The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Deck for Crushing the Elixir Golem Challenge

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Deck for Crushing the Elixir Golem Challenge


Get ahead in the Elixir Golem Challenge with our unbeatable deck guide! Crush your opponents and win big with these top picks.

The Elixir Golem Challenge is one of the most exciting and challenging events in Clash Royale. This challenge requires a different set of skills and strategies than other challenges because of the unique mechanics of the Elixir Golem. To be successful in the Elixir Golem Challenge, you need to have a deck that can handle the Elixir Golem's ability to split into two Elixir Golemites upon death. In this article, we will discuss the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge. We will provide you with the top recommended cards, their roles, and how to use them to create an unstoppable deck.

The first card that we recommend is the Elixir Golem. This card is the center of our deck and is crucial to its success. The Elixir Golem has a high hit point pool, and when it dies, it splits into two Elixir Golemites. These golemites also have a decent amount of hit points and deal moderate damage. Using the Elixir Golem as a tank will allow your other units to do more damage while keeping your opponent busy dealing with the Elixir Golem's split.

The second card that we recommend is the Mega Knight. The Mega Knight is an excellent counter to ground units and can jump over rivers, making it perfect for defending against incoming troops. The Mega Knight can also deal splash damage, making it effective against swarm units like Skeletons and Bats.

The third card that we recommend is the Baby Dragon. The Baby Dragon is a versatile card that can fly and deal splash damage. It is effective at taking out swarms of ground units and can also defend against air units. The Baby Dragon can also be used as a support card for your tank units, as it can fly over them and attack from behind.

Another card that we recommend is the Inferno Dragon. The Inferno Dragon is an effective counter to tanks and high hit point units. It can deal massive damage over time, making it perfect for taking out big units like the Giant or Golem. The Inferno Dragon can also be used as a defensive unit, as it can take out incoming tanks before they reach your towers.

The fifth card that we recommend is the Goblin Cage. The Goblin Cage is an excellent distraction card that can be used to lure incoming troops away from your towers. It can also be used to house your own troops, allowing them to do more damage while protected by the cage. The Goblin Cage's death spawn also releases a Goblin Brawler, which can deal moderate damage and distract enemy troops.

The sixth card that we recommend is the Zap. The Zap is a low-cost spell that can be used to stun enemy troops and reset their attack. It is effective against swarms of ground units and can also be used to reset the charge of units like the Prince or Dark Prince. The Zap can also be used to finish off low hit point units like the Skeleton Army or Goblin Gang.

The seventh card that we recommend is the Bandit. The Bandit is a fast-moving unit that can quickly take out enemy troops and deal significant damage to towers. It is also effective at dodging incoming attacks and can dash through enemy units. The Bandit can also be used as a tank for your other units, as it has a decent amount of hit points.

The eighth card that we recommend is the Electro Wizard. The Electro Wizard is an excellent support unit that can stun enemy troops and reset their attack. It is effective against air and ground units and can also target two units at once. The Electro Wizard's spawn zap can also stun enemy units and reset their attack, making it an effective defensive unit.

The ninth card that we recommend is the Skeleton Army. The Skeleton Army is a low-cost swarm unit that can quickly take out incoming troops. It is effective against ground units and can also be used to distract enemy units. The Skeleton Army can also be used as a defense against tanks, as it can quickly surround them and deal massive damage.

The tenth and final card that we recommend is the Poison. The Poison is a low-cost spell that can deal damage over time to enemy units and slow them down. It is effective against swarms of units and can also be used to weaken high hit point units like tanks. The Poison can also be used to finish off low hit point units like the Skeleton Army or Goblin Gang.

Overall, the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge includes a mix of tank units, support units, and swarm units. These cards should be used strategically to defend against incoming troops and push towards your opponent's towers. With the right combination of cards and strategies, you can become unstoppable in the Elixir Golem Challenge.


The Elixir Golem Challenge is one of the most difficult challenges in Clash Royale. Players need to create the perfect deck that can handle the pressure and power of the Elixir Golem. In this article, we will discuss the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge.

The Elixir Golem Card

The Elixir Golem is a unique card in Clash Royale that has the ability to split into two Elixir Golemites when defeated. It has a high amount of hit points and can cause massive damage on the battlefield. However, it also comes with a drawback – when it is defeated, it gives the opponent a large amount of elixir.

The Best Deck for Elixir Golem Challenge

Creating the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge is not an easy task. Players need to consider several factors, including the strengths and weaknesses of their cards, the elixir cost, and the overall strategy of the deck. Here is a list of the best cards to use in your deck:

Elixir Golem

As the main card of the challenge, the Elixir Golem is a must-have in your deck. It has a high amount of hit points and can deal massive damage on the battlefield. However, players need to be careful when using it, as it gives the opponent a large amount of elixir when defeated.

Mega Knight

The Mega Knight is a powerful card that can deal a lot of damage and has a high amount of hit points. It can jump over troops and destroy them with its area damage. It is a great counter to swarms of troops and can also defend against air attacks.


The Miner is a versatile card that can be used for both offense and defense. It can be used to take out enemy buildings or to distract troops. It is also a great card to use for chip damage on the opponent's tower.


Poison is a great card to use in the Elixir Golem Challenge. It can deal damage to troops and buildings over time and can slow down enemy troops. It is also great for defending against swarms of troops and can be used to take out enemy buildings.

Ice Wizard

The Ice Wizard is a great defensive card that can slow down enemy troops and reduce their damage. It can also be used to support your own troops and can be a great counter to air attacks.


The key to winning the Elixir Golem Challenge is to have a solid strategy. Here are some tips to help you create a winning strategy:

Use the Elixir Golem Wisely

When using the Elixir Golem, make sure to deploy it at the right time. You should avoid deploying it when your elixir is low, as it will give your opponent a large amount of elixir when defeated. You should also be careful when deploying it near your own towers, as it can cause damage when it splits into two golemites.

Defend Your Towers

Defending your towers is crucial in the Elixir Golem Challenge. You should use your defensive cards wisely and make sure to take out any enemy troops that come near your towers. You should also use your spells to defend your towers and take out enemy buildings.

Focus on Chip Damage

Chip damage can be a great way to whittle down your opponent's tower. Use your Miner and other chip-damage cards to slowly chip away at your opponent's tower. This will force your opponent to defend, giving you more opportunities to attack.

Use Your Spells Wisely

Your spells can be a powerful tool in the Elixir Golem Challenge. Use them wisely to take out enemy troops and buildings, and to defend your own towers. Make sure to time your spells correctly and avoid wasting them on weak targets.


The Elixir Golem Challenge is one of the most difficult challenges in Clash Royale. However, with the right deck and strategy, you can emerge victorious. Use the tips and tricks discussed in this article to create the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge and achieve victory.

Understanding the Elixir Golem ChallengeThe Elixir Golem Challenge is a special game mode in Clash Royale that requires players to construct decks that effectively utilize the Elixir Golem card. The Elixir Golem is a unique card that, when destroyed, splits into two smaller golems that continue to fight on behalf of the player.This challenge requires a different strategy compared to regular gameplay because of the high risk-high reward nature of the Elixir Golem. The goal is to create a deck that maximizes the potential of the Elixir Golem while also having strong defense and counter-attack options.The Importance of Deck Building in the Elixir Golem ChallengeDeck building is crucial in the Elixir Golem Challenge because it determines the effectiveness of your gameplay. The main focus should be on creating a balance between offense and defense while keeping the Elixir costs in check.The first step in building a deck is to include cards that complement the Elixir Golem's strengths. These cards can include support troops like the Baby Dragon or ranged attackers like the Musketeer. Additionally, spells like the Poison or the Zap can be used to deal with enemy troops and towers.Top Cards to Include in Your Elixir Golem Challenge DeckChoosing the right cards for your deck is essential in the Elixir Golem Challenge. Here are some top cards that work well with the Elixir Golem:1. Baby Dragon - This troop provides air support and splash damage, making it an ideal companion for the Elixir Golem.2. Musketeer - The Musketeer is a great ranged attacker that can deal heavy damage to enemy troops and towers.3. Poison - The Poison spell can clear out enemy troops and weaken towers.4. Zap - This spell can stun enemy troops and reset their attack, giving your troops more time to deal damage.5. Skeleton Army - This can be a great distraction for enemy troops and can take out ground units with ease.Balancing Your Elixir Costs in the Elixir Golem ChallengeManaging your Elixir costs is critical in the Elixir Golem Challenge because the Elixir Golem itself costs a lot of Elixir. It's important to have a mix of low-cost and high-cost cards in your deck to maintain a balance between offense and defense.One strategy to balance Elixir costs is to include cycle cards like the Ice Spirit or the Skeletons. These cheap cards can be used to cycle through your deck quickly and allow you to play your higher-cost cards more often.Tips for Combining Elixir Golem and Clone in Your DeckThe Clone spell can be a useful tool in the Elixir Golem Challenge. When used on the split Elixir Golems, it can create a massive army that overwhelms the opponent. However, it's important to use the Clone spell at the right time to maximize its effectiveness.One strategy is to wait until the Elixir Golem is about to split before using the Clone spell. This creates a larger army that can deal more damage to enemy troops and towers. Another tip is to use the Clone spell in conjunction with other cards like the Baby Dragon or the Musketeer to create an even more powerful force.Building a Strong Defense in the Elixir Golem ChallengeHaving a strong defense is essential in the Elixir Golem Challenge because opponents will be trying to take down your towers quickly. Including defensive troops like the Knight or the Valkyrie can help defend your towers while also dealing damage to enemy troops.Additionally, buildings like the Inferno Tower or the Tesla can be used to distract enemy troops and deal damage from afar. Spells like the Fireball or the Arrows can also be effective in taking out groups of enemy troops.Utilizing Spells to Your Advantage in the Elixir Golem ChallengeSpells can be a valuable asset in the Elixir Golem Challenge. They can be used to clear out enemy troops, weaken towers, or support your own troops. The Poison spell can be particularly useful in taking out groups of enemy troops and weakening towers.The Zap spell can also be effective in stunning enemy troops and resetting their attack. It can also be used to reset the Inferno Tower's damage, allowing your troops to destroy it more easily. Other spells like the Fireball or the Rocket can deal heavy damage to enemy towers and troops.Strategies for Countering Opponent Decks in the Elixir Golem ChallengeKnowing how to counter your opponent's deck is crucial in the Elixir Golem Challenge. One strategy is to use cards that can distract enemy troops and take them out quickly. Cards like the Skeleton Army or the Goblin Gang can be effective in this regard.Another strategy is to use spells like the Poison or the Fireball to weaken enemy troops and towers. Additionally, using high-damage attackers like the Prince or the P.E.K.K.A can be effective in taking down enemy troops and towers quickly.Top Performers in the Elixir Golem Challenge: Which Cards to PrioritizeThere are certain cards that perform well in the Elixir Golem Challenge and should be prioritized in your deck. These cards include:1. Baby Dragon - This troop provides air support and splash damage, making it an ideal companion for the Elixir Golem.2. Musketeer - The Musketeer is a great ranged attacker that can deal heavy damage to enemy troops and towers.3. Poison - The Poison spell can clear out enemy troops and weaken towers.4. Zap - This spell can stun enemy troops and reset their attack, giving your troops more time to deal damage.5. Skeleton Army - This can be a great distraction for enemy troops and can take out ground units with ease.Tips for Adjusting Your Elixir Golem Challenge Deck Based on Opponent PlaystylesAdjusting your deck based on your opponent's playstyle is important in the Elixir Golem Challenge. If your opponent is using a lot of air troops, it's important to include cards that can deal with them effectively like the Baby Dragon or the Minions.If your opponent is using a lot of high-damage attackers like the P.E.K.K.A, it's important to include cards that can distract them and take them out quickly like the Skeleton Army or the Goblin Gang. Additionally, adjusting your spell choices based on your opponent's deck can be effective in countering their troops and towers.In conclusion, the Elixir Golem Challenge requires a unique strategy compared to regular gameplay. Building a balanced deck that utilizes the strengths of the Elixir Golem while also having strong defense and counter-attack options is essential. By following these tips and prioritizing certain cards, players can increase their chances of success in this challenging game mode.

The Best Deck for Elixir Golem Challenge

Point of View

As an avid Clash Royale player, I believe that the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge is one that includes a combination of strong offensive and defensive cards. The Elixir Golem is a unique card that splits into two Elixir Blobs when destroyed, making it a powerful card to use in battle. However, it also has a significant drawback as it provides the opponent with extra elixir upon its destruction.

Pros and Cons of the Best Deck


  1. The Elixir Golem is a strong offensive card that can deal significant damage to the opponent's towers.
  2. The Goblin Cage is a great defensive card that can distract enemy troops and protect your towers.
  3. The Baby Dragon is a versatile card that can be used for both offense and defense.
  4. The Inferno Dragon is a great counter to high-health enemy troops and tanks.
  5. The Mega Minion is a strong air troop that can deal significant damage to enemy troops and buildings.


  1. The Elixir Golem provides the opponent with extra elixir upon its destruction, which can put you at a disadvantage in battle.
  2. The Goblin Cage can be easily destroyed by spells such as Fireball or Poison.
  3. The Baby Dragon is weak against air troops such as Minions or Balloons.
  4. The Inferno Dragon is vulnerable to swarms of low-health enemy troops.
  5. The Mega Minion has low health and can be easily taken out by enemy troops or spells.

Table Comparison/Information about Keywords

Card Description Pros Cons
Elixir Golem A 3-elixir cost troop that splits into two Elixir Blobs when destroyed. Strong offensive card Provides opponent with extra elixir upon destruction
Goblin Cage A 4-elixir cost building that spawns a Goblin Brawler when destroyed. Great defensive card Vulnerable to spells
Baby Dragon A 4-elixir cost flying troop that deals splash damage. Versatile card for offense and defense Weak against air troops
Inferno Dragon A 4-elixir cost flying troop that deals increasing damage to high-health enemy troops. Great counter to tanks Vulnerable to swarms of low-health troops
Mega Minion A 3-elixir cost flying troop that deals single-target damage. Strong air troop Low health and vulnerable to enemy troops and spells
Overall, the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge is one that includes a balance of offensive and defensive cards. While the Elixir Golem can be a powerful card to use in battle, it also has a significant drawback that must be considered when building your deck. By including cards such as the Goblin Cage, Baby Dragon, Inferno Dragon, and Mega Minion, you can create a strong and versatile deck that can effectively counter your opponent's strategies.

The Best Deck for Elixir Golem Challenge

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best deck for the Elixir Golem challenge. We hope that you found the information useful and that it will help you to achieve victory in this exciting challenge.

Before we conclude, we would like to summarize the key points of our article and provide you with a final overview of the best deck for the Elixir Golem challenge.

We started by introducing the Elixir Golem, a unique card that splits into two smaller Golemites upon death, giving you a huge elixir advantage. We then went on to explain the basic mechanics of the challenge and provided some general tips on how to win.

Next, we discussed the importance of having a balanced deck that can handle a variety of situations. We recommended including cards that can deal with air and ground units, as well as those that can counter popular cards such as the Royal Giant or the Hog Rider.

We then presented our top six deck recommendations, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. These decks include combinations of popular cards such as the Wizard, the Mega Knight, and the Electro Wizard, as well as lesser-known cards like the Magic Archer or the Lumberjack.

We also provided detailed explanations of how to use each card in these decks, as well as some general tips on strategy and gameplay. We emphasized the importance of knowing when to play defensively and when to make aggressive moves, as well as how to manage your elixir effectively.

Finally, we concluded by reminding you that the best way to win the Elixir Golem challenge is through practice and persistence. Don't be discouraged if you don't win right away - keep refining your deck and experimenting with different strategies until you find what works best for you.

Thank you again for reading our article on the best deck for the Elixir Golem challenge. We hope that it has been helpful to you and that you will use our recommendations to achieve success in this exciting challenge.

Remember, the key to winning is to stay calm, stay focused, and never give up - with the right deck and the right strategy, victory is within your reach!

People Also Ask About Best Deck for Elixir Golem Challenge

What is the Elixir Golem Challenge?

The Elixir Golem Challenge is a limited-time event in Clash Royale where players have to build a deck around the Elixir Golem card and compete against other players in a special game mode. The challenge usually lasts for a few days and offers various rewards for players who manage to win a certain number of matches.

What is the best deck for the Elixir Golem Challenge?

There are several decks that can work well in the Elixir Golem Challenge, but the best one depends on your playstyle and the cards you have available. Here are some popular decks:

  1. Elixir Golem Beatdown: This deck focuses on overwhelming your opponent with a massive push using the Elixir Golem, Mega Minion, Baby Dragon, and other high-damage cards. You can also use the Elixir Golem as a distraction while your other troops deal damage to the enemy towers.
  2. Elixir Golem Cycle: This deck relies on cycling through your cards quickly to keep the pressure on your opponent. You can use cheap cards like Skeletons, Ice Spirit, and Bats to distract and chip away at the enemy towers, while the Elixir Golem tanks for your other troops.
  3. Elixir Golem Control: This deck focuses on defending your own towers and slowly building up a counter-push. You can use defensive cards like Valkyrie, Goblin Cage, and Fireball to stop your opponent's attacks, then use the Elixir Golem to tank for your own troops as you push back.

What are some tips for winning the Elixir Golem Challenge?

Here are some general tips that can help you succeed in the Elixir Golem Challenge:

  • Don't overspend: The Elixir Golem is a powerful card, but it also costs a lot of elixir. Don't use it too early or too often, or you'll run out of elixir and be vulnerable to counter-attacks.
  • Build a balanced deck: Make sure your deck has a mix of offensive and defensive cards, as well as air and ground troops. This will give you more options when facing different types of decks.
  • Be patient: The Elixir Golem takes a while to reach the enemy towers, so don't rush your attacks. Wait for the right moment to deploy your troops, and try to bait out your opponent's defenses before making your push.
  • Watch your opponent's elixir: Keep an eye on how much elixir your opponent has, and try to take advantage of their low elixir moments. If they just used a big spell or expensive troop, for example, that's a good time to make your move.