalm Burst is an ammo mod that causes zombies to burst into flames upon impact. This mod is effective against groups of zombies, as it can damage multiple targets at once. It's especially useful on higher rounds when zombies have more health.

Brain Rot

Brain Rot is an ammo mod that turns a zombie into an ally for a short period of time. The zombie will attack other zombies, giving you some much-needed assistance. This mod is especially useful when you're facing a large group of zombies.

Dead Wire

Dead Wire is an ammo mod that causes zombies to explode upon death, damaging nearby zombies. This mod is particularly useful for clearing out large groups of zombies quickly. It's also great for taking down bosses or mini-bosses.

Elemental Pop

Elemental Pop is an ammo mod that randomly applies one of four elemental effects to your bullets: fire, ice, electric, or poison. This mod is particularly useful for taking down bosses or mini-bosses. It's also great for clearing out large groups of zombies, as the elemental effects can damage multiple targets at once.

Shatter Blast

Shatter Blast is an ammo mod that causes zombies to explode upon death, damaging other nearby zombies. This mod is particularly useful for taking down large groups of zombies quickly. It's also great for taking down bosses or mini-bosses.


Ammo mods are an essential part of Cold War Zombies gameplay. They can make a huge difference in your ability to survive and defeat hordes of zombies. Cryofreeze, Napalm Burst, Brain Rot, Dead Wire, Elemental Pop, and Shatter Blast are just a few of the best ammo mods available in the game. Experiment with different mods and find the ones that work best for your playstyle. Happy hunting!

Introduction to Ammo Mods in Cold War ZombiesCold War Zombies is one of the most popular modes in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. It is a survival game mode where players must fight against waves of zombies to stay alive. The key to success in this mode is not just skill and strategy, but also the weapons and ammo mods that players use. Ammo mods are special attachments that can be added to weapons to enhance their damage and provide unique effects.In this article, we will discuss the best ammo mods in Cold War Zombies and how to use them effectively. We will also cover how to unlock ammo mods, combine them, and maximize their potential.How to Unlock Ammo Mods in Cold War ZombiesBefore you can use ammo mods, you need to unlock them first. In Cold War Zombies, there are two ways to do this:1. Complete Challenges: Each ammo mod has a set of challenges that you must complete to unlock it. These challenges range from killing zombies with specific weapons to completing objectives on certain maps. Once you complete all the challenges for an ammo mod, it will be unlocked for all your weapons.2. Purchase from the Pack-a-Punch Machine: If you don't want to go through the hassle of completing challenges, you can also purchase ammo mods from the Pack-a-Punch machine. However, this option is only available after you have fully upgraded your weapon at the Pack-a-Punch machine.Best Ammo Mods for Early Rounds in Cold War ZombiesDuring the early rounds of Cold War Zombies, you want to focus on ammo mods that can help you clear out zombies quickly and efficiently. Here are some of the best ammo mods for early rounds:1. Brain Rot: This ammo mod turns zombies into allies for a short period of time. When a zombie is killed with this mod, it will explode and release a cloud of gas that turns nearby zombies into allies. This is a great way to distract the zombies and give yourself some breathing room.2. Cryofreeze: This ammo mod freezes zombies in place, making them vulnerable to headshots. Frozen zombies can also damage other zombies if they come into contact with them. This is a great way to stop a horde of zombies in their tracks and pick them off one by one.3. Dead Wire: This ammo mod creates an electrical shock that spreads to nearby zombies, stunning them and dealing damage. This is a great way to clear out large groups of zombies quickly.Best Ammo Mods for High Rounds in Cold War ZombiesAs you progress through the rounds in Cold War Zombies, zombies become stronger and more difficult to kill. You need ammo mods that can deal high amounts of damage and have unique effects. Here are some of the best ammo mods for high rounds:1. Fire Bomb: This ammo mod creates a fiery explosion that deals massive damage to zombies. It also leaves a pool of fire on the ground, damaging any zombies that walk through it. This is a great way to clear out a horde of zombies quickly and create a barrier that they cannot cross.2. Napalm Burst: This ammo mod creates a napalm explosion that sets zombies on fire, dealing damage over time. The explosion also leaves a pool of napalm on the ground, which continues to damage zombies that walk through it. This is a great way to deal with high health zombies like Megatons.3. Shatter Blast: This ammo mod creates a burst of ice that shatters zombies, dealing massive damage. It also freezes nearby zombies, making them vulnerable to headshots. This is a great way to deal with high health zombies and slow down a horde of zombies.How to Use Ammo Mods Effectively in Cold War ZombiesTo use ammo mods effectively in Cold War Zombies, you need to understand how they work and when to use them. Here are some tips for using ammo mods effectively:1. Aim for the Head: Most ammo mods have a higher chance of triggering when you get a headshot kill. Aim for the head to maximize the potential of your ammo mods.2. Combine with Pack-a-Punch: Ammo mods can be combined with Pack-a-Punch upgrades to create even more powerful weapons. Experiment with different combinations to find the best setup for your playstyle.3. Switch between Ammo Mods: Don't rely on just one ammo mod. Switch between different ammo mods depending on the situation. For example, use Brain Rot to distract zombies while you reload, then switch to Dead Wire to clear out the remaining zombies.Ammo Mods vs. Pack-a-Punch: Which is Better in Cold War Zombies?Both ammo mods and Pack-a-Punch upgrades are essential for surviving in Cold War Zombies. However, they serve different purposes. Pack-a-Punch upgrades enhance the damage and abilities of your weapons, while ammo mods provide unique effects and crowd control. Both are important, but it's up to you to decide which one to prioritize.The Benefits of Using Ammo Mods in Cold War ZombiesUsing ammo mods in Cold War Zombies has several benefits. They can help you clear out zombies quickly, distract zombies, and deal high amounts of damage. They also provide unique effects that can give you an advantage in certain situations. Additionally, unlocking and using ammo mods adds another layer of depth and customization to the game.How to Combine Ammo Mods in Cold War ZombiesCombining ammo mods in Cold War Zombies can create even more powerful effects. To combine ammo mods, you need to have two weapons with different ammo mods equipped. When you swap between these weapons, the ammo mods will combine and create a new effect. Experiment with different combinations to find the best setup for your playstyle.Best Ammo Mods for Specific Maps in Cold War ZombiesDifferent maps in Cold War Zombies have different layouts and challenges. Some ammo mods are more effective on certain maps than others. Here are some of the best ammo mods for specific maps:1. Die Maschine: Dead Wire and Brain Rot are both effective on this map. Dead Wire can clear out zombies quickly, while Brain Rot can distract zombies and create allies.2. Firebase Z: Fire Bomb and Cryofreeze are both effective on this map. Fire Bomb can clear out tight spaces quickly, while Cryofreeze can freeze zombies in place and make them vulnerable to headshots.3. Outbreak: Napalm Burst and Shatter Blast are both effective on this map. Napalm Burst is great for dealing with high health zombies like Megatons, while Shatter Blast can slow down a horde of zombies.How to Maximize the Potential of Ammo Mods in Cold War ZombiesTo maximize the potential of ammo mods in Cold War Zombies, you need to experiment with different combinations and strategies. Use them in different situations and see how they perform. Don't be afraid to switch between ammo mods and combine them to create new effects. With practice and experimentation, you can become a master of ammo mods in Cold War Zombies.ConclusionAmmo mods are an essential part of Cold War Zombies. They provide unique effects and crowd control that can help you survive against waves of zombies. To unlock and use ammo mods effectively, you need to complete challenges, purchase from the Pack-a-Punch machine, and experiment with different combinations. Whether you're playing in the early rounds or high rounds, there is an ammo mod that can help you succeed. So, go out there and start experimenting with different ammo mods to see what works best for you.

The Best Ammo Mods in Cold War Zombies

Point of View

As an avid player of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies, I believe that using the right ammo mods is crucial in surviving the endless hordes of undead. With the variety of ammo mods available, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones are the best. In my experience, the best ammo mods in Cold War Zombies are Dead Wire, Brain Rot, and Fire Bomb.

Pros and Cons

Dead Wire:

  • Pros:
    • Stuns zombies and chains electricity to nearby zombies
    • Can be used to clear out tight spaces and chokepoints
  • Cons:
    • Does not deal as much damage as other ammo mods
    • May not work effectively on higher rounds when zombies have more health

Brain Rot:

  • Pros:
    • Turns one zombie into a friendly distraction for other zombies
    • Infected zombie can spread Brain Rot to other zombies
    • Can be used strategically to separate zombie hordes
  • Cons:
    • Infected zombie does not deal as much damage as regular zombies
    • May not work effectively on higher rounds when zombies have more health

Fire Bomb:

  • Pros:
    • Deals area-of-effect damage and sets zombies on fire
    • Can be used to control zombie movement and force them into a specific area
  • Cons:
    • May not work effectively in tight spaces or chokepoints
    • Deals less damage than other ammo mods

Table Comparison

Ammo Mod Pros Cons
Dead Wire Stuns zombies and chains electricity, good for tight spaces Deals less damage, may not work on higher rounds
Brain Rot Turns zombies into friendly distractions, can be spread to other zombies Infected zombie deals less damage, may not work on higher rounds
Fire Bomb Deals area-of-effect damage, sets zombies on fire May not work in tight spaces, deals less damage than other mods
In conclusion, the best ammo mods in Cold War Zombies are Dead Wire, Brain Rot, and Fire Bomb. Each mod has its own set of pros and cons that players should consider when deciding which one to use. It's also important to note that players should experiment with different mods to find the ones that work best for their playstyle.

Closing Message: Best Ammo Mods for Cold War Zombies

Thank you for taking the time to read through our in-depth article on the best ammo mods for Cold War Zombies. We hope that this guide has helped you understand the different types of ammo mods available, and how they can help you survive longer and be more effective against the undead.As we discussed, there are several different types of ammo mods available in Cold War Zombies, each with its own unique benefits. Whether you prefer the explosive power of the Napalm Burst or the crowd control capabilities of the Brain Rot mod, there is an option out there that will suit your playstyle.It is important to remember that while ammo mods can be incredibly helpful in taking down zombies, they are not a substitute for skill and strategy. The best way to succeed in Cold War Zombies is to practice, learn the mechanics of the game, and work with your team to take down the undead hordes.One thing to keep in mind when using ammo mods is that they do have limitations. Some mods may only be effective against certain types of enemies, while others may have limited uses before needing to be replenished. It is also important to note that ammo mods can only be used on weapons that are upgraded at the Pack-a-Punch machine.When selecting an ammo mod, it is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen weapon, as well as your overall strategy for the game. Do you want to focus on taking down large groups of zombies, or do you want to deal massive damage to individual targets? Understanding your goals will help you choose the right mod for your needs.Another thing to keep in mind is that different ammo mods may work better for different maps and game modes. For example, the Cryofreeze mod may be more effective in tight corridors, while the Dead Wire mod may be better suited to larger, open areas. Experimenting with different mods and strategies can help you find the best combination for your playstyle.In addition to ammo mods, there are also several other upgrades and perks available in Cold War Zombies that can help you survive longer and deal more damage. Whether you prefer to focus on weapons, equipment, or abilities, there is a wide range of options available to help you customize your gameplay experience.Overall, we hope that this guide has been helpful in understanding the different types of ammo mods available in Cold War Zombies, and how they can help you succeed in the game. Remember to practice, experiment with different strategies, and work with your team to take down the undead hordes. Good luck, and happy hunting!

People Also Ask About Best Ammo Mods in Cold War Zombies

What Are Ammo Mods in Cold War Zombies?

Ammo Mods are special attachments that players can add to their weapons in Cold War Zombies. These mods provide various enhancements to the ammunition, such as elemental damage, increased damage output, or even healing effects.

Which Ammo Mods Are the Best in Cold War Zombies?

The best ammo mods in Cold War Zombies depend on personal preference and playstyle. However, some of the top options include:

  • Dead Wire: This mod adds electric damage to your bullets, stunning enemies and killing them in a chain reaction.
  • Napalm Burst: This mod sets enemies on fire, dealing damage over time and creating a pool of flames that slows other zombies down.
  • Cryofreeze: This mod freezes enemies in place, making them unable to move or attack for a short period of time.

How Do You Get Ammo Mods in Cold War Zombies?

You can obtain ammo mods in Cold War Zombies by completing challenges, purchasing them from the Pack-a-Punch machine, or finding them in loot chests scattered throughout the map.

Can You Use Multiple Ammo Mods at Once in Cold War Zombies?

No, you can only equip one ammo mod at a time in Cold War Zombies. However, you can switch between different mods as needed by interacting with the Pack-a-Punch machine.