Discover the Best Friend of Wonder Woman with this Exciting Crossword Puzzle!

Discover the Best Friend of Wonder Woman with this Exciting Crossword Puzzle!


Looking for the best friend of Wonder Woman? Solve the crossword and discover who stands by her side through thick and thin!

Wonder Woman has been a beloved superhero since her creation in 1941. She has faced countless foes and challenges, but has always had her friends by her side to help her through the toughest times. One of her closest confidantes and allies is her best friend, a character who has been an essential part of the Wonder Woman mythos for decades. Who is this friend? None other than the Amazon warrior named Nubia.

At first glance, Nubia may seem like just another Amazon warrior, but she is so much more than that. She was created by the same sorcerer who made Diana, and was meant to be her equal in every way. But due to some nefarious scheming by the god of war, Ares, Nubia was kidnapped as a baby and raised to be his loyal servant. It wasn't until many years later that she learned the truth of her origins and was reunited with her sister, Wonder Woman.

Nubia is an incredibly powerful warrior, with strength and fighting skills that are on par with Diana's. But what sets her apart is her unique perspective on the world. As a Black woman, Nubia has faced discrimination and prejudice that Diana, as a white woman, has not. This gives her a different lens through which to view the world, and makes her an invaluable ally to Wonder Woman.

Throughout the years, Nubia has played many roles in the Wonder Woman comics. She has been a fierce warrior, a wise counselor, and a trusted friend. Her relationship with Diana has been a key part of her character development, and has helped both women grow and evolve over time.

One of the most interesting aspects of Nubia's character is her origin story. As previously mentioned, she was created to be Diana's equal, but was stolen away as a baby. This means that she grew up in a very different environment than Diana did, and had to overcome many obstacles to become the hero she is today.

Another fascinating aspect of Nubia's character is her connection to the gods. When she was first created, the god of war imbued her with his power, making her one of the most formidable warriors in all of Themyscira. But over time, she has developed her own relationship with the gods, and has even become a priestess of Aphrodite.

Nubia's presence in the Wonder Woman comics has been a testament to the importance of diversity and representation in media. As a Black woman, she brings a unique perspective to the world of superheroes, and has helped to broaden the scope of what is possible in these stories.

In conclusion, Nubia is an essential part of the Wonder Woman mythos, and a beloved character in her own right. Her strength, wisdom, and unique perspective make her an invaluable ally to Diana, and a fascinating character to read about. Whether she's fighting alongside Wonder Woman or leading her own adventures, Nubia is a hero in every sense of the word.


Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic and beloved superheroes of all time. The Amazonian princess has been a symbol of strength, courage, and justice since her introduction in 1941. Throughout her adventures, Wonder Woman has had many allies and friends, but perhaps none more important than her best friend, who is also a superhero in her own right – and that is the subject of this crossword puzzle!

Who is Wonder Woman's Best Friend?

Wonder Woman has had many friends over the years, but her closest companion is undoubtedly Etta Candy. Etta is a feisty and outspoken woman who first met Diana during her time at Holliday College. She quickly became a loyal friend and ally, fighting alongside Wonder Woman on numerous occasions.

The History of Etta Candy

Etta Candy was created by William Moulton Marston, the same man who created Wonder Woman. She first appeared in Sensation Comics #2 in 1942. Like Wonder Woman, Etta was intended to be a feminist icon – a woman who was strong, capable, and unafraid to speak her mind.

Etta's Personality and Abilities

Etta is known for her larger-than-life personality and sense of humor. She is always ready with a quip or a sarcastic remark, and she never backs down from a challenge. Despite her brash exterior, however, Etta is fiercely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect them.

In terms of abilities, Etta doesn't have any superpowers like Wonder Woman. However, she is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and is skilled in using a variety of weapons, including guns and knives.

Etta's Relationship with Steve Trevor

Etta and Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman's love interest, have a complicated relationship. On the one hand, they are good friends and have fought side-by-side on many occasions. On the other hand, Etta has a bit of a crush on Steve, which sometimes gets in the way of their friendship.

The Etta Candy Brigade

One of the most iconic aspects of Etta's character is her group of friends, known as the Etta Candy Brigade. The brigade is made up of a diverse group of women from all walks of life, including nurses, secretaries, and factory workers.

The brigade is known for its loyalty to Etta and its willingness to fight for what's right, even in the face of danger. They are a symbol of female empowerment and strength, and they have become an important part of Wonder Woman lore.

Etta in Other Media

Etta Candy has appeared in numerous adaptations of Wonder Woman over the years. Here are just a few:

Wonder Woman (TV Series, 1975-1979)

In the classic TV series starring Lynda Carter, Etta was played by actress Beatrice Colen. She was depicted as a plucky and loyal friend to both Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor.

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited (TV Series, 2001-2006)

Etta appeared in several episodes of the animated series Justice League and its sequel, Justice League Unlimited. She was voiced by actress Julianne Grossman.

Wonder Woman (Film, 2017)

In the recent Wonder Woman film starring Gal Gadot, Etta was played by British actress Lucy Davis. She was a scene-stealer in the film, providing comic relief and helping to ground the story in the real world.


Etta Candy is an important part of the Wonder Woman mythos. As Wonder Woman's best friend and ally, she represents female empowerment and strength, and she has become a beloved character in her own right. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the world of Wonder Woman, this crossword puzzle is a fun way to test your knowledge of one of DC Comics' most iconic heroes.

Introduction to Wonder Woman's Best Friend

Wonder Woman is an iconic superhero who has been saving the world for over seven decades. She has been a source of inspiration and empowerment for women around the world. Her strength, courage, and compassion have made her one of the most beloved superheroes of all time. However, behind every great superhero, there is a great friend who supports them through thick and thin. In the case of Wonder Woman, her best friend has been a significant part of her journey.

The Importance of Friendship in Superhero Stories

Friendship is an essential part of any superhero story. It helps to humanize the characters and makes them more relatable to the audience. It also provides an emotional depth to the story that goes beyond just saving the world. Superheroes often face challenges that are too difficult to overcome alone, and having a friend by their side can make all the difference. The role of friendship in superhero stories cannot be overstated, and it is no different in the case of Wonder Woman.

Who is Wonder Woman's Best Friend?

Wonder Woman's best friend is Etta Candy. Etta is a character who has been around since the early days of Wonder Woman comics. She was first introduced in Sensation Comics #2 in 1942. Etta is depicted as a plus-sized woman with a big heart and an even bigger personality. She is a loyal friend to Wonder Woman and has been by her side through some of her toughest battles.

Exploring the Relationship Between Wonder Woman and her Best Friend

The relationship between Wonder Woman and Etta Candy is a unique one. They come from vastly different backgrounds, but their shared experiences have brought them closer together. Etta is not a superhero, but she is just as brave and courageous as Wonder Woman. She provides a human perspective to the story and helps to ground Wonder Woman in reality.Their friendship is built on trust, respect, and a deep understanding of each other. They have been through a lot together, and their bond has only grown stronger over time. Etta provides a sense of humor and levity to the story, which is much needed in a world full of danger and chaos.

The Role of Friendship in Supporting Superheroes

Friendship plays a crucial role in supporting superheroes. It provides a support system that they can rely on when things get tough. Superheroes often face challenges that are too difficult to handle alone, and having a friend by their side can make all the difference. In the case of Wonder Woman, Etta Candy has been her rock throughout her journey.Etta provides emotional support to Wonder Woman, and her presence helps to keep her grounded. She reminds Wonder Woman that she is more than just a superhero and that it is okay to take a break and have some fun. Etta's friendship has helped Wonder Woman to become a better person and a better hero.

How Wonder Woman's Best Friend Enhances the Story

Wonder Woman's best friend, Etta Candy, enhances the story in several ways. She provides a human perspective to the story and adds depth to Wonder Woman's character. Her humor and wit provide a much-needed break from the action and help to lighten the mood.Etta also serves as a foil to Wonder Woman. While Wonder Woman is a larger-than-life superhero, Etta is an ordinary woman who has no superpowers. However, she is just as important to the story as Wonder Woman, and her friendship with Wonder Woman highlights the importance of everyday people in the fight for justice.

The Journey of Wonder Woman and her Best Friend

The journey of Wonder Woman and her best friend, Etta Candy, is a long and eventful one. They have been through some of the toughest battles together, and their friendship has only grown stronger over time. From fighting Nazis in World War II to battling monsters in the present day, they have always had each other's backs.Their journey has not been without its challenges, however. There have been times when they have been at odds with each other, but their friendship has always prevailed. Their journey is a testament to the power of friendship and the importance of having someone by your side, no matter what.

Analyzing the Dynamic Between Wonder Woman and her Best Friend

The dynamic between Wonder Woman and her best friend, Etta Candy, is an interesting one. While Wonder Woman is a superhero, Etta is not. She is an ordinary person who provides emotional support to Wonder Woman. This dynamic creates a balance in the story that is important for the audience to relate to.Etta also serves as a reminder to Wonder Woman that there is more to life than just being a superhero. She encourages Wonder Woman to take a break and enjoy life, which helps to humanize her character. The dynamic between Wonder Woman and Etta Candy is a unique one that adds depth and complexity to the story.

The Significance of Friendship in the World of Comics

Friendship is a significant theme in the world of comics. It is a reminder that superheroes are not infallible and that they need support, just like everyone else. The role of friendship in comic books is to provide emotional depth to the story and to create relatable characters.In the case of Wonder Woman, her friendship with Etta Candy is essential to the story. It provides a human perspective to the story and adds emotional depth to Wonder Woman's character. The significance of friendship in the world of comics cannot be overstated, and it is a theme that will continue to be explored in superhero stories.

Why Wonder Woman's Best Friend is a Fan Favorite

Wonder Woman's best friend, Etta Candy, is a fan favorite for several reasons. She is a relatable character who provides emotional support to Wonder Woman. Her humor and wit add levity to the story, which is much needed in a world full of danger and chaos.Etta is also a reminder that superheroes are not the only ones fighting for justice. Ordinary people can make a difference, and their friendship with superheroes highlights the importance of everyday people in the fight for justice. Wonder Woman's best friend, Etta Candy, is a fan favorite because she is a relatable character who adds depth and complexity to the story.


In conclusion, Wonder Woman's best friend, Etta Candy, is an essential part of her journey. Their friendship highlights the importance of having someone by your side, no matter what. It reminds us that superheroes are not infallible and that they need support, just like everyone else.The role of friendship in superhero stories cannot be overstated. It provides emotional depth to the story and makes the characters more relatable to the audience. Wonder Woman's relationship with Etta Candy is a unique one that adds depth and complexity to the story. Their journey together is a testament to the power of friendship and the importance of having someone to rely on when things get tough.

The Best Friend of Wonder Woman Crossword – A Point of View


As an avid crossword solver, I have come across various themes and topics, including superheroes and their sidekicks. One such theme that caught my attention was the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword. In this article, I will share my point of view on this theme and its pros and cons.

Pros of Best Friend of Wonder Woman Crossword

1. Unique Theme

The best friend of Wonder Woman crossword is a unique theme that can challenge even the most experienced crossword solvers. It requires a good understanding of the character and her relationships to fill in the blanks correctly.

2. Educational

Solving this crossword can be educational, especially for those who are not familiar with Wonder Woman's backstory. It can introduce them to the character's history and her relationships.

3. Fun and Engaging

Crossword puzzles are always fun and engaging, and this theme is no exception. It can be a great way to spend some leisure time while exercising your brain and improving your vocabulary.

Cons of Best Friend of Wonder Woman Crossword

1. Limited Audience

The best friend of Wonder Woman crossword may not appeal to everyone, especially those who are not interested in superhero-themed puzzles. This limits its audience and may not attract new crossword enthusiasts.

2. Difficulty Level

The level of difficulty of this theme may be too high for beginners, which can discourage them from attempting it. It may require some knowledge of Wonder Woman's comic book history, which not everyone may have.

3. Repetitive Answers

One downside of this theme is the repetitive nature of the answers. The crossword may have multiple clues that refer to the same character, which can make the puzzle less challenging and predictable.

Table Comparison of Best Friend of Wonder Woman Crossword

Below is a table comparing the pros and cons of the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword theme:

Pros Cons
Unique Theme Limited Audience
Educational Difficulty Level
Fun and Engaging Repetitive Answers


In conclusion, the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword is an interesting and challenging theme that can be both educational and fun. However, its limited audience and high difficulty level may be a drawback for some solvers. Regardless, it remains a unique addition to the world of crossword puzzles and a must-try for superhero enthusiasts.

The Best Friend of Wonder Woman: Solving the Crossword

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read about the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword puzzle. We hope that this article has provided you with some valuable insights, tips, and tricks to help you solve this exciting puzzle. We also hope that you had a fun and challenging experience while attempting to solve this puzzle.

If you are a fan of DC Comics or just enjoy solving crosswords, this puzzle is perfect for you. It features one of the most iconic superheroines in the world, Wonder Woman, and her best friend, who has been a loyal ally and confidant for many years. The puzzle is designed to test your knowledge of the DC universe and challenge your problem-solving skills.

As you may have realized when you attempted to solve the puzzle, there are many clues and answers that require a deep understanding of the DC universe. However, with a bit of research and some creative thinking, you can overcome any obstacle and complete the puzzle successfully.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when solving the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword puzzle is that it requires patience and persistence. Some of the clues may be tricky or misleading, and you may need to try different approaches before finding the right answer. Don't give up, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck.

Another useful tip is to take advantage of the clues that provide context or additional information. For example, if a clue asks for the name of a character who is known for wearing a green lantern ring, you can infer that the answer is likely to be one of the members of the Green Lantern Corps. Similarly, if a clue mentions a specific event or storyline from the DC universe, you can use that information to narrow down the possible answers.

When solving the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword puzzle, it's also essential to pay attention to the structure and patterns of the puzzle. Look for common prefixes, suffixes, or root words that may appear in multiple clues. This can help you make educated guesses and fill in the puzzle more quickly.

Finally, we want to stress the importance of having fun while solving the best friend of Wonder Woman crossword puzzle. This puzzle is designed to challenge your skills and knowledge, but it's also meant to be an enjoyable experience. Take your time, enjoy the process, and celebrate when you successfully complete the puzzle!

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative, and that you have learned something new about the DC universe and the world of crosswords. We would also like to thank you for visiting our blog and encourage you to come back for more exciting content in the future.

Until then, keep solving those puzzles, and may the power of Wonder Woman guide you on your journey!

People Also Ask About Best Friend of Wonder Woman Crossword

Who is Wonder Woman's best friend?

Wonder Woman's best friend is Etta Candy. She is a fictional character in DC Comics, created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter. Etta is known for her humorous and kind personality, as well as her loyalty to Wonder Woman.

What is Etta Candy's role in Wonder Woman's life?

Etta Candy is not only Wonder Woman's best friend but also her confidant and ally. She has been depicted as a military intelligence officer or a government agent, depending on the comic book series. Etta helps Wonder Woman with her missions and provides emotional support when needed.

How was Etta Candy introduced in the Wonder Woman comics?

Etta Candy made her first appearance in Sensation Comics #2 in 1942. She was originally portrayed as a plump, cheerful college student who befriends Wonder Woman and becomes a member of her team, the Holliday Girls. Over the years, her appearance and personality have evolved, but her loyalty to Wonder Woman has remained constant.

Has Etta Candy appeared in Wonder Woman adaptations outside of the comics?

Yes, Etta Candy has been featured in various Wonder Woman adaptations, including TV shows, movies, and video games. Some notable portrayals include Lucy Davis in the 2017 film Wonder Woman and the animated series Justice League Unlimited.

What other characters are close to Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman has several close allies in the DC Comics universe, including Steve Trevor, her love interest and fellow member of the Justice League; Hippolyta, her mother and queen of the Amazons; and Donna Troy, her adoptive sister and fellow Amazon warrior.

  • Etta Candy is Wonder Woman's best friend.
  • Etta plays a supportive role in Wonder Woman's life, providing both emotional and tactical assistance.
  • Etta Candy was introduced in Sensation Comics #2 in 1942 as a plump, cheerful college student.
  • Etta Candy has appeared in various Wonder Woman adaptations, including movies and TV shows.
  • Other characters close to Wonder Woman include Steve Trevor, Hippolyta, and Donna Troy.