5 Effective Tips for Boosting Your Productivity at Work- Which One Will You Try First?

5 Effective Tips for Boosting Your Productivity at Work- Which One Will You Try First?


Which sentence best completes this conclusion? Discover the answer and learn how to craft strong conclusions for your writing.

Which sentence best completes this conclusion? This question may arise in the mind of every reader after going through an article. The conclusion is the final verdict or summary of the entire article, and it should be written in such a way that it sticks with the reader's mind for a long time. To make the conclusion impactful, writers need to use attention-grabbing sentences that can keep the reader engaged until the end. In this article, we will discuss the importance of writing an effective conclusion and explore some techniques to craft compelling conclusions that leave a lasting impression on readers. Whether you are writing an academic paper, a blog post, or anything else, the conclusion is a crucial part that can make or break your piece. So, let's dive in and learn how to write a conclusion that resonates with the reader.

The Importance of a Strong Conclusion

When it comes to writing, the conclusion is often overlooked and seen as just a way to wrap up an essay or article. However, a strong conclusion can actually make or break the entire piece of writing. It's the last thing the reader will read and can leave a lasting impression. But which sentence best completes this conclusion without a title? Let's dive in and explore some options.

Sentence Option 1: In conclusion...

This is perhaps the most common phrase used to signal the end of an essay or article. While it may seem like a safe bet, it doesn't necessarily add anything new to the piece. It's a bit cliché and can come across as lazy. The reader already knows that the piece is concluding, so using this phrase doesn't add any value to the conclusion.

Sentence Option 2: Ultimately...

This option is a bit stronger than the previous one. Ultimately implies that everything that was discussed in the piece has led up to this final point. It also suggests that the writer has reached a final decision or conclusion. However, it still doesn't offer any new insights or ideas.

Sentence Option 3: As a result...

This option is a bit more specific and offers a clear connection between the body of the piece and the conclusion. As a result suggests that the writer has presented evidence or arguments that have led to a particular outcome or conclusion. It adds a sense of finality and closure to the piece.

Sentence Option 4: In summary...

This option is similar to in conclusion but offers a slightly different approach. In summary suggests that the writer is going to briefly recap the main points or arguments that were presented in the piece. This can be helpful for readers who may have missed something or need a quick refresher. However, it doesn't necessarily offer any new insights or ideas.

Sentence Option 5: In short...

This option is similar to in summary but offers a more concise approach. In short suggests that the writer is going to quickly and succinctly summarize the main points or arguments. This can be effective if the piece was particularly long or complex. However, it doesn't offer any new insights or ideas.

Sentence Option 6: To conclude...

This option is similar to in conclusion but offers a slightly different phrasing. To conclude suggests that the writer is going to wrap up the piece with a final statement or idea. It can be effective if the writer has a strong closing argument or point to make. However, like many of the previous options, it doesn't necessarily offer any new insights or ideas.

Sentence Option 7: Moving forward...

This option takes a slightly different approach than the others. Moving forward suggests that the writer is looking towards the future and considering the implications of what was discussed in the piece. It can be effective if the piece is focused on a particular issue or topic that has ongoing relevance. However, it may not be appropriate for all pieces.

Sentence Option 8: In retrospect...

This option is similar to moving forward but takes a slightly different approach. In retrospect suggests that the writer is looking back on what was discussed in the piece and considering what could have been done differently or what lessons were learned. It can be effective if the piece is focused on a particular event or experience. However, like moving forward, it may not be appropriate for all pieces.

Sentence Option 9: In conclusion, it's clear that...

This option takes a more direct approach than some of the previous options. It's clear that suggests that the writer is going to make a definitive statement or conclusion based on what was discussed in the piece. It can be effective if the writer has presented a strong argument or set of ideas. However, it may come across as a bit too forceful or didactic.

Sentence Option 10: It's time to wrap things up...

This option takes a more informal approach than the others. It's time to wrap things up suggests that the writer is acknowledging that the piece is coming to an end and is using a more conversational tone. It can be effective if the piece is written in a more casual style. However, it may not be appropriate for more formal pieces.


So, which sentence best completes this conclusion without a title? Ultimately, it depends on the piece of writing and the writer's goals. Each option offers a slightly different approach and tone. The key is to choose a sentence that adds value to the piece and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Whether it's summarizing the main points, making a final statement, or looking towards the future, the conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing.

Understanding the Importance of Context in Communication

Effective communication is an essential aspect of building meaningful relationships, conveying ideas and thoughts, and achieving success in various aspects of life. However, communication is not always straightforward, and it often requires context to be fully understood. Without context, messages can be misinterpreted, and misunderstandings can occur, leading to conflicts, confusion, and frustration.

Context refers to the information surrounding a message that helps to give meaning and relevance to the words being communicated. It includes the situation, the people involved, the location, the time, the tone, the culture, and other factors that may influence the interpretation of the message. Therefore, context plays a critical role in effective communication, and it is essential to consider it when sending or receiving messages.

The Importance of Providing Context

When communicating with others, it is important to provide sufficient context to ensure that the message is accurately received and understood. This means that one should provide information about the situation, the purpose of the message, the audience, and any other relevant details that may affect the interpretation of the message.

For example, if someone asks for directions to a particular place, providing the name of the place alone may not be sufficient. The person giving the direction may need to provide additional information such as landmarks, street names, or the nearest bus stop to ensure that the person asking for directions gets to the desired destination. Similarly, in a workplace setting, providing context is crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the expectations and goals of the project.

When providing context, it is important to use clear and concise language and to avoid assumptions. One should also consider the cultural background, language proficiency, and other factors that may affect how the message is received. For instance, using technical jargon may not be appropriate when communicating with someone who is not familiar with the terminology.

The Consequences of Miscommunication Due to Lack of Context

When context is not provided, miscommunication can occur, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and other negative consequences. For example, a person may receive a message that they perceive as rude or offensive due to the lack of context. Without understanding the situation or the tone, the person may take offense to the message, leading to an argument or a breakdown in the relationship.

In a professional setting, miscommunication due to a lack of context can lead to delays, errors, and decreased productivity. For instance, a project manager may provide instructions that are vague or unclear, leading to confusion among team members. This can result in errors, missed deadlines, and additional costs, ultimately affecting the success of the project.

The Role of Context in Understanding Complex Issues

Context is particularly important when dealing with complex issues that require a deep understanding of the background, history, and culture surrounding the issue. Without context, it may be challenging to grasp the full implications of the issue and to come up with effective solutions.

For example, when discussing a sensitive topic such as racism, it is essential to consider the historical and cultural factors that have contributed to the issue. Without this context, it may be difficult to fully understand the impact of racism on individuals and societies and to develop effective strategies to address the issue.

The Limitations of Context

While context is crucial to effective communication, it is important to note that it is not always sufficient to convey the intended message. There may be times when additional information or clarification is necessary to ensure that the message is accurately received and understood.

For instance, if someone is giving instructions for a complex task, providing context alone may not be sufficient. The person giving the instructions may need to demonstrate the steps involved or provide visual aids to ensure that the task is completed successfully.

The Importance of Asking for More Information

When communicating with others, it is important to recognize when context is missing or insufficient and to ask for more information if necessary. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that the message is accurately received and understood.

For example, if someone receives a message that they do not fully understand, they can ask for clarification or additional information to ensure that they have the correct interpretation of the message. Similarly, if someone is giving instructions and realizes that they have not provided sufficient context, they can ask if there are any questions or if additional information is needed.


In conclusion, context is a critical aspect of effective communication, and it plays a significant role in ensuring that messages are accurately received and understood. Without context, messages can be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and other negative consequences. Therefore, it is essential to provide context when communicating with others and to recognize when additional information or clarification is necessary. By doing so, we can build stronger relationships, convey our ideas and thoughts more effectively, and achieve success in various aspects of life.

However, there may be times when even with context, an accurate response cannot be provided without the initial sentence or additional information. In such cases, it is important to apologize and ask for more information to ensure that the message is accurately received and understood.

Which Sentence Best Completes This Conclusion?

Point of View

When it comes to completing a conclusion, the sentence that best fits can depend on the overall message and tone of the piece. Ultimately, the goal is to leave readers with a clear understanding of the main points and why they matter.

Pros and Cons

There are several pros and cons to consider when choosing which sentence best completes a conclusion. On the one hand, a strong concluding sentence can leave a lasting impression on readers and help reinforce the main message. It can also provide a sense of closure and signal that the piece is coming to an end. However, if the concluding sentence is too abrupt or doesn't flow well with the rest of the piece, it can leave readers feeling confused or unsatisfied.

Table Comparison

When deciding which sentence to use in a conclusion, it can be helpful to compare different options side by side. Here is an example of a table comparison:| Option | Pros | Cons ||--------|------|------|| Sentence A | Restates main points clearly | Feels predictable or cliché || Sentence B | Leaves readers with a call to action | Can be too forceful or pushy || Sentence C | Provides a memorable quote or anecdote | Might not tie in as well with the rest of the piece |Ultimately, the best sentence to complete a conclusion will depend on the specific piece and what message the author wants to leave readers with. By considering the pros and cons of different options, authors can make an informed decision that helps their writing shine.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this article. We hope that you have found it informative and engaging. As you can see, each paragraph was carefully crafted to provide you with valuable insights on the topic at hand. From discussing the importance of transition words to ensuring that each paragraph contains a minimum of 300 words, we have covered a lot of ground.In conclusion, the sentence that best sums up the essence of this article is: By following these guidelines, you can create well-structured and cohesive content that will capture your readers' attention and keep them engaged. Remember, a well-written article not only conveys information effectively but also makes for an enjoyable reading experience.So, whether you are writing for a blog or any other platform, always keep in mind the importance of using transition words, structuring your paragraphs correctly, and aiming for a minimum word count. Doing so will help you become a better writer and communicate your ideas more effectively. Thank you once again for reading, and we hope that you implement these tips in your future writing endeavors.

People Also Ask: Which Sentence Best Completes This Conclusion?


When writing an essay or article, it is important to have a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. However, sometimes it can be difficult to determine which sentence best completes the conclusion. This is where the people also ask feature comes in handy, as it provides insight into common questions and concerns related to this topic.

What is the People Also Ask Feature?

The people also ask feature is a tool used by search engines like Google to provide users with additional questions and answers related to their initial search query. These questions are generated based on common search patterns and user behavior, and are designed to help users find more relevant and useful information.

Examples of People Also Ask Questions:

  1. What makes a good conclusion?
  2. How do you write a strong conclusion?
  3. What are some common mistakes to avoid in a conclusion?
  4. What are some effective strategies for concluding an essay?

Which Sentence Best Completes This Conclusion?

Ultimately, the sentence that best completes a conclusion depends on the specific context and purpose of the piece of writing. Some effective strategies for concluding an essay include summarizing the main points, making a call to action, or providing a thought-provoking statement. It is important to consider the intended audience and tone of the writing when selecting the final sentence of a conclusion.


The people also ask feature can be a valuable resource for writers looking to improve their conclusions. By understanding common questions and concerns related to this topic, writers can tailor their conclusions to better resonate with their audience and leave a lasting impression.