The Ultimate Borderlands Pre Sequel Doppelganger Build – Dominating with the Perfect Skill Set

The Ultimate Borderlands Pre Sequel Doppelganger Build – Dominating with the Perfect Skill Set


Looking for the best build for Borderlands Pre-Sequel's Doppelganger? Look no further! Discover the ultimate strategy for success.

If you're looking for the best build for Borderlands Pre-Sequel's Doppelganger, then you've come to the right place. Handsome Jack's doppelganger is one of the most unique and versatile characters in the game, with access to a variety of different skills and abilities that can make him a force to be reckoned with. Whether you prefer to focus on sniping from a distance or getting up close and personal with your enemies, there's a build out there that will suit your playstyle.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when building your Doppelganger is the fact that he's all about deception and trickery. His Action Skill, Jack's Double, allows him to summon a holographic clone of himself that distracts enemies and deals damage, while his other skills allow him to manipulate the battlefield in a variety of different ways. This means that you'll need to focus on skills that enhance your ability to deceive and outmaneuver your opponents, rather than simply focusing on raw damage output.

One popular build for the Doppelganger is the Jack of All Trades build, which focuses on balancing all of his different abilities to create a well-rounded character that can handle any situation. This build typically includes skills like Deception, which increases the duration and effectiveness of your holographic clone, Collaborate, which allows your clone to provide you with bonuses like increased damage or healing, and Winning, which increases your chances of getting critical hits and dealing massive damage.

If you prefer to focus on long-range combat, then the Sniper Jack build might be more your style. This build is all about maximizing your damage output from a distance, with skills like Ambush, which increases your critical hit damage when attacking from behind cover, and Kill Confirmed, which provides bonuses when you successfully land a critical hit. You'll also want to invest in skills like One Last Thing and At One with the Gun, which provide bonuses for using sniper rifles.

On the other hand, if you prefer to get up close and personal with your enemies, then the Melee Jack build might be more your speed. This build focuses on boosting your melee damage and survivability, with skills like Backstab, which increases your melee damage when attacking from behind an enemy, and In Your Face, which provides bonuses for taking damage while you're up close and personal with your foes.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many different builds that are possible with the Doppelganger. One of the great things about Borderlands Pre-Sequel is the fact that there's no one right way to play any of the characters, and the Doppelganger is no exception. With a little experimentation and some careful planning, you can create a character that suits your playstyle perfectly and dominates the battlefield like a true Handsome Jack.

That being said, there are a few key skills that pretty much every Doppelganger build should include. For example, Best Foot Forward is a must-have skill that reduces the cooldown of your Action Skill whenever you deal damage with a gun. This is incredibly useful, as it allows you to summon your holographic clone more often and keep your opponents off-balance.

Another essential skill is Explosive Clap, which causes your clone to explode when it's destroyed, dealing area-of-effect damage to nearby enemies. This is a great way to take out groups of weaker enemies or soften up tougher foes before you engage them directly.

Finally, Jack's Cache is a skill that provides you with bonuses whenever you pick up money or ammo. This might not seem like a big deal, but the bonuses can be significant and can help to keep you alive and kicking even in the toughest battles.

Overall, the Doppelganger is one of the most interesting and versatile characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel, and there are countless different ways to build him to suit your playstyle. Whether you prefer to snipe from a distance, get up close and personal with your enemies, or deceive and outmaneuver them with your holographic clone, there's a build out there that will work for you. So why not experiment a little and see what kind of Handsome Jack you can create?


Borderlands Pre-Sequel is a highly enjoyable game that has captured the hearts of many gamers. One of the most interesting and fun characters in the game is the Doppelganger. He is a unique character because he can create a clone of himself to fight alongside him. In this article, we will discuss the best build for the Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel.

Understanding the Doppelganger

Before we dive into the best build for the Doppelganger, let's take a moment to understand the character. The Doppelganger is a Jack-Of-All-Trades character, meaning he is good at pretty much everything. He is proficient in all weapon types and can hold his own in close combat as well as long-range combat.

Skills to invest in for the Doppelganger

When it comes to investing skill points in the Doppelganger, there are a few key skills that you should focus on. These skills will help make the Doppelganger an even more formidable opponent.

Invest in the Greater Good Skill Tree

The Greater Good Skill Tree is where you should invest most of your skill points. This tree focuses on making the Doppelganger's clones even more powerful and deadly. Some key skills to invest in include:

  • Best Foot Forward - Gives the Doppelganger a speed boost when his shield is down
  • Jack's Cache - Gives the Doppelganger a chance to get bonus loot when he kills an enemy
  • Double Your Fun - Increases the duration of the Doppelganger's clones
  • Collaborate - Allows the Doppelganger and his clones to share damage

Invest in the Fragmented Fragtrap Skill Tree

The Fragmented Fragtrap Skill Tree focuses on increasing the Doppelganger's overall survivability. Some key skills to invest in include:

  • High-Frequency Trading - Increases the Doppelganger's shield capacity and recharge rate
  • Coincidental Combustion - Gives the Doppelganger a chance to ignite enemies with his shots
  • Prismatic Aegis - Increases the Doppelganger's resistance to all damage types
  • Drop the Hammerlock - Gives the Doppelganger a chance to stun enemies with his melee attacks

Weapons and Gear for the Doppelganger

When it comes to weapons and gear, there are a few things you should keep in mind when playing as the Doppelganger.


The Doppelganger is proficient in all weapon types, so feel free to experiment with different weapons to find what works best for you. However, some weapons that are particularly effective for the Doppelganger include:

  • SMGs - SMGs are great for taking out enemies at close range, which can be especially useful when your clones are distracting them
  • Sniper Rifles - Sniper Rifles are perfect for taking out enemies from a distance, and the Doppelganger's ability to create clones can help distract enemies while you line up your shot
  • Shotguns - Shotguns are great for dealing massive damage up close, which can be especially effective when combined with the Doppelganger's ability to create clones


When it comes to gear, there are a few things you should focus on:

  • Shields - Look for shields that increase your shield capacity and recharge rate. This will make you more survivable in combat.
  • Class Mods - Look for class mods that increase the duration of your clones or increase the damage they deal. This will make your clones even more effective.
  • Grenade Mods - Look for grenade mods that deal elemental damage or have other special effects. This can be especially effective when combined with the Doppelganger's ability to ignite enemies with his shots.


The Doppelganger is one of the most versatile and fun characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel. With the right build and gear, he can be an extremely effective opponent. By investing in the Greater Good and Fragmented Fragtrap skill trees, and using weapons and gear that complement his abilities, you can make the Doppelganger an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Introduction to the Doppelganger Class in Borderlands Pre-Sequel

The Doppelganger class, also known as Jack, is one of the four playable characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel. He is a former Hyperion CEO who can summon digital clones of himself to fight alongside him in battle. The Doppelganger class is a versatile character that can excel in both solo and co-op play.In this article, we will explore the different skill trees available to the Doppelganger class and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each. We'll also provide recommendations for weapon selection, builds for solo and co-op play, as well as tips and tricks for mastering the class.

Overview of the Doppelganger's Skill Trees

The Doppelganger class has three skill trees: the Fan the Hammer tree, the Greater Good tree, and the Free Enterprise tree.The Fan the Hammer tree focuses on improving Jack's gun damage and accuracy. It also includes skills that increase the effectiveness of his digital clones, allowing them to deal more damage and distract enemies.The Greater Good tree emphasizes Jack's leadership abilities. It includes skills that boost the damage and accuracy of his allies while also providing buffs to his digital clones.The Free Enterprise tree is a mix of offense and defense. It includes skills that improve Jack's survivability, such as health regeneration and shield capacity, as well as skills that increase his gun damage and critical hit chance.

Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Skill Tree

Each skill tree offers unique benefits and drawbacks that can affect your playstyle.The Fan the Hammer tree is ideal for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle and want to maximize their damage output. However, it does not provide many defensive options, so players may have to rely on their digital clones to distract enemies.The Greater Good tree is perfect for players who want to focus on providing support to their allies. The skills in this tree can increase the damage and accuracy of your team, making it easier to take down enemies. However, this tree does not offer many offensive options, so players may have to rely on their teammates or digital clones to deal damage.The Free Enterprise tree offers a balance between offense and defense. Players who choose this tree can improve their survivability while also dealing significant damage. However, this tree does not provide many support options, so players may have to rely on their teammates for buffs.

The Importance of Weapon Selection for Doppelganger Builds

Weapon selection is crucial for Doppelganger builds, as Jack's skills heavily depend on the type of gun he is using. It's essential to choose weapons that complement your chosen skill tree.For example, if you choose the Fan the Hammer tree, you may want to focus on pistols and shotguns. These types of weapons benefit from the skills that increase gun damage and accuracy. If you choose the Greater Good tree, you may want to focus on assault rifles and sniper rifles. These weapons benefit from the skills that increase allies' damage and accuracy.

Recommended Builds for Solo Play

If you're playing solo, you may want to focus on a build that maximizes your damage output while also providing some defensive options. Here are some recommended builds:Fan the Hammer Build:- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your gun damage.- Invest in the skills Teamwork and Expendable Assets to improve your digital clones' effectiveness.- Invest in the skills Take Their Freedom and Jack's Double to distract enemies and deal additional damage.Greater Good Build:- Invest in the skills Believe and Collaborate to increase allies' damage and accuracy.- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your own gun damage.- Invest in the skills Best Foot Forward and Synergy to provide additional buffs to your teammates.Free Enterprise Build:- Invest in the skills You Have My Shield and Collaborate to improve your survivability and allies' damage.- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your gun damage.- Invest in the skills High Frequency Trading and Just Compensation to increase your critical hit chance and deal more damage.

Recommended Builds for Co-op Play

If you're playing co-op, you may want to focus on a build that provides support to your teammates while also dealing significant damage. Here are some recommended builds:Fan the Hammer Build:- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your gun damage.- Invest in the skills Teamwork and Expendable Assets to improve your digital clones' effectiveness.- Invest in the skills Take Their Freedom and Jack's Double to distract enemies and deal additional damage.- Coordinate with your teammates to ensure that your digital clones are distracting the right enemies.Greater Good Build:- Invest in the skills Believe and Collaborate to increase allies' damage and accuracy.- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your own gun damage.- Invest in the skills Best Foot Forward and Synergy to provide additional buffs to your teammates.- Coordinate with your teammates to ensure that you're providing buffs to the right allies.Free Enterprise Build:- Invest in the skills You Have My Shield and Collaborate to improve your survivability and allies' damage.- Invest in the skills Jack's Cache and Money is Power to increase your gun damage.- Invest in the skills High Frequency Trading and Just Compensation to increase your critical hit chance and deal more damage.- Coordinate with your teammates to ensure that you're providing cover while also dealing damage.

How to Optimize Your Doppelganger's Action Skill for Maximum Effectiveness

Jack's action skill, Doppelganger, summons digital clones of himself to fight alongside him in battle. To optimize this skill for maximum effectiveness, it's essential to choose the right augments.For example, if you choose the Collar and Cuffs augment, your digital clones will be equipped with shock weapons, making them more effective against shields. If you choose the Double Your Fun augment, you'll summon two digital clones instead of one, increasing your overall damage output.It's also important to use your action skill strategically. Use it to distract enemies while you deal damage, or use it to provide cover while your teammates revive fallen allies.

Best Gear and Equipment for Doppelganger Builds

When it comes to gear and equipment, there are a few things to keep in mind for Doppelganger builds:- Choose weapons that complement your chosen skill tree.- Look for gear that provides additional buffs to your chosen skills.- Prioritize gear that improves your survivability, such as shields and health regeneration.- Consider using class mods that provide additional bonuses to your chosen skills.Some recommended gear and equipment for Doppelganger builds include the Bee shield, the Conference Call shotgun, and the Legendary Jack mod.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering the Doppelganger Class

Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the Doppelganger class:- Use your digital clones strategically to distract enemies and deal additional damage.- Coordinate with your teammates to ensure that your buffs and digital clones are being used effectively.- Prioritize survivability, as the Doppelganger class can be fragile in combat.- Experiment with different skill tree combinations to find a build that suits your playstyle.- Take advantage of cover and use it to your advantage in combat.

Final Thoughts on the Best Doppelganger Builds in Borderlands Pre-Sequel

The Doppelganger class is a versatile character that can excel in both solo and co-op play. With the right skill tree and gear choices, you can create a build that suits your playstyle and maximizes your damage output.Whether you choose the Fan the Hammer, Greater Good, or Free Enterprise tree, remember to prioritize weapon selection, coordinate with your teammates, and use your digital clones strategically to achieve maximum effectiveness in combat.

Borderlands Pre Sequel Doppelganger Best Build

Point of View

As an avid player of Borderlands Pre Sequel, I believe that the Doppelganger class has one of the best builds in the game. With its unique abilities and skills, the Doppelganger can excel in both solo and team play.

Pros of Doppelganger Best Build

1. High damage output - The Doppelganger's Jack's Cache ability gives him a powerful weapon that deals massive damage to enemies.

2. Great survivability - With the Collateral Damage skill, the Doppelganger can regenerate health and shields while dealing damage to nearby enemies.

3. Versatile playstyle - The Doppelganger can switch between offensive and defensive skills, making it a great class for any situation.

4. Team support - The Doppelganger's Synergy skill allows him to share his bonuses with teammates, making him a valuable asset in team play.

Cons of Doppelganger Best Build

1. Limited mobility - The Doppelganger lacks mobility skills, making it difficult to escape from dangerous situations.

2. Dependent on Jack's Cache - Without the Jack's Cache ability, the Doppelganger's damage output is significantly reduced.

3. Skill point distribution - To fully maximize the Doppelganger's potential, players must carefully distribute their skill points, which may be overwhelming for new players.

Table Comparison of Doppelganger Skills

Skill Description Effect
Jack's Cache Summons a powerful weapon High damage output
Collateral Damage Regenerate health and shields while dealing damage to nearby enemies Great survivability
Explosive Clap Creates a shockwave that damages enemies and knocks them back Offensive skill
Best Foot Forward Increase movement speed and reload speed Increased mobility and faster weapon reloads
Synergy Shares bonuses with teammates Team support
In conclusion, the Doppelganger's best build is a strong choice for players who enjoy a versatile playstyle with high damage output and great survivability. However, it may require a careful distribution of skill points and lacks mobility skills. Overall, the Doppelganger is a valuable asset in both solo and team play.

The Ultimate Guide to Borderlands Pre Sequel Doppelganger Best Build

Dear Borderlands fans,

If you're a fan of the Borderlands series, then you know that the Doppelganger character in Borderlands Pre Sequel is one of the most unique and interesting characters to play. The Doppelganger, also known as Jack, is a versatile character with a variety of skills and abilities that can be used to take down enemies with ease. In this article, we've covered the best build for the Doppelganger character in Borderlands Pre Sequel.

First off, let's talk about the skill trees for the Doppelganger character. There are three skill trees to choose from: The Hero of This Story, Greater Good, and Free Enterprise. Each of these skill trees offers different abilities and bonuses, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your playstyle.

If you're looking for a build that focuses on damage output and survivability, then the Hero of This Story skill tree is the way to go. This skill tree offers abilities such as Jack's Cache which allows you to summon a chest full of weapons, and Best Foot Forward which increases your movement speed and gun damage.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more supportive role in your team, then the Greater Good skill tree is the one for you. This skill tree offers abilities such as Collaborate which allows you to share your shields and health with your teammates, and Commitment which increases your team's fire rate and reload speed.

Finally, if you're looking for a build that focuses on making money and looting, then the Free Enterprise skill tree is the one to choose. This skill tree offers abilities such as Absolute Advantage which increases your critical hit damage and Financial Planning which gives you bonus money for each kill.

No matter which skill tree you choose, there are a few key skills that we highly recommend investing in. These skills include Jack's Cache, Best Foot Forward, Collaborate, and Absolute Advantage. These skills will help you deal more damage, move faster, and support your team more effectively.

In addition to choosing the right skill tree and investing in key skills, it's also important to choose the right weapons and gear for your Doppelganger character. We recommend using weapons with high damage output and accuracy, such as sniper rifles and pistols. Additionally, you'll want to invest in gear that boosts your critical hit damage and shield capacity.

When it comes to playing the Doppelganger character in Borderlands Pre Sequel, it's all about finding the right balance between offense and defense. By investing in the right skills and gear, you can create a build that is both powerful and versatile. Whether you're playing solo or as part of a team, the Doppelganger character is sure to provide hours of fun and excitement.

We hope that you found this guide helpful in creating the best build for your Doppelganger character in Borderlands Pre Sequel. Remember to experiment with different skills and gear to find what works best for you. And most importantly, have fun!

Thank you for reading,

The Borderlands Pre Sequel Team

People Also Ask About Borderlands Pre Sequel Doppelganger Best Build

What is the Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel?

The Doppelganger is one of the playable characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel. His real name is Timothy Lawrence, a former Hyperion employee who underwent a surgical procedure to resemble Handsome Jack, the main antagonist of Borderlands 2.

What is the best build for Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel?

There are several builds that can work well for Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel, depending on your playstyle and preferences. However, here are some popular options:

1. The Chronicler

  • Focuses on maximizing the power of Digi-Jacks, the Doppelganger's action skill.
  • Skill tree: Greater Good
  • Recommended gear: Celestial Doppelganger class mod, weapons with high fire rate and accuracy

2. The Jack of All Trades

  • Offers a mix of offensive and defensive skills, allowing the Doppelganger to hold his own in combat.
  • Skill tree: The Hero of This Story
  • Recommended gear: Any class mod that boosts gun damage and critical hit damage, weapons with high damage and elemental effects

3. The Corporate Climber

  • Emphasizes survivability and crowd control, making the Doppelganger an effective support character.
  • Skill tree: The Greater Good and The Hero of This Story
  • Recommended gear: Adaptive Doppelganger class mod, weapons with high magazine size and reload speed

How do I unlock the Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel?

The Doppelganger is included in the Handsome Jackpot DLC, which can be purchased separately or as part of the Season Pass. Once you have access to the DLC, you can select him as a playable character from the character selection screen.

What are some tips for playing as the Doppelganger in Borderlands Pre-Sequel?

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when playing as the Doppelganger:

  1. Make good use of your Digi-Jacks, as they can distract enemies and deal significant damage.
  2. Invest in skills that boost gun damage and critical hit damage, as these will enhance your effectiveness in combat.
  3. Be mindful of your positioning, as the Doppelganger is relatively squishy compared to other characters.
  4. Experiment with different weapons and gear to find what works best for your playstyle.