Discovering Handforth Parish Council's Funnies and Memorable Moments: A Collection of the Best! (SEO title)

Discovering Handforth Parish Council's Funnies and Memorable Moments: A Collection of the Best! (SEO title)


Discover the hilarious and chaotic meetings of Handforth Parish Council, featuring memorable characters like Jackie Weaver and Brian Tolver. Laugh out loud with the best moments!

The Handforth Parish Council meeting that took place on the 10th of December 2020 has gone viral across the internet, and for good reason. The video of the meeting has garnered millions of views and has become a source of entertainment for people all over the world. However, what many people might not know is that the Handforth Parish Council is more than just a viral video. In fact, it provides some of the best examples of local governance in the United Kingdom.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Handforth Parish Council is their commitment to transparency. Unlike many local councils, all of their meetings are open to the public, and they even record them for posterity. This means that anyone can see exactly how decisions are made and who is responsible for making them. It's a level of openness that is rarely seen in government at any level.

In addition to their transparency, the Handforth Parish Council is also known for their dedication to their community. They work tirelessly to improve the lives of the people who live in the area, and they take their responsibilities very seriously. Whether it's organising events or working with other local organisations to provide services, they are always looking for ways to make Handforth a better place to live.

Another strength of the Handforth Parish Council is their ability to work together. Despite their differences, the councillors all share a common goal of serving their community. They are able to put aside personal disagreements and come together to make decisions that benefit everyone. It's a rare example of cooperation in an era when political divisions seem to be growing wider and wider.

One of the things that makes the Handforth Parish Council so unique is their willingness to embrace technology. They were one of the first local councils to use social media to communicate with residents, and they continue to explore new ways to use technology to improve their services. It's a forward-thinking approach that has helped to make them one of the most effective local councils in the country.

Despite their many strengths, the Handforth Parish Council is not without its flaws. Like any organisation, they have made mistakes in the past, and there are certainly areas where they could improve. However, what sets them apart is their willingness to acknowledge their mistakes and work to rectify them. They are always looking for ways to learn and grow, which is an admirable quality in any organisation.

One of the key reasons why the Handforth Parish Council has been so successful is their commitment to listening to their residents. They take feedback seriously and use it to inform their decisions. This means that the people who live in Handforth have a real say in how their community is run. It's a level of engagement that is rare in local government, and it's something that should be celebrated.

Another strength of the Handforth Parish Council is their financial management. They are careful stewards of public funds and are always looking for ways to save money without compromising on the quality of their services. This has allowed them to invest in important projects that benefit the community, such as the recent refurbishment of the local park.

The Handforth Parish Council is also known for their commitment to the environment. They have implemented a number of initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability, such as installing solar panels on council buildings and encouraging residents to recycle. It's a forward-thinking approach that shows they are committed to protecting the planet for future generations.

Finally, what makes the Handforth Parish Council truly special is their sense of community. They are more than just a group of elected officials – they are a group of people who care deeply about the place they call home. They work together to make Handforth a better place to live, and they do it with passion, dedication, and a sense of humour that has captured the hearts of people all over the world.

In conclusion, the Handforth Parish Council is an example of what local governance should be. They are transparent, dedicated, cooperative, forward-thinking, and committed to making their community a better place to live. While they may have become famous for a viral video, it's important to remember that there is so much more to the Handforth Parish Council than meets the eye.

The Best of the Handforth Parish Council


Handforth Parish Council is a small local government authority that has become an internet sensation recently. The council meeting held on Zoom went viral due to its heated exchanges and hilarious moments. The video clip has been viewed millions of times, and it has created a buzz on social media platforms. However, the council is not all about drama and comedy. There are some good things happening in the council too. In this article, we will discuss the best of the Handforth Parish Council.

The Council Members

The Handforth Parish Council consists of a group of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to serve their community. They are elected by the people of Handforth and have a deep passion for making their town a better place. The council members are committed to improving the public services, infrastructure, and amenities in the area. They are always looking for new ways to enhance the quality of life for their constituents.

The Community Spirit

The Handforth Parish Council is known for its strong community spirit. The council organizes several events throughout the year, such as the annual Christmas lights switch-on, summer fairs, and charity runs. These events bring the community together and promote a sense of togetherness. The council also works closely with local organizations and charities to support their initiatives and help those in need.

The Council's Transparency and Accountability

The Handforth Parish Council is transparent and accountable to its constituents. The council meetings are open to the public, and the minutes are published online for everyone to see. The council also has a code of conduct that all members must adhere to, and any breach of the code is taken seriously. The councilors are responsive to the concerns of the community and take feedback seriously to improve their performance.

The Council's Environmental Efforts

The Handforth Parish Council is committed to protecting the environment and reducing the carbon footprint. The council has implemented several initiatives to reduce waste, such as recycling programs, composting facilities, and energy-efficient lighting. The council also encourages local businesses and residents to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their impact on the environment.

The Council's Efforts to Improve Infrastructure

The Handforth Parish Council has invested in improving the infrastructure of the town. The council has upgraded the roads, installed new streetlights, and repaired the footpaths. The council also works closely with the Cheshire East Council to improve the public transport system and make it more accessible for everyone.

The Council's Efforts to Promote Tourism

The Handforth Parish Council recognizes the value of tourism for the local economy. The council has developed several initiatives to promote tourism in the area, such as creating walking and cycling trails, promoting local attractions, and hosting events. These efforts have helped to attract tourists to Handforth and boost the local economy.

The Council's Efforts to Support Local Businesses

The Handforth Parish Council is committed to supporting local businesses. The council works closely with the Handforth Business Group to promote and support local businesses. The council also provides grants and financial support to help small businesses grow and thrive.

The Council's Efforts to Improve Public Services

The Handforth Parish Council is responsible for providing several public services, such as waste management, parks and recreation, and community centers. The council is committed to improving the quality of these services and making them more accessible to everyone. The council also works closely with the Cheshire East Council to ensure that the public services meet the needs of the community.

The Council's Commitment to Education

The Handforth Parish Council recognizes the importance of education for the future of the community. The council works closely with local schools and colleges to provide educational opportunities for everyone. The council provides financial support for students and helps to organize educational events and workshops.


The Handforth Parish Council may have gained notoriety for its viral Zoom meeting, but there is more to the council than meets the eye. The council members are dedicated to serving their community and making Handforth a better place to live. From promoting tourism to improving infrastructure, the council is committed to enhancing the quality of life for everyone in the community.

The Viral Zoom Meeting that Captivated the World

In February 2021, a Zoom meeting of the Handforth Parish Council in Cheshire, England, went viral on social media and captivated the world. The meeting, which was intended to discuss local issues, turned into a chaotic and hilarious display of bad behavior, shouting matches, and technical difficulties.

What started as a routine meeting quickly turned into a heated argument between the council's chairman, Brian Tolver, and vice-chairman, Aled Brewerton. When Jackie Weaver, the meeting clerk, attempted to take control of the situation, chaos ensued.

The meeting quickly became a sensation on social media, with the hashtag #HandforthParishCouncil trending worldwide on Twitter. People were amazed by the absurdity of the situation and the sheer entertainment value of the meeting. But beyond the humor, the meeting also highlighted some important lessons about proper meeting etiquette and parliamentary procedure.

The Rise of Jackie Weaver: Internet Sensation

One of the breakout stars of the Handforth Parish Council meeting was Jackie Weaver, the meeting clerk who attempted to restore order to the proceedings. Weaver quickly became an internet sensation, with people sharing memes and videos of her attempts to keep things under control.

But beyond her newfound fame, Weaver's performance at the meeting was a masterclass in how to handle difficult situations with poise and professionalism. Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and collected, always striving to maintain order and ensure that everyone had a chance to speak.

Weaver's rise to internet fame is a testament to the power of social media and the way that ordinary people can become overnight sensations. But it's also a reminder of the importance of competent and skilled professionals in all areas of public life.

The Handforth Parish Council Meeting: A Lesson in Proper Meeting Etiquette

The Handforth Parish Council meeting was a prime example of what can go wrong when proper meeting etiquette is not observed. From shouting matches to technical difficulties, the meeting was a perfect storm of bad behavior and poor planning.

But beyond the chaos, the meeting also highlighted some important lessons about how to conduct a meeting properly. For example, it's essential to have a clear agenda and to stick to it. All participants should be given a chance to speak, and everyone should be respectful of one another's opinions.

In addition, it's important to have competent and skilled professionals, such as Jackie Weaver, who can help to keep things on track and ensure that parliamentary procedure is followed correctly.

Memorable Quotes from the Handforth Parish Council Meeting

The Handforth Parish Council meeting was filled with memorable quotes and sound bites that quickly became internet memes and viral sensations. Here are just a few of the most memorable:

Read the standing orders! Read them and understand them!

This quote, delivered by Jackie Weaver, became an instant classic and was repeated countless times on social media. It's a reminder of the importance of understanding parliamentary procedure and following the rules of order.

You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver!

This quote, delivered by council chairman Brian Tolver, became a rallying cry for those who opposed Weaver's attempts to restore order to the meeting. It's a reminder of the importance of respecting the authority of those in positions of power.

I'm sorry, Chair, you're talking too fast.

This quote, delivered by councilor Susan Moore, was a perfect example of the technical difficulties that plagued the meeting. It's a reminder of the importance of ensuring that everyone can hear and understand what is being said.

The Importance of Proper Parliamentary Procedure in Local Governance

The Handforth Parish Council meeting highlighted the importance of proper parliamentary procedure in local governance. Parliamentary procedure is a set of rules and guidelines for conducting meetings and making decisions in a fair and transparent manner.

When parliamentary procedure is followed correctly, it ensures that all voices are heard and that decisions are made in a democratic and inclusive way. It also helps to prevent chaos and disorder, as everyone knows what is expected of them and how the meeting will be conducted.

Proper parliamentary procedure is essential for all levels of government, from local councils to national parliaments. It ensures that decisions are made fairly and transparently, and that everyone has a chance to have their say.

The Handforth Parish Council Meeting: A Case Study in Conflict Resolution

The Handforth Parish Council meeting was a perfect case study in conflict resolution. The meeting was filled with heated arguments and shouting matches, but Jackie Weaver's attempts to restore order helped to de-escalate the situation and bring everyone back to the table.

Conflict resolution is an essential skill for anyone involved in public life. In situations where tensions are high and emotions are running wild, it's important to remain calm and collected, and to work towards finding common ground.

The Handforth Parish Council meeting showed that even in the most chaotic of situations, it's possible to find a way forward. By working together and respecting one another's opinions, even the most difficult conflicts can be resolved.

How the Handforth Parish Council Meeting Became a Symbol of British Humour

The Handforth Parish Council meeting quickly became a symbol of British humour and wit. People around the world were amazed by the absurdity of the situation and the hilarious quotes and sound bites that emerged from the meeting.

British humour is famous for its dry wit, sarcasm, and ability to find humor in even the most difficult situations. The Handforth Parish Council meeting was a perfect example of this, as people found humor in the chaos and absurdity of the situation.

The meeting also highlighted the power of social media and the way that ordinary people can become overnight sensations. By sharing memes and videos of the meeting, people around the world were able to connect with one another and find humor in a difficult situation.

The Impact of the Handforth Parish Council Meeting on Local Politics

The Handforth Parish Council meeting had a significant impact on local politics in Cheshire and beyond. The meeting highlighted some of the challenges facing local councils, including the need for proper meeting etiquette and parliamentary procedure.

The meeting also showed the importance of skilled professionals, such as meeting clerks and parliamentary experts, who can help to keep meetings on track and ensure that decisions are made in a fair and transparent manner.

In addition, the meeting sparked a renewed interest in local politics and governance, as people around the world tuned in to watch the drama unfold. It's a reminder of the importance of local democracy and the role that ordinary citizens can play in shaping their communities.

Lessons Learned from the Handforth Parish Council Meeting

The Handforth Parish Council meeting highlighted some important lessons about proper meeting etiquette, parliamentary procedure, and conflict resolution. Here are just a few of the most important:

Always have a clear agenda and stick to it.

A clear agenda helps to ensure that everyone knows what will be discussed and how the meeting will be conducted.

Respect one another's opinions.

Everyone should be given a chance to speak, and all opinions should be heard and respected.

Be mindful of technical difficulties.

Ensure that everyone can hear and understand what is being said, and be prepared to address any technical issues that arise.

Stay calm and collected in difficult situations.

Even in the most chaotic of situations, it's important to remain calm and work towards finding common ground.

The Future of Local Governance: Insights from the Handforth Parish Council Meeting

The Handforth Parish Council meeting provides some valuable insights into the future of local governance. As more and more meetings move online, it's essential to ensure that proper meeting etiquette and parliamentary procedure are observed.

In addition, the meeting highlights the importance of skilled professionals who can help to keep meetings on track and ensure that decisions are made in a fair and transparent manner.

The Handforth Parish Council meeting also shows the power of social media in shaping public opinion and raising awareness about important issues. As more and more people turn to social media for news and information, it's essential to ensure that accurate and reliable information is available.

Overall, the Handforth Parish Council meeting provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of local governance and the challenges facing local councils around the world. By learning from the lessons of this meeting, we can work towards creating more effective and inclusive systems of governance that serve the needs of all citizens.

The Best of the Handforth Parish Council

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, I can present the facts and opinions regarding the Handforth Parish Council meeting that went viral on social media.

Pros and Cons

The Handforth Parish Council meeting gained popularity due to its unexpected turns and dramatic moments. While the incident was entertaining, it also highlighted both the pros and cons of local government meetings.Pros:- The meeting brought attention to the importance of local government and community involvement.- The meeting showcased the passion and dedication of some council members towards their community.- The meeting allowed for transparency and accountability in the decision-making process.Cons:- The meeting exposed the lack of professionalism and decorum among some council members.- The meeting highlighted the power dynamics and conflicts within the council.- The meeting resulted in the loss of trust in the council from some members of the community.

Table Comparison

Below is a table comparison of some keywords related to the Handforth Parish Council meeting:| Keywords | Definition || --- | --- || Handforth Parish Council | A local government body in Handforth, Cheshire, UK || Jackie Weaver | The clerk who chaired the meeting and became a viral sensation || Zoom meeting | The platform used for the virtual meeting || Local politics | The focus of the meeting and the decisions made by the council || Viral video | The footage of the meeting that gained popularity on social media |


The Handforth Parish Council meeting served as a reminder of the importance of local government and community involvement. While the meeting had its entertaining moments, it also exposed the flaws and challenges of small-scale politics. It is crucial for councils to prioritize professionalism, communication, and transparency to maintain trust and credibility within their community.

The Best of the Handforth Parish Council

Dear Visitors,

We hope that you have enjoyed reading our article about the best moments of the Handforth Parish Council. As you may know, the council became an instant viral sensation when a recording of their virtual meeting went viral earlier this year. The video has since been viewed millions of times, with people all over the world taking notice of the council's unique and colorful personalities.

Despite the initial chaos and confusion that ensued during the meeting, we believe that there were many positive takeaways from the incident. In this article, we have highlighted some of the best moments from the Handforth Parish Council meeting that showcase the humor, resilience, and community spirit of its members.

One of the most memorable moments from the meeting was when Jackie Weaver, the meeting clerk, took charge of the proceedings and calmly enforced the council's rules and procedures. Her confident and assertive demeanor won her many admirers and turned her into a social media icon overnight.

Another highlight was the passionate and heartfelt speeches given by several council members who spoke out against bullying, discrimination, and negativity in the community. Their words served as a reminder of the importance of kindness, inclusion, and respect in our daily lives.

Throughout the meeting, there were also many lighthearted and humorous moments that brought a smile to our faces. From Councillor Brewerton's cheeky jokes to Councillor Smith's hilarious facial expressions, the Handforth Parish Council meeting was a true rollercoaster of emotions.

But beyond the viral fame and entertainment value of the meeting, we believe that it also highlighted the vital role that local government plays in our communities. The Handforth Parish Council may be small and often overlooked, but its members are dedicated to serving their constituents and improving the lives of those around them.

As we look back on the best moments of the Handforth Parish Council, we are reminded of the power of community, humor, and resilience in the face of adversity. We hope that this article has given you a new perspective on the council and its members, and encouraged you to get involved in your own local government and make a difference in your community.

Thank you for reading our article, and we look forward to sharing more stories and insights with you in the future.


The Handforth Parish Council Blog Team

People Also Ask About Best of the Handforth Parish Council

What is the Handforth Parish Council Meeting?

The Handforth Parish Council Meeting was a virtual meeting that took place on December 10, 2020. It went viral after a video recording of the meeting was shared on social media platforms.

Who is Jackie Weaver?

Jackie Weaver is the Chief Officer of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC). She was invited to facilitate the Handforth Parish Council Meeting as the council's clerk was absent. She gained popularity for her calm and professional handling of the meeting's chaos.

What Happened at the Handforth Parish Council Meeting?

During the Handforth Parish Council Meeting, several members of the council engaged in heated arguments and personal attacks. Jackie Weaver attempted to maintain order and reminded the council of the rules and regulations. She eventually removed some council members from the meeting, but they refused to leave.

Why Did the Handforth Parish Council Meeting Go Viral?

The Handforth Parish Council Meeting went viral because of the chaotic and entertaining behavior of some of its members. The meeting also highlighted the importance of following proper procedures and protocols during official meetings.

What Lessons Can Be Learned from the Handforth Parish Council Meeting?

The Handforth Parish Council Meeting teaches us the following lessons:

  1. It is important to follow proper procedures and protocols during official meetings.
  2. Personal attacks and heated arguments should be avoided.
  3. A calm and professional demeanor can help diffuse tense situations.
  4. Virtual meetings can be just as chaotic as in-person meetings.