Mastering Monster Hunter Rise: Discover the Best Palico Type to Enhance Your Hunting Game

Mastering Monster Hunter Rise: Discover the Best Palico Type to Enhance Your Hunting Game


Discover the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise and unleash their full potential in battles. Find out which one suits your playstyle!

Monster Hunter Rise: Which Palico Type is the Best?

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest addition to the Monster Hunter franchise, and it has already taken the gaming world by storm. One of the most beloved features of the game is the Palico, a feline companion who fights alongside hunters in their quests. While there are many Palico types available in Monster Hunter Rise, players are always looking for the best one to have by their side. In this article, we will be discussing the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise and why it is the best.

The Gathering Palico Type

The Gathering Palico type is an excellent choice for players who want to focus on gathering materials and completing quests quickly. This type of Palico is equipped with the Plunderblade, a weapon that allows them to steal items from monsters during combat. Additionally, Gathering Palicos have a skill called Pilfer, which increases the number of items they can gather from the field. This makes them invaluable for players who want to build up their inventory quickly.

The Healing Palico Type

The Healing Palico is an essential type for players who are playing solo or don't have access to other players to help them during quests. This type of Palico is equipped with the Vigorwasp Spray, a healing item that can be used to heal both the player and their Palico. Additionally, Healing Palicos have a skill called True Health Horn, which can heal both the player and their allies in multiplayer games. This makes the Healing Palico a must-have for any player who wants to stay alive during quests.

The Fighting Palico Type

The Fighting Palico type is perfect for players who want to focus on combat and dealing damage to monsters. This type of Palico is equipped with the Meowlotov Cocktail, a powerful explosive that can deal significant damage to monsters. Additionally, Fighting Palicos have a skill called Critical Up, which increases their critical hit rate, making them more effective in combat. This makes the Fighting Palico an excellent choice for players who want a reliable combat partner by their side.

The Bombarding Palico Type

The Bombarding Palico type is perfect for players who want to focus on ranged combat and dealing damage from a distance. This type of Palico is equipped with the Barrel Bombay, a weapon that can launch bombs at enemies. Additionally, Bombarding Palicos have a skill called Piercing Boomerangs, which allows them to throw boomerangs that pierce through multiple enemies. This makes the Bombarding Palico an excellent choice for players who want to deal massive damage from afar.

The Shieldspire Palico Type

The Shieldspire Palico type is perfect for players who want a defensive companion to help them during quests. This type of Palico is equipped with the Shieldspire, a shield that can be used to block attacks from monsters. Additionally, Shieldspire Palicos have a skill called Guard, which increases their blocking capabilities and makes them even more effective at defending their hunter. This makes the Shieldspire Palico an excellent choice for players who want a reliable defensive partner by their side.

The Conclusion

Overall, there are many Palico types available in Monster Hunter Rise, but each one serves a specific purpose. The Gathering Palico is perfect for players who want to gather materials quickly, while the Healing Palico is essential for players who want to stay alive during quests. The Fighting Palico is ideal for players who want a reliable combat partner, and the Bombarding Palico is perfect for players who want to deal massive damage from afar. Finally, the Shieldspire Palico is an excellent choice for players who want a defensive companion to help them during quests. Ultimately, the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise depends on the player's playstyle and preferences.


Monster Hunter Rise is all about hunting monsters and doing so with a trusty companion. In the game, players have the option to choose between different types of Palicos that they can bring along on their hunts. Palicos are small cat-like creatures that can assist players in battles by attacking monsters, healing the player, and providing support through various skills. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best Palico types available in Monster Hunter Rise.

The Healing Palico

One of the most useful Palico types in Monster Hunter Rise is the Healing Palico. As the name suggests, this type of Palico is focused on keeping the player healthy during battles. They have skills that can heal the player, cure status ailments, and even revive the player if they get knocked out. The Healing Palico is an excellent choice for players who prefer to play it safe and avoid taking too much damage.


The Healing Palico has several skills that make them an excellent choice for players who want to stay alive during battles. Some of these skills include:- Health Horn: This skill allows the Palico to play a tune that heals the player and nearby allies.- Detox Horn: This skill allows the Palico to play a tune that cures status ailments.- Cheer Horn: This skill allows the Palico to play a tune that boosts the player's attack and defense.

The Fighting Palico

For players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle, the Fighting Palico is an excellent choice. This type of Palico is focused on dealing damage to monsters and can be a valuable asset in battles. They have skills that allow them to attack monsters, stun them, and even knock them down.


The Fighting Palico has several skills that make them a formidable ally in battles. Some of these skills include:- Boomerang: This skill allows the Palico to throw a boomerang at a monster, dealing damage and potentially stunning them.- Plunderblade: This skill allows the Palico to steal materials from monsters during battles.- Big Boomerang: This skill allows the Palico to throw a larger boomerang that deals more damage to monsters.

The Gathering Palico

For players who want to focus on gathering materials and resources, the Gathering Palico is the way to go. This type of Palico is focused on finding items during hunts and can be a valuable asset when trying to gather rare materials.


The Gathering Palico has several skills that make them an excellent choice for players who want to focus on gathering. Some of these skills include:- Gathering Whiskers: This skill allows the Palico to find hidden items during hunts.- Plunderblade: This skill allows the Palico to steal materials from monsters during battles.- Pilfer: This skill allows the Palico to steal items from monsters while they are distracted.

The Bombing Palico

For players who love explosions, the Bombing Palico is a great choice. This type of Palico is focused on using bombs to deal massive damage to monsters. They have skills that allow them to plant bombs, detonate them, and even set up traps that can immobilize monsters.


The Bombing Palico has several skills that make them a great choice for players who love explosions. Some of these skills include:- Explosive Roll: This skill allows the Palico to roll into a monster, planting a bomb that will explode after a short time.- Shock Tripper: This skill allows the Palico to set up a trap that will shock a monster, leaving them open to attacks.- Barrel Bombay: This skill allows the Palico to plant a barrel bomb that can be detonated at any time.

The Support Palico

Finally, we have the Support Palico. This type of Palico is focused on providing support to the player through various skills. They can heal the player, buff their attack and defense, and even distract monsters during battles.


The Support Palico has several skills that make them an excellent choice for players who want a little bit of everything. Some of these skills include:- Health Horn: This skill allows the Palico to play a tune that heals the player and nearby allies.- Cheer Horn: This skill allows the Palico to play a tune that boosts the player's attack and defense.- Shieldspire: This skill allows the Palico to distract monsters by taunting them, leaving the player free to attack.


In conclusion, there are several different types of Palicos available in Monster Hunter Rise, each with their own unique set of skills. Whether you prefer to play it safe with a Healing Palico or go all-out with a Bombing Palico, there is a Palico type that will suit your playstyle. Consider experimenting with different types of Palicos to find the one that works best for your hunting needs.
Introduction to the Palico in Monster Hunter RiseIn Monster Hunter Rise, the Palico is an essential part of your hunting team. These adorable feline companions are skilled fighters who will assist you in battles against the game's various monsters. They can deal damage, provide support, and even heal you during combat. With their unique abilities and customizable gear, Palicos have become a fan-favorite feature in the Monster Hunter series.The Role of Palicos in BattlesPalicos play a significant role in battles in Monster Hunter Rise. They can distract monsters, deal damage, and even provide healing support to you and your team. A well-trained Palico can make all the difference in a tough battle, especially when you're facing off against more challenging monsters.Understanding the Different Types of PalicosThere are three different types of Palicos in Monster Hunter Rise: Melee, Ranged, and Support. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to understand them to choose the best one for your hunting style.Melee Palicos specialize in close-range combat and can deal massive damage with their sharp claws and powerful weapons. Ranged Palicos, on the other hand, use bows and ranged weapons to attack from a distance, dealing damage while staying out of harm's way. Support Palicos are focused on helping you and your team by providing healing, buffs, and other helpful abilities.The Best Melee Palico TypesIf you prefer a more aggressive playstyle, a Melee Palico may be the best choice for you. There are three types of Melee Palicos: Fighter, Beast, and Bombardier.Fighter Palicos are excellent all-around fighters who excel in close-range combat. They have high attack power and can deal massive damage with their claws and weapons. Beast Palicos, on the other hand, are more specialized in taking down larger monsters. They have high defense and can use their weight to knock down monsters. Bombardier Palicos are unique in that they specialize in using explosives to deal massive damage. They can set traps and bombs that will explode when a monster steps on them, dealing massive damage.The Best Ranged Palico TypesIf you prefer to stay out of harm's way while dealing damage, a Ranged Palico may be the best choice for you. There are three types of Ranged Palicos: Bombardier, Piercing, and Boomerang.Bombardier Palicos, as mentioned earlier, specialize in using explosives to deal damage from a distance. Piercing Palicos use piercing weapons that can penetrate through a monster's thick hide, dealing massive damage. Boomerang Palicos, on the other hand, use boomerangs to attack from a distance. They can also use their boomerangs to stun monsters or even knock them out of the air.The Best Support Palico TypesSupport Palicos are essential for any hunting team, providing healing, buffs, and other helpful abilities. There are three types of Support Palicos: Healer, Assist, and Gathering.Healer Palicos are focused on keeping you and your team alive by providing healing support. They can use items and abilities to heal you and your teammates, allowing you to stay in the fight longer. Assist Palicos are focused on providing buffs to you and your team, such as increased attack power or defense. Gathering Palicos, on the other hand, are focused on gathering resources during hunts, such as herbs and berries.Palicos with Unique Skills and AbilitiesSome Palicos in Monster Hunter Rise have unique skills and abilities that make them stand out from the rest. For example, the Meowcano ability allows a Palico to summon a volcano that will deal massive damage to any monster caught in its blast. Other Palicos have abilities that allow them to ride on monsters, dealing damage while riding them. These unique abilities can be a game-changer in battles against tougher monsters.How to Train and Level Up Your PalicoTo make the most out of your Palico, you'll need to train and level them up. You can do this by completing quests and hunts with your Palico by your side. As they gain experience, they'll level up and learn new skills and abilities. You can also train your Palico at the Palico Ranch, where you can teach them new moves and abilities.The Importance of Palico Gear and EquipmentPalicos can equip various gear and equipment to improve their performance in battle. This includes weapons, armor, and even gadgets that can provide unique abilities. It's important to keep your Palico's gear up to date, as it can significantly impact their performance in battle. You can purchase gear for your Palico from the Palico Trader, or you can craft it using materials gathered during hunts.Choosing the Right Palico for Your Hunting StyleWhen choosing a Palico for your hunting team, it's essential to consider your playstyle and the type of monster you'll be facing. If you prefer close-range combat, a Melee Palico may be the best choice for you. If you prefer to attack from a distance, a Ranged Palico may be the best choice. And if you want support, a Support Palico will be your best bet. Ultimately, the best Palico for you will depend on your preferences and hunting style.ConclusionIn conclusion, Palicos are an essential part of any hunting team in Monster Hunter Rise. They can deal damage, provide support, and even heal you during combat. With their unique abilities and customizable gear, Palicos are a fun and exciting feature in the game. By understanding the different types of Palicos, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to train and equip them, you can create a powerful Palico that will assist you in battles against even the toughest monsters.

Monster Hunter Rise Best Palico Type

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on the information gathered from various sources, I can provide an objective and factual analysis regarding the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise.

Pros and Cons of Monster Hunter Rise Best Palico Type

After analyzing the different Palico types available in Monster Hunter Rise, here are the pros and cons of the best Palico type:Pros:
  • Supportive skills - The best Palico type has supportive skills that can aid players during hunts. These skills include healing abilities, trap setting, and status ailment removal.
  • Passive buffs - The best Palico type also grants passive buffs to players such as increased health, stamina, and attack damage.
  • Petting - Players can pet their Palico, which can increase their motivation and improve their performance during hunts.
  • Diverse equipment - Palicos have diverse equipment that can be customized according to player preference.
  • AI Limitations - Palicos are AI-controlled companions that have limitations in terms of decision-making and combat skills. They may not always perform optimally in certain situations.
  • Difficulty scaling - Palicos may struggle to keep up with the difficulty scaling of higher-ranked monsters. Players may need to rely more on their own combat skills during these hunts.

Table Comparison or Information about Palico Types

Here is a table comparison of the different Palico types available in Monster Hunter Rise:
Palico Type Description Supportive Skills Passive Buffs
Fighting Melee combat-focused Palico that excels in dealing damage and staggering monsters. Traps, Shockwave, Emergency Retreat Increased Attack Damage
Healing Support-focused Palico that specializes in healing and buffing allies. Health Horn, Detox Horn, Vase of Vitality Increased Health
Bombing Ranged combat-focused Palico that uses bombs and ranged attacks to deal damage. Barrel Bomb, Shock Trap, Poison Trap Increased Stamina
Gathering Utility-focused Palico that enhances gathering and resource collection. Pilfer, Plunderblade, Gathering Whistle Increased Luck
Assist Jack-of-all-trades Palico that can provide various supportive and offensive abilities. Flash Bombay, Go Fight Win, Big Boomerang Increased Defense
In conclusion, the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise is subjective and depends on player preference and playstyle. However, the Healing Palico type stands out as the most supportive and versatile companion due to its healing abilities and passive health buff. Nonetheless, players should experiment with different Palico types to find the best fit for their hunting needs.

Conclusion: The Best Palico Type in Monster Hunter Rise

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise. We hope that it has been informative and helpful in your quest to find the perfect furry companion to accompany you on your hunts.

As we have discussed, there are five different types of Palicoes that you can choose from in Monster Hunter Rise. Each type has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to consider these factors when selecting a Palico to join your team.

If you're looking for a Palico that can provide strong offensive support, the Fighting type is your best bet. With high attack power and access to powerful moves like the Boomerang and Shock Purr-ison, this Palico is a force to be reckoned with in battle.

However, if you prefer a more defensive approach, the Healing type may be more your style. This Palico has access to a variety of healing moves that can keep you and your teammates alive during even the toughest battles.

The Gathering type is perfect for those who want to focus on item collection and resource gathering. With abilities like Plunderblade and Pilfer, this Palico can help you gather rare materials and items that are essential for crafting and upgrading your gear.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a Palico that can provide strategic support during hunts, the Assist type is a great choice. With abilities like the Flash Bombay and Dung Bombay, this Palico can help you control the battlefield and keep dangerous monsters at bay.

Last but not least, we have the Bombing type. This Palico is all about explosive power, with access to moves like the Barrel Bombay and Mega Barrel Bombay. If you're looking to deal massive damage to your enemies, this is the Palico for you.

Ultimately, the best Palico type for you will depend on your personal playstyle and the types of hunts you prefer. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Monster Hunter, there's a Palico out there that's perfect for you.

So why not take some time to experiment with each type and see which one works best for you? With their adorable looks, charming personalities, and powerful abilities, you're sure to find a furry friend that you'll love to hunt with.

Thank you once again for reading this article, and we wish you the best of luck in your Monster Hunter Rise adventures!

People Also Ask About Monster Hunter Rise Best Palico Type

What is a Palico in Monster Hunter Rise?

A Palico is a feline companion that hunters can bring along with them on their quests in Monster Hunter Rise. They are highly skilled and can assist hunters in many ways, such as attacking monsters, healing the hunter, or providing support through various means.

What are the different types of Palico in Monster Hunter Rise?

There are four different types of Palico in Monster Hunter Rise:

  1. Fighting
  2. Healing
  3. Bombing
  4. Gathering

Which Palico type is the best in Monster Hunter Rise?

It ultimately depends on the player's playstyle and preferences. However, the Healing Palico type is generally considered to be the most useful for solo players, as it can heal the hunter and provide support during battles. The Fighting Palico type is great for players who want a more offensive approach, as they can deal damage to monsters and distract them from attacking the hunter.

Can I change my Palico's type in Monster Hunter Rise?

Yes, players can change their Palico's type by speaking to Felyne Chief Kogarashi in the Buddy Plaza. However, it is important to note that changing a Palico's type will reset their level to 1.

How do I level up my Palico in Monster Hunter Rise?

Palicoes can be leveled up by completing quests and hunts with them, as well as by using Palico-specific items such as the Vigorwasp Spray for Healing Palicos or the Barrel Bomb for Bombing Palicos.

Can I have more than one Palico in Monster Hunter Rise?

Yes, players can recruit up to two Palicoes to bring with them on quests in Monster Hunter Rise.