The Top Solo Classes in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for Maximum Gameplay Dominance

The Top Solo Classes in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for Maximum Gameplay Dominance


Looking for the best solo class in Borderlands Pre-Sequel? Check out our guide for tips and tricks on which class to choose for maximum effectiveness!

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a game that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. With its amazing graphics, engaging storyline, and unique gameplay, it's no wonder why so many people are talking about it. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the ability to play as a solo character. While there are many different classes to choose from, some are better suited for solo play than others. In this article, we will take a look at the best solo class in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and explore why it's such a great choice.

The first class that comes to mind when thinking about solo play is the Nisha the Lawbringer. This class is known for its incredible accuracy and high damage output, making it a great choice for players who like to take down enemies quickly. With her ability to enter a showdown mode, where she can automatically target and kill enemies, Nisha is a force to be reckoned with. Additionally, her skill tree offers plenty of options for increasing her damage output, making her a great choice for players who want to take on tough enemies.

Another great choice for solo play is the Athena the Gladiator. This class is all about defense, making it perfect for players who like to stay alive while taking on enemies. With her shield abilities and ability to reflect damage back at enemies, Athena is a great choice for players who like to play defensively. Additionally, her skill tree offers plenty of options for increasing her survivability, making her a great choice for players who want to take on tougher enemies.

If you're looking for a more versatile class, the Jack the Doppelganger might be the right choice for you. This class is all about versatility, with the ability to summon clones of himself to distract enemies and deal damage. Additionally, his skill tree offers plenty of options for increasing his damage output and survivability, making him a great choice for players who want to take on any challenge that comes their way.

The Claptrap the Fragtrap is another great choice for solo play. This class is all about randomness, with the ability to summon different abilities at random times. While this might seem like a downside, it can actually be quite fun and make for some interesting gameplay. Additionally, his skill tree offers plenty of options for increasing his damage output and survivability, making him a great choice for players who want to try something new.

While these are all great choices for solo play, there are some classes that are better suited for group play. The Wilhelm the Enforcer is one such class. While he can certainly hold his own in solo play, his abilities are geared more towards supporting his teammates. This makes him a great choice for players who like to play cooperatively with others.

Another class that is better suited for group play is the Aurelia the Baroness. This class is all about support, with the ability to freeze enemies and provide bonuses to her teammates. While she can certainly hold her own in solo play, her abilities really shine when playing with others.

Ultimately, the best solo class in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will depend on your playstyle and preferences. However, if you're looking for a class that can deal high damage, stay alive, and offer plenty of versatility, Nisha the Lawbringer, Athena the Gladiator, Jack the Doppelganger, or Claptrap the Fragtrap are all great choices. Whether you prefer to go it alone or team up with friends, there's a class out there that will suit your needs.


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a popular first-person shooter game that features a variety of playable characters, each with their unique abilities and playstyles. Choosing the right character class can make all the difference in your experience playing solo. In this article, we will explore some of the best solo classes in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Jack the Doppelganger

Jack the Doppelganger is one of the most popular choices for solo play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. His ability to summon clones to fight alongside him makes him an excellent choice for players who want to focus on damage output. Jack's skill tree also includes abilities that improve his critical hit damage, gun damage, and reload speed, making him a versatile character for any playstyle.

Best Skill Trees for Jack

When playing as Jack, it's recommended to focus on the Greater Good and Free Enterprise skill trees, which offer numerous bonuses to damage output, weapon handling, and resource management. The Collaborate skill tree is also a great choice for those who prefer to play a more supportive role, as it allows players to grant bonuses to their allies' abilities.

Athena the Gladiator

Athena the Gladiator is another popular choice for solo play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Her defensive skills and melee attacks make her an excellent choice for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle. Athena's abilities allow her to absorb incoming damage and reflect it back at her enemies, making her a formidable opponent.

Best Skill Trees for Athena

When playing as Athena, it's recommended to focus on the Phalanx and Xiphos skill trees, which offer numerous bonuses to defense, melee damage, and mobility. The Ceraunic Storm skill tree is also a great choice for those who prefer to focus on elemental damage, as it offers bonuses to shock and fire damage.

Nisha the Lawbringer

Nisha the Lawbringer is a popular choice for solo play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel due to her ability to deal massive damage with her pistols. Her skills allow her to increase her accuracy and critical hit damage, making her a formidable opponent at range. Nisha's ultimate ability, Showdown, allows her to quickly take down groups of enemies with ease.

Best Skill Trees for Nisha

When playing as Nisha, it's recommended to focus on the Law & Order and Fan the Hammer skill trees, which offer numerous bonuses to pistol damage, critical hit damage, and survivability. The Riflewoman skill tree is also a great choice for those who prefer to use rifles, as it offers bonuses to sniper rifle damage and accuracy.

Claptrap the Fragtrap

Claptrap the Fragtrap is a unique character in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, as his abilities are randomized each time he uses them. While this may sound like a disadvantage, it actually makes Claptrap a versatile character who can adapt to any situation. His abilities range from summoning a mini-gun to healing allies, making him a great choice for those who want to mix things up.

Best Skill Trees for Claptrap

When playing as Claptrap, it's recommended to focus on the Boomtrap and I Love You Guys! skill trees, which offer numerous bonuses to explosive damage, gun damage, and healing. The Fragmented Fragtrap skill tree is also a great choice for those who want to focus on randomly generated abilities, as it allows players to customize which abilities they want to use.


Choosing the right character class can make all the difference when playing solo in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Jack the Doppelganger, Athena the Gladiator, Nisha the Lawbringer, and Claptrap the Fragtrap are all excellent choices for players who want to take on the game alone. Each character offers a unique set of abilities and playstyles, making them a great choice for any type of player.

Borderlands Pre Sequel is a game that promises an exciting and action-packed experience. The game offers a lot of different classes to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and weapons. However, playing the game solo can be a bit of a challenge. In this article, we will discuss the best solo class for Borderlands Pre Sequel and explore the pros and cons of playing solo.Pros and Cons of Playing Solo in Borderlands Pre SequelPlaying Borderlands Pre Sequel solo has its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, playing solo allows you to have complete control over your character's actions. You don't have to worry about coordinating with other players or dealing with any unnecessary distractions. Playing solo also allows you to take your time and explore the game at your own pace.However, playing solo can be quite challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the game's mechanics. Enemies can be tough, and the game's bosses can be even tougher. Additionally, playing solo means that you won't have anyone to revive you if you go down, so you will need to be extra careful and cautious.The Importance of Choosing the Right Class for Solo PlayChoosing the right class is essential when it comes to playing Borderlands Pre Sequel solo. Each class has its own unique set of abilities and weapons that can make a big difference in how you play the game. If you choose the wrong class, you may find yourself struggling to progress through the game.It is important to consider your playstyle when choosing a class. Do you prefer long-range combat or close-range combat? Are you looking for a versatile class that can adapt to any situation? These are all important questions to ask yourself before making a decision.Best Solo Class for Players Who Enjoy Long-Range CombatIf you enjoy long-range combat, then the best solo class for you is the Aurelia Baroness. This class is a master of sniping and can deal massive amounts of damage from a distance. The Baroness also has the ability to freeze enemies, making them easier to take down.Top Solo Class for Players Who Love Close-Range CombatIf you prefer close-range combat, then the best solo class for you is the Claptrap Fragtrap. This class is all about getting up close and personal with enemies and dealing massive amounts of damage. The Fragtrap also has the ability to turn into different forms, each with its own unique set of abilities.The Most Versatile Solo Class in Borderlands Pre SequelIf you are looking for a versatile class that can adapt to any situation, then the best solo class for you is the Jack Doppelganger. This class has the ability to summon holographic copies of itself, which can distract enemies and deal extra damage. The Doppelganger also has access to a wide range of weapons and abilities, making it a great all-around class.A Guide to Playing Solo with the Jack the Doppelganger ClassPlaying as the Jack Doppelganger can be a bit overwhelming at first, but with the right strategy, it can be a powerful solo class. One of the best strategies for playing as the Doppelganger is to focus on its holographic copies. These copies can be used to distract enemies, allowing you to deal extra damage and take down enemies more quickly.Another important strategy for playing as the Doppelganger is to use its abilities wisely. The class has access to a wide range of powerful abilities, but they can be quite expensive to use. Make sure to save your abilities for when you really need them, and don't waste them on weaker enemies.Why the Nisha Gunslinger Class is a Great Choice for Solo PlayThe Nisha Gunslinger is another great class for solo play. This class is all about dealing massive amounts of damage with its pistols and revolvers. The Gunslinger also has the ability to enter a mode called Showdown, which allows it to automatically aim and fire at enemies.Playing as the Gunslinger can be quite intense, but with the right strategy, it can be a lot of fun. One of the best strategies for playing as the Gunslinger is to focus on its pistols and revolvers. These weapons can deal massive amounts of damage, especially when used in conjunction with the Showdown ability.The Athena Gladiator Class: A Strong Contender for Solo PlayThe Athena Gladiator is another strong contender for solo play. This class is all about using its shield to block incoming attacks and deal damage. The Gladiator also has the ability to throw its shield, which can bounce off multiple enemies and deal massive amounts of damage.Playing as the Gladiator requires a bit of strategy, but it can be a lot of fun. One of the best strategies for playing as the Gladiator is to focus on its shield. Make sure to use your shield to block incoming attacks and to deal damage to enemies. Additionally, make sure to use your shield throw ability whenever possible, as it can be incredibly powerful.Tips for Solo Play with the Wilhelm Enforcer ClassThe Wilhelm Enforcer is a powerful class that is all about dealing massive amounts of damage. This class has access to a wide range of powerful weapons and abilities, making it a great choice for solo play. However, playing as the Enforcer requires a bit of strategy.One of the best strategies for playing as the Enforcer is to focus on its drones. The Enforcer has access to two different drones, each with its own unique set of abilities. Make sure to use your drones wisely, as they can distract enemies and deal extra damage.The Fragtrap Class: A Fun and Unique Solo Play ExperienceFinally, we have the Fragtrap class. This class is all about having fun and enjoying the game. The Fragtrap has access to a wide range of unique abilities, including the ability to randomly generate powerful effects.Playing as the Fragtrap can be a lot of fun, but it requires a bit of luck. The class's abilities are randomly generated, so you never know what you are going to get. However, if you enjoy a bit of chaos and unpredictability, then the Fragtrap is the perfect class for you.In conclusion, playing Borderlands Pre Sequel solo can be a lot of fun, but it requires the right class and strategy. The classes mentioned in this article are all great choices for solo play, each with its own unique set of abilities and weapons. So, choose your class wisely, and get ready for an exciting adventure through the Borderlands.

Best Solo Class in Borderlands Pre Sequel: Point of View


Borderlands Pre Sequel is a popular first-person shooter game that offers a wide range of classes to choose from. Each class has its unique abilities and characteristics that cater to different play styles. However, when it comes to playing solo, choosing the right class can make all the difference. In this article, we will discuss the best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel and its pros and cons.

Best Solo Class in Borderlands Pre Sequel

The best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel is undoubtedly the Nisha, the Lawbringer. Her ability to deal massive amounts of damage with her pistols, coupled with her aim assist skill, makes her an excellent choice for solo players. She also has the ability to mark enemies, which increases the damage they take, making it easier to take down tough opponents.

Pros of Playing as Nisha

  1. High Damage Output: Nisha's pistols deal significant amounts of damage, making it easier to take down enemies.
  2. Aim Assist: Nisha's aim assist skill makes it easier to hit targets, especially when playing on consoles.
  3. Enemy Marking: Nisha can mark enemies, increasing the damage they take, making it easier to take down tough opponents.
  4. Good Survivability: Nisha can regenerate health, making it easier to stay alive during battles.

Cons of Playing as Nisha

  1. Reliant on Pistols: Nisha's play style is heavily reliant on pistols, which may not suit everyone.
  2. No Crowd Control: Nisha's abilities do not provide any crowd control, making it harder to deal with groups of enemies.
  3. No Healing Skills: Nisha does not have any skills that directly heal her, making her reliant on health regeneration.

Table Comparison or Information about Borderlands Pre Sequel Classes

Class Play Style Pros Cons
1 Nisha DPS High damage output, aim assist, enemy marking, good survivability Reliant on pistols, no crowd control, no healing skills
2 Athena Tank High survivability, good crowd control, melee attacks Low damage output, slow movement speed, requires careful positioning
3 Wilhelm Pet Master Pet provides distraction, good support skills, versatile play style Low survivability, low damage output, requires micromanagement of pet
4 Claptrap Jack-of-all-Trades Randomized skills, good crowd control, versatile play style Unpredictable, can be frustrating to play, unreliable abilities


Choosing the right class is essential when playing Borderlands Pre Sequel solo. The Nisha, Lawbringer, is the best solo class due to her high damage output, aim assist, and survivability. However, each class has its pros and cons, so it's crucial to choose a class that fits your play style and preferences.

The Best Solo Class in Borderlands Pre Sequel

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel. We understand that choosing the right class can be daunting, especially if you're new to the game. However, we hope that our comprehensive guide has provided you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

After extensive research and experience playing the game, we have come to the conclusion that the best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel is the Nisha the Lawbringer. This class offers a combination of high damage output and survivability that is unmatched by other classes.

Nisha's primary skill, Showdown, allows her to enter a state of heightened awareness, increasing her accuracy and fire rate while also automatically targeting enemies. This skill is incredibly useful for taking down multiple enemies at once and can make short work of bosses and other difficult enemies.

In addition to Showdown, Nisha has several other skills that make her an excellent solo class. One of her skills, Riflewoman, increases her critical hit damage and chance, making her even deadlier with sniper rifles and other high-powered weapons. Another skill, Fan the Hammer, increases her fire rate and magazine size for pistols, making her a force to be reckoned with in close quarters combat.

Another great thing about Nisha is her survivability. Her skill, The Unforgiven, allows her to regenerate health whenever she scores a critical hit, which can be a lifesaver in tough situations. She also has skills that increase her shield capacity and regeneration, making her tougher to take down in combat.

Of course, this doesn't mean that other classes aren't viable for solo play. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. For example, if you prefer a more defensive playstyle, Athena the Gladiator might be a better fit for you. Her shield-based abilities and taunts can draw enemy fire away from you while also dealing damage.

Another option for solo play is Wilhelm the Enforcer. This class is particularly useful for players who enjoy using drones and other automated weapons. Wilhelm's primary skill, Wolf and Saint, summons two drones that can attack enemies and heal Wilhelm, respectively. He also has several other skills that increase his damage output and survivability.

Zer0 the Assassin is another popular choice for solo play. This class focuses on stealth and critical hits, making it a good option for players who enjoy sniping or using melee weapons. Zer0's primary skill, Deception, allows him to become invisible and deal massive damage to enemies.

Regardless of which class you choose, it's important to remember that Borderlands Pre Sequel is a co-op game at heart. While solo play can be fun and rewarding, the game is designed to be played with others. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, don't hesitate to reach out to other players for help or advice.

We hope that this article has been helpful in your quest to find the best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel. Remember, no matter which class you choose, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game!

Thank you for reading, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Best Solo Class Borderlands Pre Sequel

What is the best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel?

The best solo class in Borderlands Pre Sequel is the Nisha, the Lawbringer. With her ability to deal massive damage and take on multiple enemies at once, she is a force to be reckoned with. Her skill tree focuses on increasing gun damage, critical hit damage, and reload speed, making her a deadly marksman. Additionally, her Showdown ability allows her to quickly take out enemies while also regaining health.

Is Athena good for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel?

Athena, the Gladiator, is a great choice for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel. Her skill tree focuses on increasing shield capacity and regeneration, as well as melee damage. She also has the ability to reflect enemy bullets with her shield, making her a formidable opponent. Her ultimate ability, the Aspis, allows her to absorb enemy bullets and then unleash them back at her enemies, dealing massive damage.

Can Wilhelm solo Borderlands Pre Sequel?

Wilhelm, the Enforcer, is a viable option for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel. His skill tree focuses on increasing his survivability, shield capacity, and gun damage. He also has the ability to summon two drones that can provide additional firepower and support. His ultimate ability, Wolf and Saint, allows him to call in his drones for a powerful attack and healing.

What is the best skill tree for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel?

The best skill tree for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel depends on the individual player's playstyle. However, most players recommend investing in the middle tree for each character, as it generally provides the most balanced and versatile options. Additionally, it's important to focus on increasing survivability, gun damage, and critical hit damage.

Can Claptrap solo Borderlands Pre Sequel?

Claptrap, the Fragtrap, is a challenging option for solo play in Borderlands Pre Sequel. His skill tree is unique in that it randomly selects one of his abilities each time he levels up, making it difficult to plan out a specific strategy. However, some players have had success with investing in his Boomtrap tree, which focuses on increasing explosive damage and critical hit damage. His ultimate ability, Vaulthunter.exe, allows him to randomly select from a variety of powerful abilities, making him a wildcard in combat.