Elder Scrolls Legends Arena: Unleashing the Power of the Best Class for Dominating the Battlefield!

Elder Scrolls Legends Arena: Unleashing the Power of the Best Class for Dominating the Battlefield!


Discover the best arena class in Elder Scrolls Legends - dominate the competition with our expert tips and strategies.

Are you a fan of Elder Scrolls Legends and love playing in the Arena mode? As you may know, choosing the right class is crucial to your success in this game mode. In this article, we will explore the best arena class in Elder Scrolls Legends and provide you with some tips and tricks to help you dominate your opponents.

Firstly, let's talk about the attributes that make up each class. Agility is associated with speed and dexterity, Endurance with toughness and fortitude, Intelligence with magical ability, Strength with raw physical power, Willpower with resolve and discipline, and finally, Neutral which has no inherent strengths or weaknesses.

If you prefer a high-risk high-reward playstyle, then the Agility class may be the best option for you. The Agility class focuses on speed and precision, allowing you to quickly take down your opponents. However, this class lacks in strength and survivability, so you'll need to be careful with your plays.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more defensive and sturdy playstyle, then the Endurance class may be a better choice. This class is all about toughness and durability, making it ideal for players who want to outlast their opponents. However, this class can be slow-paced and lacks mobility.

If you're a fan of spellcasting and magic, then the Intelligence class is perfect for you. This class excels in using spells and other magical abilities to control the battlefield. However, this class can be weak in terms of physical strength and may struggle against aggressive opponents.

For players who prefer a more straightforward approach, the Strength class is a great option. This class is all about raw physical power, allowing you to overwhelm your opponents with brute force. However, this class lacks in versatility and can be easily countered by more strategic players.

The Willpower class is ideal for players who value discipline and control. This class is all about patience and careful planning, allowing you to outsmart your opponents with ease. However, this class can be difficult to master and requires a lot of practice to excel in.

Last but not least, the Neutral class is perfect for players who want to experiment with different playstyles and strategies. This class has no inherent strengths or weaknesses, making it a versatile and unpredictable option.

Now that we've explored the attributes of each class let's talk about some general tips and tricks that can help you succeed in the Arena mode. Firstly, it's essential to have a balanced deck with a good mix of creatures, spells, and items. Secondly, always keep track of your opponent's cards and make sure to anticipate their moves. Thirdly, try to prioritize cards that can generate card advantage, such as draw spells or cards that summon multiple creatures. Finally, don't be afraid to take risks and experiment with different strategies.

In conclusion, choosing the right class is crucial to your success in the Arena mode of Elder Scrolls Legends. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so make sure to choose one that fits your playstyle. Remember to keep a balanced deck, anticipate your opponent's moves, and prioritize cards that can generate card advantage. With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to dominating the Arena mode in Elder Scrolls Legends!


Elder Scrolls Legends has been a popular online collectible card game since its release in 2017. One of the game's most exciting features is the Arena mode, where players construct a deck from random cards and compete against other players for rewards. Choosing the right class is essential to winning in the Arena mode, as each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the best Arena class in the Elder Scrolls Legends.

The Best Arena Class

After analyzing the various classes available in the game, it is safe to say that the best arena class in the Elder Scrolls Legends is the Mage. The Mage class has a wide range of spells and actions, making it easier to deal with any situation that may arise in the Arena. The Mage class also has access to powerful legendary cards like Ancano and Ayrenn, which can turn the tide of any battle.

Strengths of the Mage Class

One of the significant strengths of the Mage class is their ability to control the board. Mages have access to spells that can deal damage to enemy creatures, silence them, or even freeze them. The Mage class also has access to many actions that can remove creatures from the board or reduce their power to manageable levels. This ability to control the board gives the Mage class an advantage over other classes that rely on brute force.

Weaknesses of the Mage Class

The Mage class's primary weakness is their reliance on spells and actions. While they are excellent at controlling the board, they lack the raw power of other classes like the Warrior or the Scout. The Mage class also has a limited number of creatures, which can be a disadvantage in longer games.

Building a Mage Arena Deck

Building a successful Arena deck with the Mage class requires a careful selection of cards. The deck should include a mix of creatures, spells, and actions that can deal with various situations. It is also essential to have a balance between low-cost cards and high-cost cards, as the Arena mode is all about resource management.

Creatures to Include in a Mage Deck

The Mage class has access to many powerful legendary creatures, but it is not always possible to get them in the Arena mode. Some of the best creatures to include in a Mage deck are ones that can survive on the board for more than one turn. Creatures like Breton Conjurer, Daggerfall Mage, and Twilight Werebat can provide long-term value and help control the board.

Spells to Include in a Mage Deck

Spells are the bread and butter of the Mage class, and it is essential to include a mix of offensive and defensive spells in the deck. Some of the best spells to include in a Mage deck are Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, and Piercing Javelin. These spells can deal with threats on the board and keep the enemy at bay.

Actions to Include in a Mage Deck

Actions are the secondary strength of the Mage class and can be used to manipulate the board or draw cards. Some of the best actions to include in a Mage deck are Cunning Ally, Dark Rebirth, and Fifth Legion Trainer. These actions can provide card advantage and make it easier to control the board.


In conclusion, the Mage class is the best Arena class in the Elder Scrolls Legends. They have a wide range of spells and actions that can control the board and deal with any situation. Building a successful Mage Arena deck requires a careful selection of cards that can provide long-term value and help control the board. With the right deck, the Mage class can dominate the Arena mode and earn valuable rewards.

Understanding the Arena mode in Elder Scrolls Legends

Elder Scrolls Legends is a strategy card game that provides players with a variety of modes to play. One of the most popular and challenging modes is the Arena mode. The Arena mode is a draft-based game mode where players build a deck by selecting cards from a random pool. The objective of the game is to win as many games as possible before losing three times. The Arena mode is unique because each player has the same opportunity to draft powerful cards, regardless of their collection size. This makes it a level playing field for both new and experienced players. However, drafting the right cards is crucial to your success in this game mode.

The importance of drafting in Arena mode

Drafting is the process of selecting cards to include in your deck. In the Arena mode, players are presented with a series of cards randomly generated from a pool of cards available in the game. Players need to choose one card from the selection and then pass it on to the next player. This process continues until all the cards have been drafted. Drafting is a key part of the Arena mode as it determines the strength of your deck. It is important to note that not all cards are created equal. Some cards are more powerful than others, and some cards work better in certain situations. Drafting the right cards is crucial to your success in the Arena mode.

Choosing the right class for Arena mode

One of the first decisions you need to make when starting an Arena run is choosing which class to play. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to choose a class that suits your playstyle. There are ten classes in Elder Scrolls Legends, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. These classes are Archer, Assassin, Battlemage, Crusader, Mage, Monk, Scout, Sorcerer, Spellsword, and Warrior.

Strengths and weaknesses of each class in Arena mode

Archer: The Archer class specializes in dealing damage from range. They have access to powerful archery cards that can take out enemy creatures from a distance. They also have access to lethal cards, which can destroy any creature regardless of its power. However, the Archer class lacks strong defensive options, making them vulnerable to aggressive decks. Assassin: The Assassin class focuses on dealing damage to the opponent's cards. They have access to cards that can silence enemy creatures, making them useless. They also have access to cards that can deal direct damage to the opponent's face. However, the Assassin class lacks strong board control options, making them vulnerable to decks with many creatures. Battlemage: The Battlemage class is a hybrid class that focuses on both spells and creatures. They have access to powerful spells that deal damage to enemy creatures and the opponent's face. They also have access to creatures with breakthrough, which allow them to deal damage to the opponent's face even if there are creatures in the way. However, the Battlemage class lacks strong defensive options, making them vulnerable to aggressive decks. Crusader: The Crusader class is an aggressive class that focuses on dealing damage to the opponent's face. They have access to cards that give their creatures charge, allowing them to attack immediately. They also have access to cards that buff their creatures, making them more dangerous. However, the Crusader class lacks strong board control options, making them vulnerable to decks with many creatures. Mage: The Mage class specializes in controlling the board. They have access to powerful spells that can deal damage to enemy creatures and the opponent's face. They also have access to cards that can freeze enemy creatures, making them unable to attack. However, the Mage class lacks strong creature options, making them vulnerable to decks with many creatures. Monk: The Monk class is a defensive class that focuses on healing and protecting their creatures. They have access to cards that can heal their creatures, making them more durable. They also have access to cards that can give their creatures ward, making them immune to the next damage they would take. However, the Monk class lacks strong offensive options, making them vulnerable to aggressive decks. Scout: The Scout class is a control class that focuses on ramping up their magicka and playing big creatures. They have access to cards that can generate extra magicka, allowing them to play bigger creatures earlier. They also have access to cards that can draw additional cards, giving them more options. However, the Scout class lacks strong early game options, making them vulnerable to aggressive decks. Sorcerer: The Sorcerer class specializes in summoning Daedra creatures. They have access to powerful Daedra cards that can quickly take over the board. They also have access to cards that can deal damage to multiple enemy creatures at once. However, the Sorcerer class lacks strong removal options, making them vulnerable to decks with big creatures. Spellsword: The Spellsword class is a hybrid class that focuses on both spells and creatures. They have access to powerful spells that can deal damage to enemy creatures and the opponent's face. They also have access to creatures with guard, which protect their other creatures from harm. However, the Spellsword class lacks strong card draw options, making them vulnerable to running out of steam. Warrior: The Warrior class is an aggressive class that focuses on dealing damage to the opponent's face. They have access to cards that give their creatures charge, allowing them to attack immediately. They also have access to cards that buff their creatures, making them more dangerous. However, the Warrior class lacks strong board control options, making them vulnerable to decks with many creatures.

How to build a successful deck in Arena mode

Building a successful Arena deck requires careful consideration of every card drafted. Here are some tips for building a successful deck in Arena mode: 1. Have a balanced curve: A good deck should have a balance of low-cost and high-cost cards. This will ensure that you can play something every turn and not fall behind on the board. 2. Include removal cards: Removal cards are crucial in Arena mode as they allow you to deal with your opponent's creatures. Include cards that can destroy enemy creatures or deal damage to them. 3. Include defensive cards: Defensive cards are important in Arena mode as they can protect your creatures from harm. Include cards that can give your creatures ward, guard, or regenerate health. 4. Have a win condition: A good deck should have a clear win condition. Include cards that can deal damage to the opponent's face or provide other win conditions, such as drawing extra cards or creating powerful creatures.

Best strategies for each class in Arena mode

Each class has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which require different strategies to be successful in the Arena mode. Here are some strategies for each class: Archer: The Archer class is best played as a midrange or control deck. Use your range advantage to pick off your opponent's creatures while building up your board. Save your lethal cards for big threats. Assassin: The Assassin class is best played as a tempo deck. Use your cards to control the board while dealing damage to the opponent's face. Use your silence cards to neutralize enemy creatures that are giving you trouble. Battlemage: The Battlemage class is best played as an aggressive deck. Use your early game creatures to establish board control and then finish off your opponent with spells and breakthrough creatures. Crusader: The Crusader class is best played as an aggressive deck. Use your charge creatures to deal damage to the opponent's face as quickly as possible. Use your buff cards to make your creatures more dangerous. Mage: The Mage class is best played as a control deck. Use your spells to control the board while building up a strong defense. Save your big spells for when they can have the most impact. Monk: The Monk class is best played as a defensive deck. Use your healing and ward cards to protect your creatures while building up a strong board. Use your removal cards to deal with your opponent's threats. Scout: The Scout class is best played as a ramp deck. Use your cards to generate extra magicka while playing big creatures. Use your guard creatures to protect your other creatures. Sorcerer: The Sorcerer class is best played as a midrange or control deck. Use your Daedra creatures to take over the board while using your removal spells to deal with your opponent's threats. Spellsword: The Spellsword class is best played as a midrange deck. Use your spells and creatures to control the board while building up a strong offense. Use your guard creatures to protect your other creatures. Warrior: The Warrior class is best played as an aggressive deck. Use your charge creatures to deal damage to the opponent's face as quickly as possible. Use your buff cards to make your creatures more dangerous.

Tips for playing against different classes in Arena mode

Each class has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which require different strategies to play against. Here are some tips for playing against each class: Archer: Play around their lethal cards by not overcommitting to the board. Assassin: Be aware of their silence cards and try to protect your key creatures. Battlemage: Be prepared for their aggressive start and try to control the board early. Crusader: Try to control the board and not let them get too much damage in early. Mage: Be prepared for their board clears and try to bait them into using them early. Monk: Try to pressure them early and not let them establish a strong board. Scout: Try to control the board early and not let them get too much value from their ramp cards. Sorcerer: Be prepared for their big Daedra creatures and try to control the board as much as possible. Spellsword: Try to control the board and not let them get too much value from their guard creatures. Warrior: Try to control the board and not let them get too much damage in early.

Common mistakes to avoid in Arena mode

There are several common mistakes that players make when playing in the Arena mode. Here are some mistakes to avoid: 1. Overcommitting to the board: It's important not to overcommit to the board, especially against classes with board clears. 2. Not considering curve: Having a balanced curve is crucial to success in the Arena mode. 3. Not drafting enough removal: Removal cards are crucial in the Arena mode and not drafting enough can put you at a disadvantage. 4. Not considering win conditions: A good deck should have a clear win condition, whether it's dealing damage to the opponent's face or playing big creatures.

The role of luck in Arena mode

Luck plays a significant role in the Arena mode. Drafting a good deck is important, but luck also determines which cards you will be offered. Winning in the Arena mode requires a combination of skill and luck.

Maximizing rewards in Arena mode

The rewards for playing in the Arena mode are based on how many wins you achieve before losing three times. The more wins you achieve, the better the rewards. Here are some tips for maximizing rewards: 1. Aim for seven wins: Achieving seven wins will provide you with the maximum rewards. 2. Complete quests in Arena mode: Completing quests in Arena mode will give you additional gold, making it easier to enter the Arena mode again. 3. Don't retire early: Retiring early will result in fewer rewards. It's better to play out your run and see how many wins you can achieve. In conclusion, the Arena mode in Elder Scrolls Legends is a challenging and rewarding game mode. Drafting the right cards, choosing the right class, and building a successful deck are crucial to your success in this mode. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class, you can develop effective strategies for playing against different opponents. Remember to avoid common mistakes and maximize rewards by aiming for seven wins.

Elder Scrolls Legends Best Arena Class

Point of View

As an avid player of Elder Scrolls Legends, I believe that the best arena class is the one that can adapt to any situation and has a good balance of offense and defense. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, but some stand out more than others.

Pros and Cons of Elder Scrolls Legends Best Arena Class



  • Good mix of offense and defense
  • Access to both Intelligence and Strength cards
  • Can deal with threats on the board and in hand


  • Relies heavily on early game to gain control of the board
  • Weakness to silence effects and creature removal spells



  • High damage output with access to Agility cards
  • Good at controlling the board with Lethal creatures
  • Can take advantage of opponent's mistakes with Prophecy cards


  • Low health creatures make them vulnerable to AoE spells
  • Relies on having a strong early game to maintain pressure
  • Struggles against decks with high toughness creatures



  • Strong control options with access to Intelligence cards
  • Can stall out games with Ice Storm and other AoE spells
  • Good at generating card advantage with actions and spells


  • Low health minions make them vulnerable to direct damage spells
  • Relies on having a strong late game to win
  • Struggles against decks with high toughness creatures



  • Access to both Agility and Endurance cards
  • Can generate card advantage with draw effects and ramp
  • Good at stabilizing the board with high toughness creatures


  • Relies on having a good early game to get ahead
  • Weakness to silence effects and creature removal spells

Table Comparison of Elder Scrolls Legends Best Arena Class

Class Pros Cons
Battlemage Good mix of offense and defense, access to Intelligence and Strength cards, can deal with threats on the board and in hand Relies heavily on early game to gain control of the board, weakness to silence effects and creature removal spells
Assassin High damage output with access to Agility cards, good at controlling the board with Lethal creatures, can take advantage of opponent's mistakes with Prophecy cards Low health creatures make them vulnerable to AoE spells, relies on having a strong early game to maintain pressure, struggles against decks with high toughness creatures
Mage Strong control options with access to Intelligence cards, can stall out games with Ice Storm and other AoE spells, good at generating card advantage with actions and spells Low health minions make them vulnerable to direct damage spells, relies on having a strong late game to win, struggles against decks with high toughness creatures
Scout Access to both Agility and Endurance cards, can generate card advantage with draw effects and ramp, good at stabilizing the board with high toughness creatures Relies on having a good early game to get ahead, weakness to silence effects and creature removal spells
In conclusion, each class in Elder Scrolls Legends has its own strengths and weaknesses in the arena. Battlemage, Assassin, Mage, and Scout all have unique playstyles and strategies that can lead to victory. It is important to choose a class that fits your playstyle and can adapt to any situation in the arena.

The Best Elder Scrolls Legends Arena Class: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best Elder Scrolls Legends arena class. We hope that it has been informative and helpful in your quest to become a better player. The arena mode in Elder Scrolls Legends can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can also be frustrating if you don't know which class to choose.

To recap, we have provided an in-depth analysis of each of the five classes available in the arena: Assassin, Battlemage, Mage, Scout, and Warrior. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one can make all the difference in your performance.

If you're looking for a class that is strong in both offense and defense, the Battlemage is a good choice. With access to both Strength and Intelligence cards, you can create a versatile deck that can handle any situation. The Mage, on the other hand, is a great option for players who prefer a more defensive playstyle. With access to lots of powerful spells and support cards, you can control the board and outlast your opponent.

For players who favor a more aggressive approach, the Assassin and Warrior classes are both viable options. The Assassin specializes in dealing damage quickly and efficiently, while the Warrior relies on brute force and high health creatures to overwhelm opponents.

Finally, the Scout class is a unique option that focuses on agility and mobility. With access to both Endurance and Agility cards, you can create a deck that is fast and nimble, able to quickly move creatures around the board and take advantage of weak spots in your opponent's defenses.

Regardless of which class you choose, there are some general tips that can help you succeed in the arena. First and foremost, always pay attention to your opponent's actions and adjust your strategy accordingly. Don't be afraid to make trades or sacrifice creatures if it means gaining an advantage in the long run.

Another important thing to keep in mind is card advantage. Try to use your cards as efficiently as possible, and don't waste them on unnecessary actions. Always be thinking several turns ahead and plan your moves accordingly.

Finally, don't be discouraged if you don't win every game. The arena can be a difficult mode, even for experienced players. Learn from your losses and try to identify areas where you can improve. With practice and persistence, you'll eventually become a master of the arena.

Once again, thank you for reading this guide on the best Elder Scrolls Legends arena class. We hope that it has been helpful and informative, and we wish you all the best in your future matches. May your cards always be in your favor!

People Also Ask About Elder Scrolls Legends Best Arena Class

What is arena in Elder Scrolls Legends?

Arena is a game mode in Elder Scrolls Legends where players build a deck of cards by selecting one card from a set of three until they have a full 30-card deck. Players then compete against other players with their constructed deck until they reach either seven wins or three losses.

What is the best class to play in arena?

There is no one best class to play in arena, as each class has its strengths and weaknesses. However, some classes have traditionally performed well in arena, such as:

  • Mage
  • Archer
  • Battlemage
  • Crusader

What makes a class good for arena?

A good class for arena has a variety of strong cards that can be drafted in a cohesive strategy. It should also have access to good removal options and ways to gain card advantage. Additionally, a good arena class should have a balanced curve of creatures at different mana costs.

Is it better to focus on one color in arena?

It's generally a good idea to focus on one or two colors in arena, as this allows you to draft more consistently and build a more powerful deck. However, it's important to remain flexible and draft cards that fit your overall strategy, even if they are outside of your chosen colors.

What are some tips for succeeding in arena?

Some tips for succeeding in arena include:

  1. Focus on building a strong curve of creatures at different mana costs.
  2. Value cards that offer card advantage, such as draw or removal options.
  3. Take advantage of the prophecy mechanic by drafting cards with prophecy and playing them at the right time.
  4. Be aware of the most powerful cards in the current arena meta and draft them when possible.