The Power of Patience: Why the Best is Always Saved for Last - A Guide to Achieving Success.

The Power of Patience: Why the Best is Always Saved for Last - A Guide to Achieving Success.


When it comes to saving the best for last, there's something truly satisfying about ending on a high note. Discover the power of anticipation.

As the saying goes, the best is saved for last. This phrase has been ingrained in our minds since childhood and has become a staple in our lives. It's a concept that can be applied to various aspects of our lives, including food, experiences, and even relationships. We often look forward to the best part of something, and when it finally arrives, we savor it and enjoy it to the fullest. In this article, we will explore why the best is saved for last and how it can benefit us in various ways.

First and foremost, when we save the best for last, it creates anticipation and excitement. Anticipation is a powerful emotion that can heighten our senses and make us feel more alive. When we know there is something amazing coming our way, we tend to prepare ourselves for it mentally and emotionally. This anticipation can also create a sense of urgency, making us appreciate the present moment even more.

Furthermore, saving the best for last can improve our overall experience. For example, if we are dining at a fancy restaurant, we might start with an appetizer, followed by the main course and end with a decadent dessert. By doing this, we allow our taste buds to fully appreciate each dish and savor the flavors. If we were to eat the dessert first, we might not enjoy the other courses as much because we would already be full or overwhelmed by the sweetness.

In addition, saving the best for last can help us prioritize our time and energy. We often have a long list of tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed, and it can be overwhelming to tackle them all at once. By prioritizing the most important tasks and completing them last, we can ensure that we give them the attention they deserve. This can also prevent burnout and help us stay motivated throughout the day.

Moreover, saving the best for last can be a source of motivation and inspiration. When we have a goal or dream that we want to achieve, we might encounter obstacles along the way. By reminding ourselves that the best is yet to come, we can stay motivated and push through the challenges. The thought of achieving something amazing in the end can also be a source of inspiration and help us stay focused on our goals.

On the other hand, there are times when saving the best for last might not be the best approach. For example, if we are dealing with a health issue, we should prioritize our health and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Delaying treatment or ignoring symptoms can lead to further complications down the line. Similarly, if we are dealing with a toxic relationship, we should prioritize our emotional well-being and end the relationship sooner rather than later.

In conclusion, the best is saved for last is a phrase that holds true in many aspects of our lives. It can create anticipation, improve our overall experience, prioritize our time and energy, and be a source of motivation and inspiration. However, there are times when saving the best for last might not be the best approach, and we should prioritize our well-being and seek help when necessary. By understanding the benefits and limitations of this concept, we can make informed decisions and live our lives to the fullest.

The Best is Saved for Last


There is an old saying that goes, “The best is saved for last.” This phrase is often used when referring to a special treat, a surprise ending, or the grand finale of a performance. It implies that the final part of something is the most significant or memorable. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this idiom, and how it can be applied in different aspects of our lives.

The Significance of Lasting Impressions

First impressions are undoubtedly essential, but lasting impressions are even more critical. The way we leave a room or end a conversation can have a lasting impact on others. The same is true for experiences, whether attending a concert, watching a movie, or reading a book. The best parts of these events are often saved for the end, leaving the audience with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It’s the last scene of a movie that people remember, the final song at a concert that leaves them humming for days.

Delayed Gratification

In today’s fast-paced world, instant gratification has become the norm. We want everything now, and we want it fast. However, sometimes waiting for something can make it more rewarding. Delayed gratification is the act of waiting for something you desire instead of taking the easy way out. When it comes to entertainment, waiting for the climax or the finale of a show can increase anticipation and make the experience more enjoyable.

The Value of Patience

Patience is a virtue, and it’s one that’s often overlooked in our society. We’ve become accustomed to instant gratification, and waiting for something has become a challenge. However, patience is essential in many aspects of life, and it’s especially important when it comes to achieving our goals. The best things in life often require time and effort. The journey to success may be long and arduous, but the reward at the end is worth it.

The Power of Expectation

Expectation can be a powerful motivator. When we anticipate something exciting or significant, we are more likely to put in the effort to make it happen. The same goes for entertainment. When we know that the best part of a show is coming, we become more engaged and invested in the experience. The anticipation of something great can make us feel more alive and energized than anything else.

Applying the Concept in Daily Life

The idea of “the best is saved for last” can be applied in many aspects of our lives. For example, when planning a vacation, save the most exciting activity for the last day. It will give you something to look forward to and make the trip more memorable. In your personal life, try to end conversations and interactions on a positive note. It will leave a lasting impression on others and improve your relationships.

Learning to Enjoy the Journey

While it’s essential to focus on the end goal, it’s also important to enjoy the journey. Life is a journey, not a destination, and it’s the experiences along the way that make it worthwhile. Don’t be so focused on the end result that you forget to enjoy the process. The best moments in life often happen when we least expect them, so be open to new experiences and opportunities.

The Role of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and fully engaged in what you’re doing. It’s a powerful tool that can help you appreciate the journey and savor the best parts of life. When you’re mindful, you’re less likely to rush through experiences or take them for granted. You’re more likely to notice the small details that make life special and meaningful.


In conclusion, “the best is saved for last” is a powerful concept that can be applied in many aspects of our lives. It reminds us to appreciate the journey, practice patience, and enjoy the anticipation of something great. Whether it’s waiting for the finale of a show or working towards a long-term goal, the idea that the best is yet to come can be a motivating force. By living in the present, savoring the best moments, and looking forward to what’s to come, we can live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Best is Saved for Last: The Power of a Memorable Ending

There is an old saying that goes, the best is saved for last. This saying has proven to be true time and time again, especially when it comes to storytelling. A great story can capture our attention from the beginning, but what truly makes it memorable is its ending.

The Excitement of Anticipation

The excitement of anticipation is what keeps us hooked on a story. We want to know what happens next, and we want to see how the story will end. This anticipation is what drives us to keep reading or watching until the very end.

One of the best examples of this is the Harry Potter series. Fans of the series eagerly anticipated the release of each new book, wanting to know what would happen next in the story of the boy wizard. The anticipation built up over the course of seven books, leading to a satisfying conclusion that left fans feeling fulfilled and satisfied.

Building up to a Satisfying Conclusion

A truly great story builds up to a satisfying conclusion. It's not enough to simply have an ending - it needs to be one that feels earned and justified. The journey needs to feel complete, with all loose ends tied up and all questions answered.

An example of this is the TV show Breaking Bad. The show followed the story of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin. The show built up to a thrilling climax, with the ultimate payoff of seeing Walter get his comeuppance. The ending was satisfying because it felt like an earned conclusion to the story.

The Payoff of Patience

Patience is a virtue, and it's especially true when it comes to storytelling. A great story takes time to build, and the payoff is often in the climax or ending.

One of the best examples of this is the movie The Shawshank Redemption. The movie follows the story of a man named Andy Dufresne, who is wrongfully convicted of murder and sent to prison. The movie takes its time building up to the ultimate payoff, which is Andy's escape from prison. The payoff is all the more satisfying because of the patience it took to get there.

The Power of a Memorable Ending

A memorable ending is what makes a story truly great. It's what stays with us long after we've finished reading or watching. A great ending can elevate an already good story to something truly extraordinary.

An example of this is the book To Kill a Mockingbird. The book follows the story of a young girl named Scout, growing up in the South during the 1930s. The book builds up to a powerful conclusion, with Scout learning the true nature of racism and injustice. The ending is memorable because it leaves a lasting impact on the reader.

The Perfect Finale to a Story

The perfect finale to a story is one that feels like it was always meant to be. It's an ending that feels inevitable, but also surprising and satisfying.

An example of this is the TV show Friends. The show followed the lives of six friends living in New York City. The show built up to a finale that felt like it was always meant to be - with Ross and Rachel finally getting together for good. The finale was surprising because it wasn't necessarily expected, but it was also satisfying because it felt like the perfect way to end the show.

The Climax of a Thrilling Journey

A great story is often a thrilling journey, with twists and turns along the way. The climax of the story is the ultimate payoff of that journey - the moment when everything comes together in a satisfying way.

An example of this is the movie Inception. The movie follows the story of a group of thieves who enter people's dreams to steal their secrets. The movie builds up to a thrilling climax, with the ultimate payoff of seeing whether or not the main character, Cobb, will be able to complete his mission. The climax is memorable because it's the ultimate payoff of a thrilling journey.

The Ultimate Surprise Twist

A great ending can also include a surprise twist that leaves the audience reeling. A twist ending can take a good story and make it great, by adding an unexpected element that changes everything.

An example of this is the book Gone Girl. The book follows the story of a man whose wife disappears and he becomes the prime suspect. The book builds up to a climax that includes a surprise twist that changes everything. The twist is what makes the book truly memorable, leaving readers shocked and amazed.

The Satisfaction of a Well-Earned Reward

A well-earned reward is one that feels like it was deserved. It's a payoff that feels justified and earned by the characters and the story itself.

An example of this is the movie Rocky. The movie follows the story of a down-on-his-luck boxer who gets a shot at the world heavyweight championship. The movie builds up to a climax that includes Rocky going the distance with the champion, ultimately losing but earning the respect of the boxing community. The climax is satisfying because it's a well-earned reward for Rocky's hard work and determination.

The Lasting Impact of a Strong Conclusion

A strong conclusion can leave a lasting impact on the audience. It's what makes a story memorable, and it's what keeps us coming back to that story time and time again.

An example of this is the book The Great Gatsby. The book follows the story of a man named Jay Gatsby, who throws extravagant parties in an attempt to win back the love of his life. The book builds up to a powerful conclusion, with Gatsby ultimately dying alone and unloved. The conclusion is powerful because it leaves a lasting impact on the reader, making them think about the nature of love, wealth, and happiness long after they've finished the book.

The Joy of a Triumphant Finale

A triumphant finale is one that leaves the audience feeling uplifted and inspired. It's an ending that feels like a victory, even if the characters didn't necessarily win in the traditional sense.

An example of this is the movie Dead Poets Society. The movie follows the story of a group of students at an all-boys prep school, and their English teacher who inspires them to embrace their creativity and individuality. The movie builds up to a climax that includes the teacher being fired and the students standing up for him. The finale is triumphant because it shows the power of inspiration and creativity, and leaves the audience feeling uplifted and inspired.


In conclusion, the best is truly saved for last when it comes to storytelling. The excitement of anticipation, the building up to a satisfying conclusion, the payoff of patience - these are all elements that make a great story memorable. A strong conclusion can leave a lasting impact on the audience, making them think about the story long after they've finished reading or watching. Whether it's a surprise twist, a triumphant finale, or a well-earned reward, a great ending is what takes a good story and makes it great.

The Best is Saved for Last: A Point of View


As the saying goes, the best is saved for last. This phrase has been used in various contexts, from entertainment to food. However, whether this statement holds true or not depends on an individual's perspective.

Pros of Saving the Best for Last

1. Anticipation - When we know that the best is yet to come, we tend to look forward to it with heightened excitement. The anticipation can make the final experience more enjoyable.2. Memorable - The final experience often leaves a lasting impression. By saving the best for last, we ensure that the memory of the experience lasts longer.3. Satisfaction - If the final experience is the best, it can leave us feeling satisfied and fulfilled.

Cons of Saving the Best for Last

1. Disappointment - If the final experience does not live up to our expectations, it can be a major letdown. This can ruin the entire experience, leaving us feeling disappointed.2. Time Constraints - Sometimes, saving the best for last can lead to time constraints and lead to rushing through the final experience. This can detract from the experience and affect our overall enjoyment.3. Unrealistic Expectations - By saving the best for last, we may create unrealistic expectations. This can lead to disappointment if the final experience does not meet these expectations.

Comparison Table

| Pros of Saving the Best for Last | Cons of Saving the Best for Last || --- | --- || Anticipation | Disappointment || Memorable | Time Constraints || Satisfaction | Unrealistic Expectations |


In conclusion, whether saving the best for last is the right approach or not is subjective. It depends on an individual's preferences and the situation at hand. While there are pros and cons to this approach, it is ultimately up to each person to decide what works best for them.

The Best is Saved for Last: A Final Message to Our Blog Visitors

As we come to the end of our journey together, we want to leave you with one final thought – the best is saved for last. Throughout this blog, we've explored a myriad of topics and shared our experiences with you. From the importance of self-care to tips for staying motivated, we've covered a lot of ground.

But as we reflect on everything we've written about, we realize that some of the most valuable lessons are the ones we've learned at the end of our journeys. We often find that the last leg of a journey is the most rewarding, as it's where we finally reach our destination and reap the rewards of our hard work and perseverance.

So, if you're feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, remember that the best is saved for last. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like you're not making progress. Trust that your efforts will pay off in the end.

One area where this rings especially true is in personal growth and development. It's easy to feel like you've hit a plateau or that you're not making any progress. But often, the breakthroughs and realizations that lead to the most significant growth come at the end of a long period of self-reflection and introspection.

It might take months or even years to get there, but the journey is worth it. And when you finally do make that breakthrough, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is indescribable.

Another area where the best is saved for last is in relationships. Whether it's a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member, the most meaningful connections often take time to develop. It's only after months or years of getting to know someone that we truly understand and appreciate who they are.

So, if you're feeling frustrated or discouraged in a relationship, remember that the best is saved for last. Keep putting in the effort and trust that your bond will only grow stronger with time.

Of course, there are also practical applications of this concept. For example, think about how you approach a big project at work. Often, we break it down into smaller tasks and tackle them one by one. But it's only when we've completed all of those tasks that we can step back and see the finished product. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with completing a big project is incredible, and it's something that wouldn't be possible without putting in the work and effort along the way.

Ultimately, what we want you to take away from this blog is that no matter what you're working towards – be it personal growth, a meaningful relationship, or a big project – the best is saved for last. It might take time, effort, and perseverance to get there, but trust us – it's worth it.

So, as we say goodbye, we encourage you to keep pushing forward. Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination, and that the best is yet to come. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

People Also Ask About the Best

What is the best is saved for last?

The phrase the best is saved for last means that the most important or impressive part of something is saved until the end.

  • This saying is often used in reference to food, where the best dish is served as the final course of a meal.
  • It can also be applied to presentations, where the most exciting information is revealed at the end to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Where did the saying come from?

The origin of this phrase is unclear, but it has been used in various forms in literature and popular culture for centuries.

  • It is commonly associated with the idea of delayed gratification, where the anticipation of the best part of something makes it even more enjoyable.
  • In some cultures, the phrase may be interpreted as a sign of respect, where the most important guests or events are given special treatment at the end of a gathering.

How can I apply this saying to my life?

The concept of saving the best for last can be applied to many areas of life, including work, relationships, and personal projects.

  1. In the workplace, you can prioritize your tasks and save the most important or challenging ones for the end of the day when your energy and focus are at their highest.
  2. In relationships, you can build anticipation by saving special gestures or surprises for important milestones or anniversaries.
  3. In personal projects, you can use this saying as motivation to push through difficult or tedious tasks in order to reach the satisfying conclusion.


The phrase the best is saved for last may be a cliché, but it holds true in many aspects of life. By focusing on the most important or impressive elements and saving them for the end, we can create memorable experiences and achieve greater satisfaction in our endeavors.